I thought you did... Too bad, cause there is no cookies for you. Instead I have something a little more challenging. What came first, the Chicken or the Egg? I'm also going to flip a coin and see how many people get tails. I found a quarter today and I had a lot of sugar so do not judge me. If you get tails, you die. Get heads you live. Get it on it's side, you get a cookie, but honestly people, when does that ever happen?
A circle has no beginning. But according to British scientists, the chicken since the protein necessary for forming the egg is found only in the chicken's ovaries. Also, fun thing to do with a quarter. Get everyone in a circle with one person in the middle. Everyone gets a beer. The person in the middle is in charge of the coin. He goes around the circle asking people to call the flip and flips it after their guess. If they're right, he drinks. If they're wrong, they drink.
Ha that sounds brutal. I'd lose since I suck at calling it. You're first! Aw shucks, it's Heads. You live. Darn it. Just kidding. but you get to live for another seven days.
You have no idea. The worst is when you try to redeem yourself by calling double or nothing and lose again That's what always pissed me off about the Ring. Everyone's all "OH NOES AMA DIE IN 7 DAYS, WHAT DO I DO? RANDOM GUY I JUST MET I LOVE YOU! DON'T DIE BEFORE MEEEE" and I'm just like "***** you get to live for another 7 days, you cup-half-empty-pessimistic-light's-always-red-simple-*****" ...I'm counteracting drowsiness with lots of caffeine
*brings cookies for others since there were none in the room* I came prepared!!!!! Cookies anyone? ^^ obviously the egg came first because of the dinosaurs.
Wait! Imaginary cookies are fun, but what's funner is seeing if you live or die. I love this game sometimes. Lets see....oh I'm sorry it's Tails. You'll die in 24 hrs. Have fun! Nyah nyah nyah! No cookies allowed. Not, I'm gonna eat them allz! The dinos created chickens???? Bad luck...Tails! Two people will die in 24 hrs! I'll put cookies on your graves.
If i die i will haunt you forever and crumble cookies in your face because of the fact that you said no cookies in this thread. and yes, the dinos created chickens because one day an egg hatched and a chicken came out instead of a teyradactal. They called him the 'ugly duckling' of dinos...
Um, Maka, you frighten me. KMS.... I thought it was my job to do all the haunting when I die. N-not the cookies, anything but the cookies! Really? The 'ugly duckling' of dinos....interesting, I have to admit...
Seriously, should I be worried about you for this video? I'm not sure if I'm amused or freaked out. I'm leaning toward amused. I hope you enjoy your 24 hrs left of life. XD