Who, in your opinion, was more evil?

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by Roxas13579, Feb 20, 2008.


Who's the most evil Organization member?

  1. Xemnas

    13 vote(s)
  2. Xigbar

    0 vote(s)
  3. Xaldin

    1 vote(s)
  4. Vexen

    0 vote(s)
  5. Lexaeus

    0 vote(s)
  6. Zexion

    2 vote(s)
  7. Saix

    11 vote(s)
  8. Axel

    5 vote(s)
  9. Demyx

    1 vote(s)
  10. Luxord

    0 vote(s)
  11. Marluxia

    15 vote(s)
  12. Larxene

    24 vote(s)
  13. Roxas (?)

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Daydreamer

    Jan 29, 2007
    Los Angeles
    Wikipedia's discription for evil:

    Cruelty is a factor when it comes to being evil.

    How many of the Organization members were not willing to kill or manipulate to get what they want? He did whatever he pleased because he was in charge.
  2. Repliku Chaser

    Since all of them on levels were psychopathic, some were better than others. The worst ones to me, as in what would categorize them as well, huge problems to anyone surviving...
    I'd say Saix, Marluxia, maybe I'd toss in Xaldin and Luxord. All of them were manipulative and using others to get what they wanted and feeding off the emotions that their victims were going through. I'd probably toss in Vexen too. Xemnas was as well, but there's just something that tells me he had some purpose to the zealous way and it seems all he did remember were negative emotions, which makes sense if he's who I think he is. It doesn't though clear him of being rotten. A lot of people chose Larxene, but I guess I debate on how bad her 'sadism' really was and just because she's reading the Marquis de Sade book and teased her foes, we don't really get to see what she would be like in a scenario without Marluxia. The others to me didn't seem that bad even if they did acts that made them a danger and they had to be stopped. The people I mentioned all seemed to have behavior that allowed them to really enjoy torturing others while the other Org members were more doing a job.

    Also, about Riku.
    Riku wasn't that bad. I'm pretty convinced that since Sora had jealousy of Riku that was clearly seen at the beginning of the game, that he would have been no better had things happened where -he- was the intended Keyblade wielder. Riku was used because he was known to be the intended Keyblader and even though he's more perceptive than Sora, he was trying to save Kairi and Donald was a dork who wouldn't let Riku even team up with them so Riku felt displaced. He did stupid things but due to the fact both had Darkness in their Hearts and Sora is even less perceptive than Riku was, I don't see if roles were reversed, Sora would have done better. Anyone can get used, but Riku also turned things around once he realized how bad things turned out and how far he had fallen and came back with new strength. That is what makes him more admirable in a way. To actually get up after all that was pretty cool, and not just get back up but go out to help his friends and sacrifice things this time in the right way.

    About Axel.
    I think Axel with his role of being an Assassin to the Org probably did force him to do a lot of things he wouldn't have regularly. He did a lot of rotten stuff also at the Castle Oblivion. However, I ended up seeing him and Riku as anti-heroes since both turned things around dramatically. In KH2, his plan to make Sora turn into a Heartless again to get Roxas back was pretty rotten, but it was thwarted and he let go of it after realizing that it was the wrong thing to do. I don't think he did -less- than Riku though and giving his life at the end was a pretty powerful thing.
  3. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    Also, about Riku.
    Riku wasn't that bad. I'm pretty convinced that since Sora had jealousy of Riku that was clearly seen at the beginning of the game, that he would have been no better had things happened where -he- was the intended Keyblade wielder. Riku was used because he was known to be the intended Keyblader and even though he's more perceptive than Sora, he was trying to save Kairi and Donald was a dork who wouldn't let Riku even team up with them so Riku felt displaced. He did stupid things but due to the fact both had Darkness in their Hearts and Sora is even less perceptive than Riku was, I don't see if roles were reversed, Sora would have done better. Anyone can get used, but Riku also turned things around once he realized how bad things turned out and how far he had fallen and came back with new strength. That is what makes him more admirable in a way. To actually get up after all that was pretty cool, and not just get back up but go out to help his friends and sacrifice things this time in the right way.

    I don't know, I couldn't really see Sora as evil, he's to like kid-like. Riku had a good role because it looked like he actually knew what he was doing the whole game, but as for Sora, he was like jumping around from world to world, bragging about how he defeated Ansem.

    Did he kill people? I don't remember.
  4. Roxas13579 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 13, 2008
    For some reason, Xemnas didnt really seem that evil compared with the others in KH2, although maybe that's because he doesn't do anything particularly evil himself, and lets the other members do it for him. I actually thought he was sort of a pathetic character. He did say "What other choice might we have had?" which kinda made me feel sorry for him a bit, although that doesnt justify what he did.

    The reason I said Larxene was more evil than the rest is because she is malicious and cruel. She is very cynical, almost sadistic and seems to take pleasure in Sora's torment.

    Marluxia is pretty evil too. He did plot to overthrow the Organization and ordered Vexen's annihilation. He preferred to let others (ie. Axel) do his dirty work for him.

    Axel, on the other hand, is... ambiguous. I'm still not sure whether he was good or evil. On the one hand, he destroyed Vexen in CoM, and was about to do the same to Roxas, his best friend. But on the other hand, he did save Sora with that kamikaze attack. So I'm not certain about him...
  5. Solid Snake Kept you waiting, huh?

    May 21, 2007
    Larxene the witchy ***** for sure
  6. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper

    I'd have to say Marluxia, the Larxene.Marluxia was already evil and superpowerful and belonged to an evil Orgamization, but then he had to go and try to take over it,too. Then Larxene, because...well, Have you SEEN HER?!?!?!!?
  7. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    ...none of them...they werent evil...they just did what they had to do to achieve their goal,even if it cost someones life.
  8. Acryllic Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 11, 2008
    then. . .

    that must mean that all of them were evil then.
    even if it still cost someone else's life,
    they're still evil for trying to attain their goal for their own purposes.
    that's what being heartless is all about; just being plan out vicious.


  9. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Nobodies only care about themselves..they dont fight to protect anyone else...exception only for Roxas and Axel...
  10. Repliku Chaser

    If psychopathic serial killers can be considered evil, so can the Nobodies that went too far. It's the exact same thing. No heart or conscience. In the end, some did seem to have a minor conscience at least, but some had nothing there and even abused other people because they knew those other people -did- have hearts and consciences.
  11. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Dont pick on them because of they way they were born.

    Just take all thier circumstances into consideration, and you may find some not as evil as you have already judged them.
  12. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    o.O Who voted for Demyx?
    He was like, the least evil if anyone could consider him evil at all...
  13. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Probably Repliku... he thinks everyone in the Org is evil, witholding Roxas, and half of Axel... he and I have over this 100 times in another thread.

    Edit: Its a joke........ jeez relax man.
  14. Hummingbird Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 16, 2007
    No, but Marluxia ordered Axel to get rid of Vexen, use Naminé as a human shield and later on ordered Naminé to technically crush Sora's heart. Not exactly what I'd call good deeds. :x
  15. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    pleeeeease how can that be evil i do that all the time...i mean...uh...um...
  16. xemnasfan King's Apprentice

    May 21, 2007
    adrian, PA A.K.A the black hole
    i'd have to say all of them did some things that were wrong at some point, but marluxia tops all for me.

    he loved power and used it to his advantage and i'd be scared if we would have taken over, i don't see xemnas being that bad though he did drop his teacher into the darkness as xehanort i really can't say he is that bad.

    saix accepted that he had no heart and wasn't going to try to fake it which is bad and good in a way.

    but if marluxia had more controll it would have gotten ugly at some point.
  17. Repliku Chaser

    lol, I do not. =:( I'm going to so take this personal or something. I am curious who voted for Demyx. That just rux. =:) You had to know someone would bring that up! Don't hide!
  18. dyyor Destiny Islands Resident

    ye, i chose marly, cuz u gotta be evil to go up to a 14 year old boy with flaming pink hair and actually be taken seriously xD
    also because he was so hell bent on screwing up soras memories that he was willing to basically turn him into a vegetable >.>

    plus, i didnt choose xaldin, cuz come on, he got elbowed in the stomach and let go of the rose, -_-
    seriously? if he was a real badass he would have smacked bell upside the head 4 that

    didnt choose larx, because, i find her more b*tchy than evil

    didnt choose zex cuz he was just clever ^^

    xemnas is a badass, but he just didnt seem evil enough

    xigbar is just plain cool!

    lex, just, no

    vex, oh hell no, sure he pissed riku off and made his own riku doll, but please, the only thing i really noticed evil about him was his freaking annoying laugh! (thank u axel!)

    lets see... who else...

    demy just seemed to me that he was trying too hard to be evil, in fact the most evil i ever saw him act was right before the final battle against him where he says 'silence traitor' he looked wicked evil at that piont, but the rest of the time he just tried too hard

    lux i would say is pretty much tied with zex, hes just not evil enough, just a smart ass ^^

    axel is tied with xig cuz hes awesome and i worship him for killing vex ^^

    as 4 roxas, definately not evil, just confused and misunderstood ^^
  19. RoxaSora2010 Nulla è reale. Tutto è lecito.

    Dec 29, 2007
    I got lost on the road of life
    saix is too overbearing
  20. the muffin man Banned

    Jun 16, 2007
    Drury lane.MUFFIN MAN! DUUH!
    My opinion , is that Axel was the most evil because he betrayed marluxia.Generally,i don't like double-crossers! xD
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