Hello, simple question yet with a difficult answer. What's up with waterpipe (I hope this is the right translation)? Why is it so popular etc. because I don't really understant the hype about that thing. Really, many friends of me do this but isn't this drugs + waterpipe is alot more 'dangerous' than a usual cigarette (has been proved) as in it's alot unhealthier. Why the hell would you do drugs, I really can't understand. Some people say to me 'you don't know the feeling so you can't know why' or 'well, it's because of the chill atmosphere, you do it with friends and it's just chilling with some friends' <= I don't like these arguments because well 1) There are better ways to chill with friends so why it always have to be with smoking weed, waterpipe, etc. even a normal cigarette, I just don't understand it. 2) Yeah, I have never done it but I don't even wanna know how it feels like etc., it's unhealthy and I know better ways to enjoy the company of my friends (not flaming on the people who actually do this though, I'm just saying). So I ask you, guys and girls from khv, what's up with that?
I smoked shisha for a couple of months, then I quit. It was probably a good decision. The thing about smoking shisha is that, because it tastes much more mellow than cigarettes, it has a more mellow atmosphere if you do it with friends. The fact is, however, that you'd basically be sucking water, ash and aroma into your lungs. Apparently Europe is more prone to this being 'cool', because the turkish kids do it, and their friends think they're cool and a kind of idol, and so forth. It's just peer pressure, just in another form.
Yeah, that's what I've been saying all along, I just don't understand people nowadays, you're yourself then be yourself and don't try to be 'cool' and be like someone whole different than your true self just be cool. Hey let's smoke something, get high you know something really bad for health, that's cool ... *sigh* this is something I'll never understand
Yeah okay, I can understand this, it's different and more 'fun and relaxing' than a normal cigarette or other things but what I don't understand (and please don't take this personally) why would you do something you know is very bad for your health just to get a stronger buzz or to chill with friends? There are different ways to feel happy, relaxed, to chill with friends than smoking stuff (and healthier ways) so why smoking? If someone reads this and uses the waterpipe sometimes, please discuss and answer.
Why do people drink despite liver failure? Why do they smoke cigarettes despite lung cancer? Why do they snort coke despite overdoses? Because of the feeling they get from it.
if we're talking about bongs and weed...weed isn't near as deadly as alcohol or cigarettes combined unless the person you bought it from is dodgy and added something else into it to make you get addicted and only buy theres...thats why if you live somewhere its permissable you grow your own... also...the guy that started the hate on weed is the same guy who didn't want hemp becoming the worlds paper supply...we were gonna save trees and use hemp as our main source of paper...but he had money in the wood market and needed this stamped out... alot of the bad things you hear about it is just from the conditioning you've gone through to think bad on it...while you go past worse things day by day... whats your foreign policy? i hate weed/drugs sir/madam thats not an answer weed/drugs is/are immoral! see how it works...
People do stupid things for a number of reasons. 1)Peer Pressure-Their friends tell them it's cool and they feel pressured to do it. They keep getting made fun of for not doing it and eventually they give in. They get so addicted to it that they just can't stop. 2)The Feeling-It makes them feel "good" that they keep doing it. 3)Exposure-Some people (and this one isn't too common but it can happen) see guys in movies, t.v. shows, and other areas smoking, doing drugs, etc. so they feel like imitating their idols and they do it to be like them. These are mostly the reasons that people do it.
That's my point, maybe it is not deadly but it's unhealthy, that's my question, why people do things that are bad for their health when they can do better things, even though they know the consequenses? And using the feeling they get to explain why someone does these things is, sorry to say this, complete bullshit (not attacking you btw just saying xP). When someone didn't try it in the first place, he/she can't miss the feeling. That's what I say all the time: What you don't know, you can't miss. And of course there are worse things than smoking weed, waterpipe, etc. but why do these things with your friends just for the 'pleasure', the feeling you get from it when there are other (better) things to do with your friends which are as fun as that. I know that smoking weed etc. isn't the worst thing on this world but why do this?
The effects aren't as visible as alcohol or dope, but smoking certainly has an effect on people. Smokers find it relaxing. Some of my friends only smoke in stressful situations, such as when they are approaching a deadline.
....... people do drugs to feel amazing to feel i dunno happy druggs give you a happy people escpecially this kind any drug can depending on what effect. people also do drugs because of stress its their way of handling situations.