This thread was made clearly to see what peoples opinions were on the life of... [May contain spoilers for people who haven't played.] Ezio Auditore Da Firenze And i wanted to know what was your favorite part of his long lived loyalty to the creed? Assassins Creed 2 - A bit of a young and more free roaming spirit, who was more into girls than his work ethic, but after being enacted into the creed, he swore to do what was right, under the code of the assassin. Assassins Creed: Brotherhood - In the middle of his years, he was more inclined to his work, but still a bit of a charmer when it came to the ladies, his stay was in Roma, unlike in his earlier years, when he traveled around. Assassins Creed: Revelations - In his olden age, was now seen as a mentor, but still had much he could learn as he was taught a lot of things, such as using a hook blade, and the crafting of bombs, but he was still a bit of a charmer, as he found a signore that had come from Roma as well, aboard the same ship, after getting into Altair ibn'la'ahads library, he had found a piece of Eden, another apple, but, he instead started taking off his hidden blades, and armor, and actually talking to Desmond himself. [Yes i know i could have said more about the other games, but i haven't played them in a while, can't play 2, i need to get it again.]
AC: Revelations has to be one of my favorite Ezio games. Actually, if I could, I'd choose all three. Getting to see his entire life and live it was thrilling. The ending, as I recall, to Revelations was really quite thrilling. Definitely going to be, if it isn't already considered, a classic.
Well make a decision for EZIO'S life, hes the only person so far in the series to get three games about him, and i don't see Conner having that.
Actually, I don't care that much for ACIII . . . the story plot wasn't that great. The graphics and gameplay were amazing . . . save for a few minor things. My brother spoiled the ending for me so I've yet to finish it >.>
My favorite game in the Ezio Trilogy is Revelations, mainly because Altair is playable to a significant extent in it. I fixed that for you.