Who, in your opinion, was more evil?

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by Roxas13579, Feb 20, 2008.


Who's the most evil Organization member?

  1. Xemnas

    13 vote(s)
  2. Xigbar

    0 vote(s)
  3. Xaldin

    1 vote(s)
  4. Vexen

    0 vote(s)
  5. Lexaeus

    0 vote(s)
  6. Zexion

    2 vote(s)
  7. Saix

    11 vote(s)
  8. Axel

    5 vote(s)
  9. Demyx

    1 vote(s)
  10. Luxord

    0 vote(s)
  11. Marluxia

    15 vote(s)
  12. Larxene

    24 vote(s)
  13. Roxas (?)

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Axel was cutthroat, but he was in a kill or be killed situation in CoM... the only death that seemed uncalled for was Zexion.

    Alas Saix, as I have debated many times before... Saix is not as evil as most people claim he is.

    *Waits for Repliku to pop up*
  2. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    awww come on...axel wasnt that bad. No one thinks riku is evil...not only did he "go to the darkside he:"
    -Shunned his friends -he started this whole mess
    -Took out pinochio
    -Out of jealousy he took on the power of pure darkness, only to prove to himself and sora that he was the stronger out of the two of them
    -Ran away from his friends
    -sent an evil version after his friend to attack his friend...
    -taunted his friend
    -stole his friends weapon...
    yet he gets slammed a couple of times by a lazer blade, and tries his best to help his friend, no matter what happens to himself...people still like riku...in fact people LOVE riku. Im a boy so i dont love him, but hes still my favorite character...

    Now Axel, does hardly any of these things...ok he takes out a few organization members -THAT SORA OR RIKU WAS GOING TO KILL ANYWAY...and axel...dies... not only that but he helps his "friend"...axel isnt as evil as people think, but i guess its all perspective...i still agree with ICSP
  3. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    Well, if you would learn something about Riku, he is a keyblade weilder, he corrected his wrongs, he saved Kairi, he got Sora to the end of kingdom hearts II, he helped Mickey out, he actually fought with you in kh2, he changed his being to try to save Sora, he gave Kairi a keyblade, and many other things.
  4. Hi-ppos! Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 10, 2007
    Well, no, not as evil as others, but certainly in CoM Axel was cruel, cutthroat, harsh, and ten times more terrifying than his KHII self. In KHII, he's like a freakin flaming teddy bear.

    I was agreeing with what the poster said. Axel is definitely up there on my List-O-Evil. Along with Xemnas, Saix, and Larxene...and strangely enough, Luxord.

    And woah, I posted before Dredica, but it came up after and it's all out of sorts now. I'll never get used to message boards.
  5. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    I like Axel a lot... I think he is the type of guy I would want to go to a party with.

    Yeah, thats a good example... Riku was worse than Axel, yet he is well loved.

    But, Zexion fangirls and fanboys hate Axel for this reason...

    I still dont understand why people think Larxene is eviler than Xemnas...
  6. I kind of have to disagree with that. He wasn't in a kill or be killed situation, he had many choices to take, but he took the one where he played them all, and had no problem killing any of his comrades. Axel could've simply reported, instead of getting into the situation, and he laughed and enjoyed every single moment of it. Yes, he sacrificed himself, but for what, really? To redeem himself? To make up for what he's done in the past? That's what's really called repentance. All he did was save Sora (Roxas), after even being selfish enough to get the idea of turning Sora into a Heartless again so he can get his friend back (KH2 written novel). It wasn't until the end that he finally realized that he was self-seeking, and took a bullet. Not that he had anything left.

    Granted, he did "die" (not really, according to Naminé, he got to be whole again) for a good cause, but it doesn't necessarily resolve or erase what he did before. In CoM, in my opinion, what he did was unforgivable. He was smiling, grinning, loving Zexion's and Vexen's death, he was just...hell, that's why sometimes people separate KH2 and CoM Axel, because they're just two contrasting people sometimes. Don't get me wrong, look at my sig and avatar, and I understand what he did in KH2, I'm not going to harass him, but to me, he was a completely different person in that game, and always will be. Wonder what Roxas would think if he found out what he had done? That side of Axel? Even Sora was disgusted when he saw him kill Vexen.

    Like a fellow YouTuber said:
    "Axel's a real b*tch. If you sucked all the attitude and insincerity and *** out of Axel, you could fuel a machine that ran on that sh*t forever."

