who do you think should win the us election

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by FELIX LAAD, Apr 12, 2008.

  1. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    yes i did research whether they were legitimate. anyways here they are

    1. the plagarism incident when he copied almost word for word some other guy's speech
    2. his pastor is apparently racist which isn't the issue here. he said that he was NOT in church and did NOT hear him say anything controversial. THEN, on a press conference with his supporters he said he WAS there and heard some things. so he lied about that.
    3. then there was the NAFTA agreement thing with Canada. his top advisor told Canada not to worry about it and not to take it seriously that it was just "campaign rhetoric" or something like that. then obama said that that conversation never happened and then Canada provided proof it did (with a recorded tape or something like that, i'm not exactly sure how they proved it but they did). and then he (AND his campaign) made a lame excuse for it.

    all in all, he's NOT very honest but then again neither are the other canidates (or so i heard, i didn't do much research on anyone else) but the fact is OBama is more dishonest then the rest of them or at least has been CAUGHT being dishonest. he downplayed all of those with a lame excuse.

    and that's just the stuff i bothered to remember.

    i also have other reasons not to like him if you're interested. i'm not voting FOR any candidates, rather i am voting AGAINST obama. it's too bad Giuliani backed out, he's the perfect guy for the job. also no i did not get this info from Fox News, but i'm curious, so what if i did?
  2. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    The candidate I recall being called out several times for speech plagiarism would be Hillary Clinton:


    And addressed in that video would be that the instance of Barack's accused plagiarism, was that the person who gave the speech that had a similar line from one of Obama's seeches, was the very same person who helped him write that very speech.

    Uhh, from what I recall what Obama stated was that he was not present when his Pastor gave that specific speech which was being broadcast on television, not that he had never attended Church ever, but that he was not at Church on that day in which the Pastor had the infamous racist tirade.

    If you followed up on that story, Obama was absolved of those accusations, the Canadian parliament came to the conclusion that it was an instance of interference with the Democratic Primary, as no transcripts or logs show that such a conversation ever took place.

    Not to mention Hillary being in a similar situation, as she signed the NAFTA agreement herself!


    In addition to the other videos:


    You mean the guy who's entire campaign was scare tactics and saying "September 11th" every possible moment he can?
  3. Repliku Chaser

    I think you have your facts mixed up on who did what. Half of those you said were actually done by Hillary Clinton.

    It's Hillary Clinton with the issues of NAFTA. It's also her that has lied about a number of things to include saying that she was shot at and ducking sniper fire in Bosnia, which never happened and was aired by NBC news who went along with her. She also tried to say she worked on the Ireland feuds and once again had nothing to do with incidences. Her experience is pretty much a vaunted lie. Lying about war experience is a big no-no in my book.

    As for the Pastor Wright incident, Obama never said he had not attended the church. He said he had not heard that particular sermon from Wright and after condemned the sermon once he had. Wright's words are racial, sure, but I don't hear anyone demanding Bill Clinton apologize for saying that Obama won the Carolinas because in the past Jessie Jackson had.

    Hillary also has played dirty at every angle she can to include trying to play this 'Wright' card to the fullest to block the fact that she lied quite a bit about her experience and the records of her White House time proved it. She also deceived the state of Ohio that asked for the records of her 'experience' and tax spending to be up front and a few days after they voted she presented it. Many people in Ohio were mad because if they had known about her Bosnia lie and other fake experiences she's touted, they never would have voted for her.

    At one time I was thinking of voting Guliani too since I live in NY and would have rather had him than Hillary any day. However, he backed out because he didn't want all the scrutiny in his life that is happening to these other candidates now and would rather be where he's at instead. I totally get why he did back out even though at first I had thought he'd be a strong candidate. He just didn't have enough zazz I guess and I do think a lot of Americans are to the point where we are tired of hearing all about defense versus public freedoms we are losing.
  4. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    it was still done almost word for word from another pre-existing speech. it doesn't change the fact that it's still plagarized

    no he was not there at THAT time, but he lied about never hearing anything of that nature.

