Another photo-manip~ I worked on for about 45 minutes, not really proud of it. But why am I posting it? I need good hard CnC on this this 'cause I NEEEEEEDDDD to get better. When The Rain Stops
First of all, Umbrella looks a little choppy to me. Feather that up or something. Give her a very small shadow to make it more realistic, and tone down the green in the grass a bit. NO ONE'S grass is that green. I'm not really good with Photomanips, lol, so I did my best. Danger Mouse is really great with them, so maybe ask him...?
oops I overlooked that..... will edit thiszzz pozt. EDIT: Nice job. I would darken a few select parts a little more, but it is pretty good.
Thanks lots~ Lolz, it's meant to be non-realistic @ grass But yeah, I'll try and do the shadow... 'cause that's a good idea << >>
If I were to make a suggestion, I think you make the cloud on the upper left blend in because it really doesn't seem okay. But it's only a suggestion, you don't have to oh and BTW, very nice
I think it looks like everything is made of plastic. Hahaha, no offense in that comment meant. I think it's cute like that. But it's a bit non realistic.