Greetings! I have the ability to purchase both of these games but my parents have given me the condition that I purchase one now and purchase the other later this summer. Thus, I require your dear help, KHV.
I was tempted to choose The Last of Us because who doesn't want to buy that game and play it? But you seem to have more friends who currently have New Leaf ( I am forever jealous ) that you can enjoy it with, so I think that would be the better choice, if you're getting both at some time anyway.
Last of Us. I have a feeling it won't live up to all the hype it's getting, but apparently it's outstanding.
Saxy has the right idea. I'd say go for New Leaf now; should last you a good while until you can get Last of Us with your friends playing as well.
get new leaf because a town full of talking animals is way better than murdering vicious zomb- ****, who am i kidding, go with last of us.
I've voted Last of Us, but really the question is, do you want a game or a time killer? Animal Crossing games are alllll about killing time, Last of Us is a masterpiece of story telling an environments.