What's the funniest thing that happened to you most recently?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Llave, Jul 29, 2011.

  1. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    Like the title says; What's the funniest thing that happened to you most recently?

    Mine- I was sitting in an office chair and i was slouching in it so there was room behind me. i was kinda tired and for some reason i had my right hand behind my back in the chair and for some other even more strange reason it felt relaxing. so i close my eyes and rest, about 10 minutes went by and i was in that verge of slumber were you "dream but its your conscious thoughts and you control them." i kinda "woke up" and moved my hands up, but i had forgotten that my right hand was still behind me and it didnt move and for a second i thought i had lost my arm!! Hahaa! i dont know if that's ridiculously hilarious, but it was for me when i realized it.

    So what's yours?
  2. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    I don't know if anything funny ever happens to me. I guess you could say it's "funny" since today everytime I kept talking to my brother I kept saying tis instead of it's. It's more interesting than funny, but I guess you can't be too picky with these kinds of things
  3. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    Most recently . . . my friend went to dribble the basketball and I happened to stick my foot out at the perfect moment . . . he didn't get off the ground for like five minutes . . . more cruel than funny but to me it was hysterical.

  4. MadDoctorMaddie I'm a doctor, not a custom title!

    Apr 19, 2008
    Med Bay
    At my last improv class, my partner and I were doing a scene situated in the food court (the task was to name each other during the scene, which ended up being completely irrelevant in our case).

    Me: *looking at my 'food' suspiciously* Do these fries look odd to you?
    Him: I dunno, did you get them from McDonalds?
    Me: Naw, got them from Subway... *beat, I realize what I said* I didn't even know Subway had fries! Especially bright orange ones...
    Him: D'you think they're made from sweet potatoes?
    Me: Maybe... *tries one, expression turns to total bliss* Ohmigawd, this is the greatest thing I've eaten in my entire life!
    Him: *incredulously* Really?
    Me: Do you know what this means Andrew? *excited whisper* I have an entire new vegetable to explore!
    Him: *equally excited whisper* Jules, maybe we can explore vegetables together!
    Me: *completely cracks up*

    Fortunately our teacher called 'scene' right then.
    ... It kinda loses something in writing...
  5. Glen Returned from the dead

    Jan 18, 2011
    Well i tried out for a voice acting thing about 5 minutes ago and got the role of a pimp XD
  6. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    To me, it wasn't funny at all because it was a nightmare, but . . .

    The night before last, I had a dream that a bee was chasing me, it had a Jamaican design on its outer shell, it was wearing one of those hats and it had dreadlocks , and right before it was about to sting me, I woke up.

  7. Kayate King's Apprentice

    Jun 27, 2011
    Cisgender Male
    Aperture Science Testing Facility
    Dreadlocks are creepy, I don't blame you.

    But...The funniest thing that recently happened to me, it's pretty lame, but it was just one of those lolwat moment.

    Being from the state of Georgia, we obviously have a few chickens, six. Our two adults recently had chicks, and my mom and I were watching the chicks just derp around and I'm like,
    "I wonder what gender they are...", and my mother goes,
    "You know you can choose the gender."
    "...Erm...No...? You can't do that..."
    "Yeah you can! If you ween the baby from their mama at a young age, they become boys, if not, they're female!"
    "...N-...Where did you hear this?"
    "...Erm...N-...No...Just...No...The only thing I know that can change its gender is the clam/oyster..."

    I really don't understand where I get my smarts come from D:
  8. program Twilight Town Denizen

    Apr 8, 2009
    That Bee sounds familiar.

    This was Even Funny To me.

    It was graduation day, we rented out Hometown Buffet's special room in the back but, it would also have other people in there if anyone wanted to use it. So me and my family are just getting there and I have to say hi to everyone. You probably know where this is going. And I see some people in the middle, just sitting there with their food looking at us; me being the always bright,nervous young girl go up to them and say hi thinking they're in the family.
    "HI! Thanks for coming! Nice To See You!"
    They tell me congratulations and what school I just graduated.
    Later I learn when they leave they were a separate 'party' who were just there; everyone busted up laughing.
    It might be funnier if anyone was there.

    How 'Bout the time me and my friend ere pushing one another around my house and I pushed him LIGHTLY and he went head first into the hallway wall? That one always cracks me up XD