You gotta love the creator of various songs in the final fantasy series. is there any more uematsu fans out there? note: fave song is one winged angel witch one is yours?
he's the best music composer ever( that i know) anyway i like To zanerkand whenever i hear it i just cry (don't know why):cryinganime:
Uematsu is definitely one of the best game musicians ever. One-Winged Angel is the best theme song ever.
Love him too!!>w< I like the way he changed To Zanarkand into a rock song The Skies Above (From Black Mage 2)... Have you heard of it??? It's cool, I think!^^
If you like rock, then why don't you try The Black Mages??? (It's an album title, not a song) I like The Black Mages 2 the most...