Oh, don't mind me. I've just recently discovered an obsession with both the Monkees AND Star Trek: Voyager. I love the holographic Doctor! In other news, I'm just posting to say I'M BACK, BABY!!!
I find the song to be irrelevant. Enjoyable, perhaps, but unnecessary. And thanks, strfruit, it's good to be back!
lol, I agree. I was just trying to channel 7, and it seems to me she would probably find the song irrelevant. XD
I am quite well! It's wonderful to know that you are, too, and to see you back here again! Had you waited until Friday to make your return, I would've started leaving threatening messages on your profile. xD I am also still not over your Psych sig, ehehe~ OH THAT REMINDS ME OH OH OH NEXT SEASON STARTING AAAAAH I CANNOT WAIT
Yeah, I'm pretty excited myself. I can't wait to see what happens to Henry. I thought for sure he was going to Spoiler die, but now that I've seen the commercials, I'm not so sure. Either way, I HAVE TO WATCH NOWZ!!!