Turn to KHV. That's apparently what I do. -_- I need to write an essay to gain admission into a famous club that will demand time and effort from me, but will look great on college applications if I join it. Should I join this club, and get cracking on the essay, or screw it and......uh.....keep being myself? -_-.
It's telling me to explain what character is and what it means to me and etc. etc. And the club is some National Beta Club or something.
nope. Just the National Beta Club. Ah well....nevermind. I suddenly remembered that I can have a second better chance at this if I ahve an even higher GPA requirement than this one. (The minimum was 3.3.....half the class was able to get in this if they really wanted to.)
Go for it. I was in that in high school, and it's not as bad as it sounds. All for your future, dude.
I get a second chance next year. This time with a higher GPA requirement. I think I'll go for that National Beta Club, instead of this one.(apparently there are 2 types. For different classes.)
You dont have to write an essay to get into that. >_> I would know Im in it. Well, just write the essay and if you dont get in the boo hoo :/
Yes you do Rosey. You can get in the PRE IB program, but the actual one requires an 4000 word essay. Yep, procrasination is fun.
but that isnt to get in, the EE is something you have to do for your IB diploma, not to get into the program.
I suggest you should join the club. It shall help you in the long term. By the way, I doubt you'll get any truly serious answers here.
Mehs. I've made my decision. If it hurts me in the long run, feel free to laugh about it. Still...I can breathe again! :D