When push comes to shove,

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Jest, Aug 18, 2007.

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  1. RPGgamer Traverse Town Homebody

    Nov 9, 2006
    between dark and light
    There isn't much we can do about it, we can push away a person for a short amount of time, or shove that person out of your life. If someone close to me were to come out with it, I wouldn't push them away or shove them out of my life. I would help them understand the problem and try to overcome it, or at least find a way to get life on with.

    Well think about it, if someone like you childhood friend comes out with it, and the two of you have become like brother and sister, would you shove/push him/her out of the way like a problem? Becuase by doing that, you can hurt yourself in the process of hurting the other. I totally have no problem with this issue... but many and I mean many people have gone and shoved friends, or family out of their lifes. And if you are a parents, shoving your son/daughter out of what you think is a bad life, ends up with them with a hurt ego... which may cause depression
  2. Joseki Traverse Town Homebody

    it works just fine as an analogy. Its one or the other (and I guess both for some people) and honestly, if my best friend, just suddenly said he was gay, it'd be the same as if hes like "man, I think I like pepsi a lot more than coke". Because it doesn't change who they are as a person! =D
  3. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    My question is-Why Should It?

    My friend told me, and I was fine with it, I don't see why I wouldn't be. I'm not gonna freak out and not talk to her anymore or something like that.
  4. ~tReAh867~ Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 18, 2006
    Ferngully?... no, wait, that's not right...
    well, i dont treat homosexuals differently whether they are best friends or stangers, so if someone came out to me i would be totally fine with it. i would be proud and supportive, and i would also be glad that that person trusted me enough with the truth.

    i think its a shame when someone changes his or her opinion of a close friend or loved one just based on sexual preference. but i suppose that for someone who finds homosexuality wrong due to religion or whatever other reasons, that this situation could prove difficult. i've read a lot of feedback on here from people who dont seem to have a big problem with homosexuality in general, but i would like to hear what someone who thinks homosexuality is wrong has to say.
  5. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    You go on like nothing is new. Its no big deal.
  6. Explode Who?!

    May 20, 2007
    New York
    You guys are completely right, it's not a big deal, but in some cases it can twist you up for a bit. What I mean is if it's someone you've known more than half, or even all your life. A few years ago, it somehow came up in conversation, where my sister said she was "not straight" (in other words, open-minded, which I am, as well). It came as a total shock to me because I always saw her as being straight, and in a second I found out, with no transitional time. I started crying, not out of sadness, or shame or anything to that affect, but out of utter shock. What's worse, she knew two years before I found out, and had been telling people (she had assumed she already told me, or that I had figured it out). Even MY friends knew before I did, which even though it wasn't on purpose, felt like a total betrayal.

    Of course everything is fine now, I just needed to sleep on it. My overall point is that when you know someone for a long time, you get a picture of them in your head, and when they come out to you, you feel like you don't know them at all, and it really f**** with your mind.

    My conclusion is that it's okay to be a bit freaked out in this situation. If you absoluely hate them for it, get over it. Friendship can't and shouldn't be broken by something so trivial. I feel that the best thing to do, even if it totally catches you off guard, is when they tell you that they are gay, you should treat it like it's nothing, and later give it time to sink in. Everything will be okay in a day or two.

    Really think about what I said before chalking it up as bias, that means you didn't read carefully =_= I'm merely stating that humans can become unstable when a big change occurs, and this goes for anything, not just sexual orientation. So don't think ill of me, it's not always as black and white as it seems.
  7. Repliku Chaser

    Well said. Anyone who says it wouldn't be a surprise or a shock at first is not probably being too honest about it. However, holding it in, resenting it, or making it something to grudge over is ridiculous. We are all human and when something big hits us, we are going to react and be genuinely surprised. It's as surprising as finding out your brother just signed up to join the military or your friend won a competition, or someone was hospitalized you know. It's something very revealing about a person and it doesn't mean it's bad or good...it's just...wow! So, if people need some time, most come around if they love and care about the person.

