I used to play. I lost my lvl 126 and I can't remember the email registered. My other one: (level 71?) Falcoman8. I gave it to my friend but I can still probably access it. This account is a NON-COMBAT so I have other high stats. If u want some gd stuff like armor for free, call me.
Note the word: USED And I doubt 9 year olds play MMOFPS on a regular basis << lol, srry I just gota say that.
I really dont like runescape...I feel as though, with all the potential it could have in terms of graphics and such that it really sucks. Its so big! And yet... so hated. I feel sorry for RS sometimes because when you go on other MMO's and ask "hey do u play runescape" they always say "STFU RUNESCAPE IS 4 NOOBS." The absolute worst part is that, I hate rs too... So to answer your question no, I dont play rs.
The thing that always gets me is that its called Runescape, but if you split the letters in a certain way you get Run Escape... hmm... subliminal messaging?