    Source: ABC News: Buried in Eloquence, Obama Contradictions About Pastor

    “I don’t think my church is actually particularly controversial,” Obama said at a community meeting in Nelsonville, Ohio, earlier this month. But yesterday, he told a different story. “Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes,” he said in his speech yesterday in Philadelphia.

    he made it somewhat ambigious in that sentence yes, but he also told a reporter that he did NOT hear anything controversial ever, and then said later on that he did in fact do that.

    sry i can't actually see the videos becuz my internet is REALLY slow today for who knows why. but what's the story behind that? anyways, i dont' know anything on that incident sry, please explain.

    this is what i'm referring to

    CTV, the Canadian television network, reported last week that Obama was playing both sides on NAFTA -- saying one thing publicly to please union voters in Ohio (yes, we'll renegotiate NAFTA), and something else privately (it's just campaign rhetoric) to ease Canadian concerns.

    whoa, never heard of those before. funny when politicians get caught lying tho i didn't get the chance to actually watch since my internet is weird, it's a good thing i dont' support her either. but hey, they can both be super lying partners. no i dont' support Hillary Clinton, everyone seems to assume i do just because i don't support Obama.

    yup him, at least he has more experience as in actually running a city/state. i feel as tho mayors/governors are better suited for the job because Senators dont' really do much more than pass/reject Bills

    and i dont' really support McCain either but he hasn't been on the news for anything negative yet (at least not that i've seen), but i don't hate Hillary THAT much, so i might just flip a coin for Hillary and McCain.

    i dont' want to come off as trying to force my opinion on everyone who reads this. i'm just responding becuz someone asked. i'm not going to call anyone stupid for voting for whoever they want, you can vote for whoever you want. besides, its' easier to force my opinion on undecided ppl :p
  5. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    The person who wrote the speech being "plagiarized" is the one that mentioned to Barack that the line should be used in his upcoming speech, as in the writer of both speeches gave Barack permission to use the line.

    The distinction here that I'm noticing is that in the first line he's stating that his Church (he was talking about his Church as a whole) was not "particularly controversial", as in it wasn't infamous or even well-known for being controversial, but "particularly" is not the complete absence of something. So in contrast, the second statement was talking about him hearing things of controversy from his Pastor, so he's not saying that his Pastor never said anything controversial, but the Pastor never said anything to the point where his Church ever became known as a place of controversy.

    I edited my post after you started writing this one, sorry. You should go back as I re-wrote and re-worded some lines, and I addressed the point differently after I looked for what you were talking about.

    I don't particularly like McCain, as I feel he is pretty much an exact carbon-copy of Bush, and he would basically just be running the Administration the exact same way as the Bush Administration, which has basically run our economy straight into the ground.

    We may be beyond saving at this point even, the US is way far gone at this point that I don't think many people even realize it, so my last hope is that Obama would be able to bring enough change to save things, because if things keep running on this track, we're heading into another Depression.
  6. Advent 【DRAGON BALLSY】

    Feb 24, 2007
    Overcooked poptart
    Fox News is legitimate. People dislike it for its bias against video games, but other than that, it's fine (and it was broadcast on several news stations including Fox News). The negative things were that his pastor thinks America is bad because of the war and stuff, and more recently, he "offended" people who were religious and old fashioned. It was a misinterpretation in my opinion...
  7. Repliku Chaser

    In the end it seems whoever people vote for and actually makes it into office has a lot of work to fix from the past. Over a decade of crap has rather trashed us and put us in the state we are now. We really don't want to sink into worse hardship. I suppose that is mainly what draws me to Obama in a way. I think the Clintons and Bushs have done enough wrong and someone else deserves a chance to try to fix some things. I don't mind McCain so much though he too has a controversial pastor and stands on issues differently than I do. He seems to at least be a decent man. I think Hillary is the only one I am very skeptical on as I just don't feel she's a 'good person' and am rather tired of being stuck voting for someone like her. It's not like I would hold it against people though who vote for her, of course.
  8. khsuperfan Banned

    Oct 22, 2007
    Don't...don't look behind u...

