So because of all the pokemon, I'm having a little bit of a hard time deciding my team for Pokemon X during the story. I've decided on Greninja, Charizard, Sylveon, and Tyrantrum, but what do you guys think I should do for the last 2? I debated trying to find a riolu, but that might take some time, although having a steel/fighting might not be bad...why did they make it so hard this time around? Now that I think about it, Xerneas is a Fairy-type too, which would give me 2 fairy-types if I went with Sylveon......ugh, my head hurts. Maybe a Noivern? Or a Gogoat?
My Team - Greninja (Speedy Sp. Atker, overall good) Talonflame (Even Speedier Physical Atker, Sky Plate + Aerial Ace = OP) Meowstic (Mixed Special, overall good) Venusaur (Wall, Good def. + sp. def) Sylveon (Mixed Special, dragon slayer, dat incredible sp. def) Goomy (Soon to be Goodra, leveling him up, maybe mixed attacker depending on his movepool) I tried to use as much new Pokémon as I could. It's all about finding balance, and pokémon that work good together.
I don't have the game yet, but the team my heart's set on is: Delphox Goodra Ampharos (dat Power Gem/Signal Beam & the Dragon/Electric MegaForm) Sylveon Aegislash Blastoise/Aurorus You could probably go with something that's flying, and maybe something steel. Lucario's pretty solid, as is Scizor.
I've never bothered with scizor, especially with the main story, because you need to trade for it, and there's a lot of better options. And I picked Charmander (of course, why wouldn't I?), so I have a Fire/Flying on the way, which is exactly why I'm not getting Talonflame (which I do want to try out some time though), but I think if I take Sylveon for a little while and replace it with Xerneas when I get it, and grab a Noivern, I might be set. I just try to grab a diverse team to deal with the Elite Four and Champion.
Currently what I have: Dragalge (Fairy killer) Lucario (Mega Lucario is really cool and good against the fairies I've used him on) Talonflame (Rotates out with my Charizard who becomes Mega Charizard X) Vaporeon (Surfer, and good with Aurora Beam) Chesnaught (My starter and my bro) Absol (she can become a Mega Absol and she's my favorite all-time Pokemon)
Only nubs use Legendaries, so no to Xerneas. I recommend Lucario (you'll get one in the story eventually) and either Scizor or Aegislash to take care of Fairies.
I just use it for the heck of it, since it's part of the story. You want to get serious, let me beat the game and make a competitive team, then we can duke it out