I got a code when I got the guide at gamestop yesterday to get the digital version, so if anyone wants a digital version of the guide to this game for free instead of paying anything, let me know
well, i know they changed all the multiplayer stuff to be obtained single-player style, but I think that was just getting the SPP. As far as I know, the actual items themselves and whatnot are still the same. Anyways, since you're the only one, the code is Spoiler: code PEG2-PABE-J9PS-MASB You'll need to make an account of the website, but that'll only take a second. Also, why are you playing the PSP version? It's not nearly as purtty as the HD version
Which website is that? Gamestop? I don't have a PS4 and it actually looks really nice with the Vita's smoothing and stuff. I also prefer the translation. They don't use that "ze" and "hir" nonsense in the Moogles' character descriptions, for instance.
But isn't that what GameFAQs is for? Ze and Hir are actually non-gender pronouns. They probably refer to those moogles being genderless or genderfluid or one of those other things. Or something.
They didn' t have much to say about that game when I played it a few months ago. They' re probably playing catch up right now. I used this instead, everything you need in one neat document : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...dRV2pqWWdyLVViMWxtVklOY2c&toomany=true#gid=26 Locations names might have changed a bit, they didn' t match the fanslation either.
[TW: Bit of a rant;disagreeing with common opinions;normalizing non-binary gender] I thought they were meant to imply ambiguous or unknown gender, not genderlessness, the neuter gender, or gender fluidity (which actually has more to do with gender roles than gender identity anyway), but even then I don't particularly like them for that, mainly because saying "hir" out loud just sounds like "her," which only confuses the matter further. Xe/xur pronouns work better, but those don't sound too great alongside the others. There's also the singular "they", which has been used to express ambiguous and unknown gender for over 250 years (and non-ternary gender more recently), but I have a personal aversion to that too. I don't even like "you" being used singularly, but tolerate it because I grew up using it that way and habits that old may as well be immortal. Anyway, in my opinion, the pronoun of ambiguity should be something where the subject combines the existing pronouns for all three genders (yes, gender in English is ternary, making it non-binary by default). Personally, I use "shei" (she+he+it;pronounced "shay") for the subject, "hem" (her+him) for the object (and by extension, hemself for the reflexive), and "hes" (her+its) for the possessive. Not only do they sound way more natural than ze/hir and xe/xur, they're also singular by default and acknowledge that the antecedent could be any of the three genders rather than just assuming shei's "none of the above."
I can see where you're coming from, and that's actually a very interesting alternative you've come up with. As someone who personally just sticks with 'she' pronouns, I don't actually know a ton about pronouns aside from the base layer of what tumblr shoves on you, so I'm always interested to see peoples opinions on the matter.