Ok, basically, I have problems I've had numerous days of school due to sickness I find it hard to sleep When I wake up, I feel incredibly sleepy Every evening, I start to feel sick I've gone off loads of food, and find it hard to eat I find it hard to breathe When I get up, I feel dizzy I've almost fainted I went to the doctors about it, they said that it's probably to do with allergies, but I don't think so, I hate missing school, and hate the horrible feelings I get, any ideas on what this is?
If you're stressed out this could be one of the problems you're having. Or, you could have what I have, anaemia. It means you have a decreasing amount of blood cells, and you seem to be having some of the symptoms of it. If you don't eat enough red meat or green vegetables, then you lose a lot of iron. I have the same, it's nothing too drastic, but you may miss a lot of school, my attendance is pretty poor due to it. Don't get worked up about that though, it's probably just stress. <3
Hmm it could be various things but probably the most likely cause is anxiety as stated by a lot of people. Anxiety's symptoms include nausea, heart palpitations, fatigue, chest pain, shortness of breath, stomach aches, or headaches. Your allergies could be worsening the respiratory aspects of those symptoms so I would just take it easy for a while. If you go back to the doctor and it turns out that you have anxiety, they might give you prescription meds such as fluoxetine (Prozac) and sertraline (Zoloft). It works well with adolescents and children. But that'd have to be confirmed by your doctor.
It can be anxiety...it can also be a number of other things as well. Usually when you're tired after sleep it can be because you toss and turn and dont get a good nights sleep... with all the dizziness, it could possibly be that you're dehydrated. I mean, I dont know where you live, but it is summer and if you dont drink enough water you can start to feel weird. what do you eat anyway?
Happened to me too. No lie. I talked with one of my doctors and she asked if I was taking my vitamins. They tested my blood and found out that my vitamin-D levels were very low. Depression can also cause you to feel tired. I missed so many days of school in the past because I didn't want to wake up. I sure learned my lesson. (Summer school is very tiring)
Yes, it is summer, and I keep forgetting to bring in my water-bottle, and we're not aloud to go to the fountain every 5 minutes, so I just have to get a drink before class. And, I do move alot in my sleep, so that could be it.... I eat usual things, spaghetti, pizza, burgers, fries, salads, eggs, fish fingers, baked beans, mashed potato, meat, peas, and loads of other stuff like that.
That happened to me 2 years ago...Don't worry it passeses...With the breathing take a drink of water and sit down and keep movement to a minimal. I can't anything about the fainting but everything else just passeses by you should be fine if its anything like what happened to me
Tests are stressful, believe me. And stress really takes a toll on your body. Try to just chill out and relax, and do things that are calming to you, like drawing, writing, listening to music, that sort of thing. Don't play video games, though; playing video games can actually make you more stressed, especially if the game is difficult. When it's time to take those tests, try to relax and do the best you can. Remind yourself that you did your best, and whatever happens happens. Hang in there.