Who do you have most respect for?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Bond of Flame, Apr 16, 2009.


Who do you have most respect for?

  1. my parents

  2. other family members

  3. my friends

  4. the police

  5. other...

  1. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue <3.
    My parents I guess. I mean they take good care of me all the time and always help me when I'm depressed. I respect my friends because they're always there for me xD. And some historical people as well as some awesome teachers.
  2. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Respect should be shown to all people. I'm the one disrespected most of the time. Religion, appearance, and so on. I give respect to those who deserve it but don't go around just disrespecting.
  3. Riku-Sama's Shadow Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 19, 2008
    The Lord, of course!!!!!
    (If this offended
    ANYONE, I'm sorry)
  4. Jayn

    Sep 30, 2007

    The person who've I had the most respect for EVER is dead.
    And ever since she
    died, I don't really think I can name anyone I have honest, genuine respect for without feeling obligated to. ​
  5. Absol Hollow Bastion Committee

    Dec 17, 2007
    My buddies here, actually. :v

    I love them too ****ing much, man. I guess it's kind of weird for me to end up liking people so much on fairly short notice, but it's kind of a weakness for me. <<
  6. Ryan Finesse Destiny Islands Resident

    Parent's. They understand you more then anybody else. I have respect for them completely.
  7. Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta The Demon Slayer

    Jun 24, 2007
    The Plains
    WTH??? I'm the only one who respects the police??? O_O WTH Is the world coming to??? O_O
  8. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Just because they don't respect them the most doesn't mean they don't respect them. ;)
  9. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    My parents have guided me through my life. I respect them and their beliefs, hobbies, habits etc. I teach them things and they teach me things. :)
  10. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I respect everyone I meet, even if they drive me crazy. Family, friends, random people on the street. I guess I don't care anymore who people are. I'll talk to anyone, really.

    Just the other day, in fact, there was a guy sitting outside with a mug that said "5 cents" on it. I had a small talk with him about what he was doing. I was bored, sure, but I still have the decency.

    The people I respect most are the ones I know, though, and am closest to. Such as my best friends, my dad, mom, brothers, etc.

    I could never just respect in particular "the police" or "firemen" because those are occupations, not who that person really is. They might put soul into their job, and that gets respect and such, but take away their badges and water-hoses by force and watch them come back to those things because they care and that's worth respect. It really depends on the mind-set of the person.
  11. Fracture Sαlαmαndєr ™

    Jan 13, 2009
    I have respect for those who deserve my respect.....so ya.....
  12. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    im gonna go with my boyfriend because he puts up with me all the time and always will XD
  13. Animaniagirl Traverse Town Homebody

    May 5, 2009
    Sydney, Australia
    God, My family (mum, dad, brother), my best friend, and those who want to help me and make me feel good about myself, I can easily get depressed, so I love those who make me feel good :)
  14. Garxena Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 27, 2007
    Truthfully, there are a lot of people that I respect much more than my parents or friends. People like Bono, Invisible Children Roadies, Vic Mignogna (yes, I said it), and Martin Luther King Jr. (and people like him). So my vote goes to "other."
  15. Juicy Chaser

    May 29, 2008
    I have respect for those who treat me with respect.
  16. Repliku Chaser

    With anyone, I tend to give them respect as just being people at first. I treat animals with respect heh. I roll with life and consider that everyone at first merits decency. However, if I notice the person is just not respectful to anyone and doesn't care about anything but him/herself, harms others at their leisure etc, I will have no respect for them, regardless of if they were a friend, are a family member, or mentor. I can respect anyone regardless of appearance or social status, and differing opinions etc. A good person is a good person.

    If a person is supposed to be my 'friend' and not just an acquaintance, that person will have had to have done something to show that we get along on a level that I consider him or her to be a decent person, whether are ideals all add up or not. Therefore, of course I'd give that person respect because I like the person.

    If a person is just an acquaintance who I have just met, I will give the person respect because I cannot pre-judge the individual, unless as I said before, the person is caught doing something to others that I feel is just wrong. Anyone can be my friend pretty much and move from being an acquaintance with relative ease. I prefer to be amiable most of the time, though sometimes my sarcasm and wit kill things. xD

    If a person is a family member, of course I feel a bond to the person, but I do not feel that just because he or she is blood, that I should judge them as having a reason to have more of a leeway. If I am treated with disrespect or they treat others very poorly, I am going to lose respect for them and they will know it straight out, just as I will tell anyone else. Of course, with family, you have to deal with them more so they have more opportunities to change in my eyes than an acquaintance might since I can let them move on whereas with family, you're kind of stuck with them. As I was often abused growing up by my mother until I decided she isn't hitting me anymore and her words don't hurt at all, I do not feel she merits 'respect' and that I could honestly depend on her to do much. I know she has anxiety and such and I leave her alone as I do with others that irritate me, but she knows straight out that I would never let her be alone with my kids alone, should I have them because of how she is. I don't hate her or anyone but it's the point that I feel justified in not 'respecting' her other than as a human being.

    Mentors or guardians such as teachers, police, etc that have been genuine and such, taught me something, whether they are gruff or not, I have had respect for. I've had more respect at times for those who are rough but to the point when I have done something bad or good and they tell me so. Those who just tend to have their 'favorites' and treat others like they don't matter, or who don't get what they teach etc, I tend to have less respect for. If the person just seems to be a bad egg and fake, I don't care to respect them. I may still learn from the person, but that is all I can give the person credit for. I can respect their occupations they have chosen, but if the person simply is a bad teacher or bad cop etc, I judge them off the type of person they are, not the occupation, and really wish they'd leave the occupation as they corrupt it for those who work so hard to dispel the notions of bad cops and teachers etc.

    I make it a habit in life to try to be open-minded and to forgive transgressions done to me or others, but I never forget things. If someone screws me over, I can let it go, but I hate to be the one who lets himself fall for the same crap twice from the same individual. If the person shows that kind of behavior, they pretty much know that I will go off and not associate with them for a while above what I have to. I can be amazingly able to overlook things after having voiced them if I feel the need and the person seems willing to change. I can also just let people live on without me pestering or badgering or bullying them if they are someone I just don't like as I feel 'hating' the person is an utter waste of my time and sometimes that is exactly what these sorts of people want. So, in the end, whether I respect people for 'who' they are, unless they are horrible people out to make other people's lives miserable, I can ignore them and let them live on their lives and just steer clear of them, hoping someday they change or well, I won't have to see them anymore.

    Guys, when certain members decide to say something stupid to get a rise out of you, ignore them. Their posts will be deleted. Just send me or a mod from the area, etc a PM and we will delete it if we don't catch it before you do. Don't feed the trolls. The more attention you give, the more they do it. If you ignore them and keep on topic, they will be dealt with.
  17. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    I don't respect any one group of people in my life highest. Each has people who I respect highly and people who I couldn't respect less. Even then, a lot of these groups intermingle at many people, so I can't give a definite answer.

    There's also the fact that I believe that respect is earned. I won't treat my own teachers with respect if I don't feel they've earned it.
  18. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    Through the people around me, I have quite a bit of respect for my parents, but my amount of respect for the aforementioned groups of people differs depending on the events currently taking place.
  19. ArchVice Gummi Ship Junkie

    Aug 18, 2008
    The person I respect most is my cousin, ICSP. He is living proof that no matter what his family background is, he can be a success. He is one of the few people in our family who doesn't have a back breaking job that pays too little. And it's all because he worked very hard for it.
  20. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    That's a tough one..... maybe my parents.