Here i have a list of the top 5 P2P MMOs and the 5 F2P MMOs. P2P (Pay to Play) 1. World of Warcraft 2. Eve Online 3. Final Fantasy XI 4. City of Heroes/City of Villains 5. Dark Age of Camelot F2P (Free to Play) 1. Guild Wars 2. Rappelz 3. RuneScape 4. Maple Story 5. Supreme Destiny Which do you people think are the best in P2P and F2P? Info from:
I think Maple story is fun as heck. It's actaully the only thing I've played out of the list. P.S: FFKH, how did you make that video? It's freakin awesome!
World of warcraft is definetely the best P2P I'm surprised Rune isn't the best F2P...although, it does suck a little
Here are my top 3 in both categories. :D P2P: 1) City of Hero's/Villains 2) Wow 3) FFXI F2P: 1) Guild Wars 2) Maple Story 3) Runscape I have played a bit of each of these and the best overall ended up being WoW, which sucks. I just dislike the overall FADNESS of WoW and how people just get it to say they have it. Although, it was all around better than any other MMO that I've played. I also don't have the money to waste on its cost. -__-
Then why did you put CoH in front of it? CoH is highly overrated. "Be your very own superhero" Yeah, I haven't pretended to be a superhero since I was 4. (spiderman!!! bought the little suit and all) so why would I want to become one in a video game, flying around for a member of the dark thorn, after 4 hourse of searching, some ******-bag comes up and punks my kill, only to do it over again. 'tis a vicious circle. Now, WOW. The thought of pretending to be someone out of "Lord of the FREAKIN' rings" is highly appealing, and WOW does not let down.
i dont liek the p2p ones... guildwars prophecies takes first nightfall second, and factions third, runscape last. any game that cant hold my attention for 5 minutes is a lame game.
same. i forgot about gunz...kinda cheap if your a newb and everyone around you has dual m16s, while you have a meke handgun and a rusty sword. it could be a dagger, but no.
Yeah, except now it's finally out of the beta stages and there's elements that can be added to your swords, Quest Mode, and other cool stuff. I remember in it's beta stages how lame it was though. I just can't get it to work when I downloaded it!