Recently my mom got the internet company to set up a phone service for us. It is our first day with it today and the internet slows down dramatically like if it was dial up. It's been very windy today also. There are 3 causes I can think of right now, the weather, they screwed something up while setting up the phone service, and the new phone service it's self. They told her the internet would be faster if they set up the phone service, I did liked the idea of faster internet but this is just plain ridiculous! I did do the un-plug the power to the internet box thing for 30 seconds. It would let me back on the internet 3 minutes after I do it but when I did it today it wouldn't let me use the internet an hour later after I did it. We don't really need the phone service anyway because everyone in the house has a cell phone (stupid right?). I dont have many things on my computer (1GB in total of things and the rest is nothing, not even games) if that answers some of your questions like the one I just got from Yahoo answers >_>
The only thing i can think of is that the internet through the phone service just sucks. Personally, I have never experiences it, but it does seem that could be a problem. Might i ask what service?
Yes, we have about 4 of them that came with the internet box thing. My internet has decent speed before the phone service was added, I got very much used to it. My internet service/provider is Quest.
I honestly doubt you're using dial-up, do you know if it's DSL? That uses the telephone lines and, if the technician was mucking about in there, it could have been affected. You may also want to try this, make sure you following the order exactly: Turn off all computers and devices connected to the internet. Unplug your router. Unplug your modem. Wait a minute. Plug the modem back in, give it some time to boot up (no more than a minute should be required). Plug the router back in; again, wait a minute. Turn the computers back on and give your internet a try. Also, are you wired directly to the router, or is it a wireless connection?