    I think Ron Paul should've won. idk about the current situation, there all kinda bad, so probably Barrack Obama, because he's not as bad as the other 2.
  9. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    oooooh ok

    ooooh ok, so Hillary Clinton can'tbe trusted either. looks like we're back to choosing the lesser of 2 evils

    i wouldn't go that far but i dont' think ANY of the 3 can do anything about the issues
    are you referring to that whole statement about "the typical white grandmother who fears black people?" or the "ppl cling to religion and guns because they are bitter" statement? i wonder why he said either of those, they can EASILY be misunderstood. so when i heard that i was like "what?" i also think teh same thing whenever i see that stupid commercial for Hillary and that stupid phone call late at night. it could've been a misinterpretation true, but it just sounds awkward
    oh good those ppl are annoying when they hold a grudge against you for haivng different ideas.
  10. Repliku Chaser

    I hope you actually watched the 'whole' speech that Barrack Obama did on racism. It is very important to see the whole thing rather than just watching the tidbits that Fox put out. The speech really lays it on thick to show that he has lived with groups of people that are prejudiced on -both- sides of the fence.

    He said that he could no sooner disown Wright from being important to him even though he's biased and Obama does not share his view, than he could disown his white grandmother who would say prejudiced remarks about blacks that would make him cringe. Being a person from mixed ethnicities myself, I totally understand where Barrack was coming from. I have heard racial slurring my entire life from the Native American side, the Caucasian side and the African American side that is newly in the family. Especially much of it comes from relatives that are older and in the same category of age as Wright or Obama's grandmother might be. The 50s and 60s were hard times for people having to get over walls of ethnic imbalance. These people still harbor negative feelings towards others if they did not learn to open their minds.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWe7wTVbLUU - This is the whole speech given addressing racism and other problems and the parts that Fox rips out to say are just tidbits that do not make so much sense without hearing the whole thing. He did not have to address this issue as he had and could have done what every other politician has done when pointed at with the racism issue. For those people like me who are 'half breeds' I found it refreshing and very true. It's very hard to say 'I want to hate someone who is close to me for years' for racial slurs and such. You don't admire -that part- about the person, but it doesn't mean you should hate the person either. I've also changed opinions in my family on stupid race issues with my parents etc. It is something we have to face. I realize that speech is 30 mins long, but I encourage anyone to listen to it in its entirety and then make a decision. Even if you can't stand Obama, he raises points because I don't know anyone personally that doesn't hear racist remarks or comments about how Americans shouldn't be in the war etc. Wright is just an old man that has now retired and is from an era that we are trying still to move out of. His opinions aren't shared by many younger generations and that is what progress is about.

    As far as people cling to things like religion and guns because they are bitter...It may have been said badly but this man also does not tend to use papers to say things. He speaks out plain and clearly and he apologized that it offended people. I however, kind of agree with it. There are -many- bitter people that complain about the state of the U.S. and how we are in a recession and our jobs leave us, people are losing homes etc. How is it exactly not true? We have televangelical Christians that now count in our votes and yet these people deny proper education to kids and still believe the moon casts its -own light- because the Bible says so. There are very bitter and upset people. Gangs are caused by people who are bitter and ticked off. Shootings in schools are caused by bitter people who want to go out with a bang. As much as he may have worded it wrong, he spoke sincerely and there are surmountable problems out there. The word 'cling' was too strong but again, the man is up there with hardly any speeches formerly written. I find this better than Hillary lying out right and saying she was ducking from sniper fire in Bosnia and in danger when MSNBC was with her and showed a whole report on her being just fine and safe and also doing greetings with people that she said never happened. Her excuse? She misspoke. Why can't Obama misspeak when he actually did but she's getting away with a flat out lie or ten?

