Who are you true friends?

Discussion in 'Help with Life' started by Sabby, May 6, 2009.

  1. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    Yes I know I messed up the title. Bare with me here.

    Seriously, I've put up with this bullshit for so long. It's like you can't trust anyone. First of all, when you meet a friend and you become such best buddies, but then somehow they change and then neglect you. They say that they will always be your friend, but hey.. they have never talked to me in over 6 months. Wow, way to maintain a friendship there. Saying they have no time for you, bullshit.

    Yet you have time to talk to other people, that apparently you care more, when I was like a really close friend. All I have to say when that person changed... they became such a ***** and tried to make their lives perfect. **** you, no such thing as perfect and they are far from it. I'v dealt with this since kindergarten. I never had like a good friend, either they were taken away from me, or such *****es. I don't understand why my life sucks, maybe I don't try to be so ****ing ******ed and to be funny. Well sorry that I can't be funny for everyone, and act like I am an idiot.

    I can't even act like myself. I hate when you get to high school and you want a fresh start, but you can't get that because people from your old school bring up the ****ing past and everyon asks you "OMG did you really do that?" and try to get close with your best friends. I'm still in my depression and the person I don't like in my school, we have the same birthdays, so I thought I could handle sharing my day with her. BIG MISTAKE.

    My birthday was ****. I felt like **** when I came home. I felt so bad and sad, that night I wanted everything to go away. So I took pain killers to sleep, hoping it would take the pain away, you know what? It worked, I floated like a cloud and felt so much better. and I would do it again, just to get that pain away.

    Nothing ever goes right and by having certain people like them... I don't even know if I want to have lots of friends. I'm fine with like a few friends, I'm so sick of neglecting. Oh and I got yelled at like a little child by a friend who I thought was a friend, but I don't know who that person is anymore. Hated them since the day they changed. They don't even say hi or even wonder how I'm doing. I always have to start the conversation.

    Life sucks ass.
  2. TacoGrenade King's Apprentice

    I can't say that you're wrong I'm afraid. I can't disagree with anything you just said actually. Life does suck. But you know what? We get through it. F**k anyone who tells you you can't do something. F**k anyone who tries to put you down. F**k anyone that tries to use you or abuse you. F**k 'em all for all I care. There's only one person you can really trust in this dog-eat-dog world: Yourself. You'll always be there no matter what you do. Yeah friends and family can comfort you, but only you can take the pain away, only you can make that decision. If you've done something wrong you'll know. If someone else says you've done something wrong, you'll know if they're lying or not. If you're desperate for some one to love, you only have yourself to turn to. Sorry if I'm sounding a bit harsh, but it's the truth. Do your best to try and find friends. They may help. But in the end, you'll be the only one you have.
  3. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    Thanks. I can't say it helps me, but like it makes me understand.
  4. Pezz Kingdom Keeper

    Ok, you are clearly upset here, but I can't really help you. It isn't clear to me exactly what happened. I have a small idea, but I need some more details if you want advice. I mean details like this person did that, and that person did this. I'll be glad to try and help you if you give me some more details.
  5. Snow Princess King's Apprentice

    Jun 13, 2008
    Anywhere but here.
    my only true friend right now is my boyfriend. everyone else isnt very easy to trust...
  6. Animaniagirl Traverse Town Homebody

    May 5, 2009
    Sydney, Australia
    I know exactly how you feel -___- the same thing is happening to me!
    This is the 3rd time this has happend to me!
  7. Crumpet In your shadow, I can shine!

    Jun 28, 2007
    Here's some trivia for ya

    It took 14 years to even find decent friends, let alone true friends.. that took me 16 years to figure out who I love xDD

    and even then I'm not likely to keep in contact with half of themwhen i leave school.

    Just remember hun that there are people out there, waiting to be your friends so don't worry love. It's just a natural part of life.
  8. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    True friends are the people that you don't need to question if they are true friends or not. You just know.

    Or to borrow the old line

    "A good friend will be the one who bails you out when you get arrested, your best friend will be the one sat with you laughing at whatever the **** you both did this time"
  9. Missingheart Destiny Islands Resident

    My m8tz are awesome. but seriously, my best m8 since yr 5 abandoned me for a scene.

    One minute, they are your best mate, then the next, they decide they have a new best friend. I'm betting my older friends think i'm weird just because i'm a twin, and i'm a little above average on the intelligence scale.

    They seem to have forgotten all about me. I don't really have a BEST friend anymore, just friends.
  10. Tahno The official Charlie Sheen of Republic City.

    Jun 24, 2008
    Pro-Bending Arena; Republic City
    I'm with you on that. In life, nobody can be your friend forever unless you are PURELY and absolutely close to them. I just have friends and I have considered a few people in life "best" friends, but I'm really specific about what a best friend is.
  11. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    My friends. If they can't be true friends then they can't be my friends. Friends are supposed to do and be all about what you said, right?
  12. Cleopatra King's Apprentice

    Mar 9, 2009
    Skyway Avenue <3.
    t'aww i feel sorry for you. hope you're okay though ;D. A true friend will be there for you no matter what, and you don't need to question it. Find someone that can make you smile, and don't give up on them. Just remember that truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave & impossible to forget.

    Families have to book appointments,
    Friends are always welcome.

    ^^ It cracks me up everytime.
  13. Defame King's Apprentice

    Nov 4, 2008
    rainy city
    People change, especially once you get into high school.
    You really do find out who you're true friends are and it might suck, but oh well, you were better off without them anyways.

    People come and go out of your life.
  14. childofturin Why?

    Dec 4, 2008
    On the Discussion Forum
    ^this is truth. Pretty much all of the people who I thought I would stay in touch with upon entering high school drifted away, and in their place, I found one true friend and a ton of casual acquaintances (you know, say hi in the halls, talk before class, etc). Now, my friend is about to enter college in the fall, so I have no idea what the future holds friend-wise, but I figure I'll find someone to talk to eventually.