What's Your Favorite Movie And Why?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Demyx123, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. TigerRider33 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sep 26, 2010
    Hm....let me see what I can think of here....

    1) True Grit (1969)--Nothing to me beats this JOhn Wayne classic. It's been one of my favorite movies for a long time, and it'll probably be that way for a while until something else comes along.

    2) Iron Man--Being an avid Comic Book reader and having worked at a Toy Museum, I knew a lot about the character from the start. The movie took the character of TOny Stark and fused a few different elements of the comics' 40+ year run and made a damn good movie. With mentions of the Ten Rings of Mandarin, NIck Fury approaching Tony for the Avengers Initiave, a glimpse of Captain America's shield, and using the Iron Monger instead of Mandarin, it made for a great comic book film.

    3) Star Wars--I've always loved Sci-Fi movies, and these are some of the staples of my childhood. :p From the Death Star to the Lava moon of Mustafar, and from Hoth to the deserts of Tatooine, these movies will be some that my kids will grow up watching if I can swing it. ;)