    Actually, this just made me laugh, but still.

    Larxene was cruel, but all she really did was taunt Sora, giving him a few kicks here and there, as well as hitting Naminé when she was pissed at the ruin of the plan, but otherwise...I think I'm the only one that found her entertaining xD.

    Exactly. If anyone truly redeemed themselves, it was Riku. He corrected all his wrongs, fought, and came out a better person for it. He got forgiveness from Sora and Kairi, and searched for himself. That's the path of redemption.
  7. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    lol Larxene was pretty evil she kept bashing Sora up which proves that boys can get there butts kicked by girls who are probably 12 years older
  8. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    "if u would learn something about riku." chill out, i only listed the truth. my point was that axel did half as many good things as riku, but almost half as many bad things as riku. axel's methods of getting things done r of questionable appearance, but u have to look deeper then that.
    Axel never followed the herd, he only did things HE thought was right which is why in many ways roxas was his only friend because roxas did the same thing...I have a feeling that axel was suckered into the organization...he disagrees with their methods so many times, its kind of sad he cant get away with things like roxas can because we rnt sure if his somebody is still living...

    xemnas: is an eviler axel...he definately had questionable methods, but if he wasnt the leader of the organization people wouldnt think he was evil at all...he was basically a nobody fanboy, kept saying "darkness and nothing are eternnnnnallll" and would always question kingdom hearts about his heart...i mean seriously, if someone just gave xemnas a heart, he would shut up.

    larxene, however, took pleasure in hurting others, called sora, donald and goofy losers, and kicked replia riku when he was down...
  9. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Xemnas is like the Tinman... "If I only had a heart!" He is still an evil freak... unlike most of the Org, I never could feel sorry for him.

    Larxene seems to be a deeper character than most give her credit for... I think she is cruel because she needs to be, in order to survive with a male chovenous pig for a boss like Xemnas. I mean, Nomura said, "Xemnas would never put a woman in power" right? At least thats what I heard the reson Marluxia was originally designed to be a girl and then switched to a man at the last moment.

    Larxene is the cliche G I Jane type, who has to be tougher, stronger, and (in this case) crueler than everyone else in order for her Superior not to question her effectivness. Kinda like Cuba Gooding in men of Honor, only being a woman instead of black.

    Its a survival thing as to why she is cruel.
  10. Radiowave ITSA PIIINCH

    Apr 2, 2007
    You know, across the universe
    i can agree with that...u know the one guy who ive also never had sympathy for is luxord...i bet his somebody was arrested by the police and died in prison...i think that luxord is the least popular org character...he did some evil things...but all he wanted to do was play games...even his nobodies weren't evil. in the game journal, it says that they just mostly float around aimlessly during fights...
  11. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Actually... his "other" had to turn into a heartless somehow...

    I suspect that he lost a poker game to Xigbar. Was so distraught that he finaly lost, the light in his heart extinguished.

    Xigbar probably used this deck

    And played the song The Devil Went Down To Georgia while he played.
  12. Hakurei Reimu Take my hand. And then I'll fly with you right up

    Apr 19, 2007
    Marluxia. He wanted to take over the organization, kill all members against his plans, kill all of Sora's friends and make him into a puppet, and do watever he pleases with the rest of his time...I see a full evil resume.
  13. Hi-ppos! Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 10, 2007
    And that's a perfectly valid reason why he is the most evil...except for, every time I see him I laugh because...come on, PINK HAIR!
  14. Really?

    I don't think I fully believe that Axel is ZOMGITZEVILZ, despite CoM, unlike most Org. members, he did do a right thing in the end in KH2, but I wouldn't think he disagreed with all the Organization's methods, or else he would've joined Marluxia and Larxene in their overthrowing. In fact, he was a loyal member, actually, and he even felt bad for lying to Xemnas in a short story...I think it's posted around here, that came with FM+ in Another Report? (I forgot the title...I think is "Another Place In Time" or something) , but the point is, the only order he flat out refused to do is kill Roxas, which he knew he couldn't do, and it marked him a traitor, which is why he wasn't with them. Otherwise, he was damn there for their cause, at least the way I saw it. He never caught me as being disloyal....

    Yeah, I go with that too xP. We're probably the only ones who think that, but I really did see some kind of depth in Larxene when I was watching her scenes (especially when she was talking of the failure to Sora, and her death), I didn't know what it was, but it was there...she kind of gave that "insecurity" vibe, and you're right, Nomura did say that Xemnas isn't the type to put a woman in power *kicks his sexist butt*, so the fact that she got in, is pretty interesting to find out. You have to see different sides of her, she was playful, flirty, laidback, cracked jokes, confident, etc. I liked her personality.

    People, in my opinion, aren't a b*tch for just being one for the hell of it. I think if she got the right character development and Nomura would've dugged deeper, I'd say we could've gotten a awesome and cool female character in our hands. Sadly, didn't turn out that way. Seriously, there's barely any original female characters in KH as it is already, let alone a fighter, so that was kind of disappointing.

    And you have to admit, Sora was pretty dense...

    Larxene: Naminé messed with your memories, is all a lie! There is no promise! She messed with your brains.
    Sora: Lolz, I have to protect Naminé because I promise, lolz.
    Larxene: -_- Dude, did you just hear me? It was all a lie! She used you so we could!
    Sora: I have to protect Naminé! I don't care, a promise is a promise!
    Larxene: Hello?! She messed up your memories! She used you! There isn't a promise! Why you going to keep a fake promise for, dimwit?!
    Sora: Ima kill u! *charge*
    Larxene: .....*sigh* Damn these heroes...*kicks*

    Okay, I know why he did so xP, after all Naminé showed remorse, yet I couldn't help but chuckle a little when this happened on my screen, even though I kind of changed a bit to fit what was it that I found so....twistedly funny? I even noticed how Larxene was getting frustrated there too xD.
  15. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Yeah... after reading that... I want to dropkick Sora...

    She was like "What the hell? He knows he's being used by Namine but still wants to die to save her? Shoot, I better take out this kid before he hurts himself! Its not healthy to be that big a hero..."

    *Watches video again...* That is exactly how it played out...

    I still dont think she is eviler than Xemnas.
  16. I know xD, that's why I was laughing everytime she tried to explain it again, but he just kept saying the same thing, and you can see that was getting on Larxene's nerves by her tone of voice (that's what got me). It wasn't until she's like, "You know what? Forget this, you're funeral.", and went forward to kick a** as she gave up.

    I don't think anyone in the Org. is truly evil, even Saïx wasn't, really, he was just wanting his heart, as selfih and cold as he acted. Don't know about Xemnas...I didn't find anything he did particularly that cruel...he was calm and serious most of the time in KH2 from what we saw of him.I'm not disagreeing or anything, just wondering....
  17. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    OMG... thats so funny... I never saw the humor in that scene until you pointed it out... thanks.


    This is totally awesome... the greatest moment of my video game deabating career.
  18. Well, you're not xP. His actions were cruel and wrong, but his character to me was that he had permanently gotten in his mind that he was a Nobody, and therefore, could not feel, and that he shouldn't feel guilt or regret, because he simply couldn't. What he "felt" were simply memories of what he used to be before, as he explained himself. Selfish, cold, and didn't care for anyone, yet is proven by fact that the main reason he was so loyal and remained helping the Organization in the very end was to get his heart back.

    That's all he wanted and desired. It wasn't evil, but more like a tragic flaw in him. I felt for him when he was fading and he reached for the heart shaped moon, saying to give him his heart.

    That's why I think none of the Organization were really "evil", but just did things for a important cause in the most unorthodox way possible to gain the one thing they most wanted. And they're just a interesting bunch, is why everyone loves them, and sometimes hate Sora for killing them.
  19. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Yeah... but then Xemnas had to ruin in by saying... "Even if the greatest tragedy befalls the worlds, I cannot feel remorse."

    Idiot makes nobodies look bad. Thats why he's evil.
  20. Hummingbird Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 16, 2007
    Larxene is cruel, but I wouldn't say she's the most evil Organization member. After all, she needs to prove her usefulness to the Organization which isn't easy considering only Roxas has been in the Organization for a shorter time and because Larxene is the only female member in Organization XIII. Sai'x is pretty evil, but making Sora fall on his knees for his own amusement isn't much compared to the treatment Larxene gave him.

    I personally think Marluxia is the most evil Organization member. Not only is he manipulative, but he's also much crueler than any other Organization member. He kept Naminé locked up, taunted her and made her drive Sora into his trap, he had no problem ordering Axel to take care of Vexen and he was ready to crush Sora's heart when there was no other way to make him his slave. And all that just to take over the Organization. (and most likely get rid of everyone who'd try to oppose him)
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