    Being gay is not that big of a deal at all, but finding out someone you've known for years is...and you never knew...that is a big thing. However, it's nothing to dislike someone over, and yeah, after a day or two with the revelation, things can go on just fine. It's the fact you knew them for so long and just...bang...why didn't you know that??? I can see why people would be shocked. People do sometimes hold in things from those they love the most for fear of the reaction, so it's kind of a double-edged sword. They don't tell for a while...you don't know...and then you do and find out others did. It's kind of funny if you think about it, because sometimes the ones closest to us are the ones we should really tell and might be most understanding. Of course...there are always the others who are super judgemental too. =:/
  8. TabbyRoxas Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 4, 2007
    Australia. It's Hot there.
    I would try to still be their friend, but be careful and cautious around them...
  9. ~tReAh867~ Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 18, 2006
    Ferngully?... no, wait, that's not right...
    i completely understand what youre saying and i agree with you. it can be a bit of a schock at first because it does change your image of the person, but like you said, with a nights rest or so it should sink in and you dont change your relationship with that person over their sexual orientation.

    when i was younger i found out that both my uncles were gay (i didnt know before because i was too young to even know what gay was) and it wasnt like i just smiled and said "well, ok!" and skipped joyfully along. it was a bit of a shock because i had a preconceived image of them in my mind, and now that image had to change. i thought about it for a few days, not because i freaked me out or i thought it was wrong, but because it was something completely new and unexpected about my uncles. but then i just accepted it. it was no big deal.

    so dont worry, i understand what you are saying and i dont judge you badly. what you said is actually the most truthful way anyone would deal with the situation if they were ok with homosexuality.

    i did have a friend once who, when asked what she would do if her child came out to her, she replied that she would disown the child. i found that to be just totally ridiculous. that kind of reaction, i find, is wrong. i would like to see if anyone on kh-vids feels they would react the same way because there are people who do this.
  10. the muffin man Banned

    Jun 16, 2007
    Drury lane.MUFFIN MAN! DUUH!
    (I'm gonna be honest with you guys)Well,if my best friend told me that he was gay,i'd be really shocked.I believe that after this lots of stuff would change and that i'd feel kinda awkward.I mean,i wouldn't leave him like that,(i'd be an ******* if i did that)but i'd be looking at him from another point of view.Am i mean or what...?
  11. Spitfire I'm a little high, and a little drunk.

    Mar 19, 2007
    On the Block wit my Thang Cocked
    What do you mean cautious around them....you've been their friend for years, nothing should change cause they don't like the opposite sex. Big deal.
  12. Atlas Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 16, 2007
    My sister is lesbian, and she told me like two years ago. I didn't care much, really, she was still Megan. It didn't really change anything about her, she was still as funny, as smart, and as nice and stuff. Well, she was never very nice to begin with, so nevermind that one, but she didnt' change at all, and i didn't like, stop having fun with my sister because she was lesbian.
  13. Hissora ahurhurhur.

    Sep 30, 2006
    behind you :U
    Oh, course my opinion wouldn't change! My friend who I met like a month ago told me she was a lesbian, I don't give a **** if she is or not. It doesn't matter.
  14. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    Well, to tell the truth, it would shock me alot, not in a good or bad way but just like "huh?...wait waht?" I would probably need a few days to have the shock wear off but I wouldn't see them any differently, if anything I would be proud of them for being able to go out and say that. I'm not the type to treat others differently for something so simple. When I hear things like people saying they would disown their children for their preferences, I feel like yelling at them, I mean, it's your own kid damn it! You can't just disown them like that!

    Anyways, yea I would be shocked but nothing would be different between us....well it maybe a bit weird and uncomforable if they said they liked me as more than a friend. Although I wouldn't like, push them away and never talk to them again. I don't have a ton of friends, the ones I do have are close, I couldn't think of just killing those friendships over something so small and trivial.
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