playing with a stick? Seriously, you never see kids playing with sticks anymore. Back in the day, we hardly had toys but sticks were abundant. You could do fucking anything with a stick. Sword fights, oarsmen on a great viking ship, another sword fight, another sword fight, another sword fight... the possibilities were endless.
Inorite, I demand to see kids beating the crap out of each other with sticks while they play Power Rangers like I used to do as a Smurf.
Back in mah day, I had to walk up a hill both ways to get to school while it was snowing...and raining... and there was a giant meteor shower.
And what ever happened to playing outside in general? People spend nearly all day inside, at a desk or computer or TV screen. And when they do got out, it's night...Dear god, they've become vampires.0.o
My little cousins have light savers now.... They got rid of the sticks that I painted red, blue & green for them ages ago. I still fight my sister with a stick when we're outside. lol - good times xD.
We played pirate... I'm always bugging my sister to go play outside so we can swordfight again but she never wants to... :nono: