As can the DS. I prefer the DS currently, but the a few games on the PSP have caught my eye. Although there is a lack of games that interest me on the DS at the moment.
I personally perfer my PSP, though the game selection could be better with less ports and better controls. But all the features makes up for it. The DS has some awesome games, but not all the games appeal to me. =/ And alot of the touch screen features feel like tack-ons.
Well I don't have either but playing Animal Crossing on my sistersa DS was fun so I guess I'll go with the Nintendo DS
Nintedno DS is better for one reason only; experience. This is Sony's first portable and Nintendo's what? Third? Sony's still trying to find the best selling points where Nintendo know's what the general public wants. The DS has a ton more hit games than the PSP does. Simple as that. I don't care about surfing the internet, that's ridiculous, if I was going to buy something portable that could do that, I'd buy an iPhone.
The PSP seems the better to me and has better clarity and stuff. I like the games for it more too as I am not really into Pokemon at all, or most of the other Nintendo games for the DS.
I am not a big DS fan, but I realld think the PSP was poorly excecuted and I wasn't really happy with the lot of it. So I say DS.