Last cosplay: Mary Marvel I have no preference here, so I have decided to leave the decision up to the random (hopefully) gentlefolk in the audience. Kitty Pryde would be the easiest cosplay of the lot, Nova would be a fairly ambitious endeavor but I'd love to try (if anyone has experience crafting helmets/armour and would like to share their secrets that'd be appreciated). Spoiler: costume designs
I posted this already. Physically: I am flat-chested, relatively cute (I can do boyish though), and petite. Brown, curly hair. Hazel eyes. 163 cm. I think Nova'd be a bit more developed as a woman, but y'know whatever. I can cosplay him in his newbie years. He was pretty cute then! Actually, by the time I assemble this cosplay I shall probably be quite a ways older than now so perhaps there will be time for me to mature into the role. I could cut/straighten my hair for this.