    This is exactly why Fox News cannot be trusted. They keep slanting things on one person while the other can make entire lies direct and clear as day but somehow they still keep glorifying her. I've seriously just learned to go and listen to speeches from any candidate on Youtube to get the entire things and also news such as Reuters and online reports seem more friendly to all 3 candidates as well as critiquing them all. Also, as I mentioned before, for some reason the Daily Show and Colbert Report are more 'honest' than other news television broadcasts and yet they are mostly for a chuckle. Fox hasn't just screwed with political agendas either. They've slanted other news too. I ran out of tolerance for them long ago.
  11. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    well, it's not really that i HATE obama, it's just that he keeps getting on the news for something seemingly controversial. i'm sure that neither of them are "angels" but i've never even heard so much controversy from anyone else besides Britney Spears and Michael Jackson (ok yea, i'm PROBABLY exagerrating here). also i occasionally DO watch FOX news, but i think they are legitimate, i dont' see why everyone says otherwise really, tho NBC and online news are better in my opinion because FOX news really gives me news i don't care about. i mean i DID hear something about Hillary Clinton supporting guns or something like that while watching FOX (which i was like WHOA) but i dont' see FOX slanting the news, it's not like they tore Clinton or Obama apart except they sort of implied that it might've been one of Hillary Clinton's ppl who posted that picture of Obama in that Muslim outfit but i'm really curious why that was such a big deal, i mean it's just an outift. also about that lie about the sniper fire, i think she got away with it because it really doesn't seem that important like that lie Obama told about quitting smoking but he didn't, but it wasn't really a big deal so no one made it a big deal either. it's not so much that i disagree with Obama's plans its' just the fact that he keeps gettting on the news (online news as well) for something controversial and that just doesn't seem trustworthy in my opinion. but like you said Clinton was caught lying too, so i hate them both. so McCain gets my vote because i didn't hear much negatives about him.
  12. Absol Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2007
    I really hope Obama wins.
  13. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.

    Im sorry..could you repeat that?...

    and Barack Obama at the moment.
  14. Mythos Banned

    Apr 17, 2008

    agree with him.
  15. wolfsrain Guest

    i'm republican so john macain
  16. Darkcloud Word of advice: Let the wookie win. He's Chuck N

    Dec 6, 2006
    I don't really like any of the candidates, so...Richard Nixon. I don't care if he is dead, it would probably be better for us, if you think about it.
  17. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    You shouldn't vote based on any arbitrary group that you're apart of, or because your Parents are doing something you should too, I can't count how many people I know who are simply "lol I'm a Democrat" or "I'm a republican" simply because their Parents were, so they decided that's what party they should be in, and thus that's who they should always vote for.

    It's ridiculous that people do this, you should listen to the issues, listen to what Candidates are proposing, and then decide for yourself. Switching parties to vote for someone you know is going to do the right thing is as easy as filing some paperwork to switch parties, instead of blindly saying "Well I'm <this>, so my candidate is <this>, so I guess I'm voting for them". Pssh, that's how we go George Bush, people didn't listen to what he had to say, people simply thought "Well, I'd rather have a beer with Dubya than Al Gore, he seems liike and alright feller *VOTE*"
  18. Mythos Banned

    Apr 17, 2008

    Go Ron PAUL!!!......run as a liberitarian
  19. blue_neon Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 11, 2007
    Upendi, JKz
    In my opinion Hillary Clinton has a good chance of winning and John may win as well but I say US would be a better place with Obama as president.
  20. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    OMG we've got a bush supporter.I personally think Bushes employment should be terminated imediatly.He's foreign policy to take Iraq be force is bad.He's there for oil and thats it.He tries to justify his actions by talking about talking about oil being the pillar of the stock market but if it was such a problem he'd just destroy the stock market.I'm going for who ever goes against his foreign policy.He sending people to death.Its like trying to swim a river without moving.