naruto cuz itz so badazz and original and funny lol On a serious note, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, if you haven't already.
If you want something actionous or serious: Rurouni Kenshin: My favorite anime, it's an awesome series. [Long in length]. Wolf's Rain: A very good anime, depending on your tastes. [Medium in length]. Mushishi: A quiet, serious anime. [Short in length]. Hunter X Hunter: Pretty cool, in my opinion. [Short in length]. If you want something funny: Slayers: This one is so off the walls... [Kinda long in length]. Hare + Guu: This one splits my sides with laughter. [Medium in length]. Excel Saga: A crack anime, pretty amusing. [Short in length]. FLCL: A very insane anime, my best friend's favorite. [Extremely short in length]. There's plenty more I can name.
Actually the original Transformers is co produced between America and Japan. Also, if you want GOOD anime Baccano Monster Kino's Jounrey Gurren lagann Gintama
I'd listen to Jube, if I were you. But, I would say: Chobits ToraDora! Gurren Lagann And that's all I can think of at the moment.
I've been meaning to watch this, actually. The problem is I can't find it anywhere. The collection of episodes I did find did not work for me.