Hates when it's cold in your house, so you get under your blanket, then it gets too hot under there, so you keep getting in and out of it?
That, and the Air Conditioner problem. I turn it on, it gets too cold in the room. I turn it off, it gets too hot. Nothing pleases me ._.
I like that feeling, actually. Because it's like...It's cold around me, warm and snuggly in my blankets. But it it gets too hot, I can peek my head out and keep everything else in the warmth. And if your feet are warm, the rest of your body feels warmer so the cold wouldn't be so cold to my face anymore. ::L:
Yeah, but it just gets so inconvenient sometimes. And then there are the times when you can't get cold enough, so you get all angry and sweaty in your sleep as you toss and turn your supple body. Then you wake up irritable like after bad sex and no smokes...Kaytie... :B|: