Ok, so the other night when I was going to bed, it was about 2am and I had just got under my covers when I heard some lads outside talking, they threw something at the window of my neighbour's house and the dude whos room is next to mine opened his window to talk to them. They were planning on going somewhere and Guy A (the one who threw the stone) was saying to Boy C (my neighbour) something like "Are you still coming with us?" Boy C replied "yeah but not until 3, it isnt 3 yet" Boy B (who was on the street with A) said, "I'm not going **** it, I dont want to", so A said "Fine don't then, stay at home" and asked C if C was still going, C said he still wanted to go, but to wait until 3 and then he could sneak out. A kept saying to C you better still be coming, it will be just you and me but it will be alright. C was all like yeah thats fine. Then A said, "Great, we'll go robbing on the way there and back" C replied he was looking forward to it. They were palnning to go rob the area where the old people live (they have like bungalows and stuff and a lot of pensioners live there). Anyways. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't do nothing but I couldn't do anything. Plus my neighbours are really rough, and where I live if you grass someone up its a quick way to get your head kicked in. I spoke to my mom about it and she said it isn't worth getting involved and that I will just get myself in trouble with the guys. She doesn't want me to get hurt. I just, idk ._. for all I know they wussed out and didn't even go robbing in the end, the dude did sneak out but idk where they went. What would you have done or do? :/ it is bugging the hell out of me.
Well, I would tell the police but request to remain anonymous. There's also a few anonymous tip services out there that you could go to. I would inform the police, though. Especially if it starts sounding really serious. D: Good luck!
I'd have made an anonymous call to the police. I don't know about the cops there but in my country they are obliged by law to take every tip seriously. Explicitly demand discretion and send them over to where these boys were headed to. The way I see it, being careful is one thing and turning a blind eye for the sake of convenience is another. I know you wouldn't do the latter though.
Definitely call the cops. Anonymous or not, those guys don't need to be running free, robbing people. Either call them beforehand, and hope they believe you, or call them after the fact, so the perpetrators can be caught. Hell, if you let people know it was you, you might even get a reward.
Letting the people know it was me it most definitely not an option, becasue then there is the possibility the dudes would find out, when I said grassing on someone is a quick way to get your head kicked in, I wasn't kidding. The police where I live, they are kind of ****, mainly because they get so many kids pranking them a lot that sometimes they are slow to responding to things. I know it is lame but I really would rather not get my ass kicked :D I'm going to have to tell the police though, otherwise I'll feel guilty forever.
What the others said, but if you still think it will be obvious that you reported to the police, just give them an anonymous call that the neighbourhood where the pensioners live (insert name of area) is under threat of constant robbery. This will make the police aware that this is an area often targeted and perhaps they will get the local council to install alarms and such. Or you know, you could just stay out of it. Some things really are best kept to yourself... especially if the place you live in could be considered "rough". Besides its not as if reporting one incident will stop the matter completely (wait, did I just contradict myself? o.o ) I know it sounds like this is the "wrong" choice to make, but sometimes its good to be selfish to save yourself 0:3 EDIT - If its gonna make you feel guilty forever tell someone else about it then perhaps you can tip off the police together D: Itll make you feel safer <3
You can always go to the cops if it bothers you THAT much. Make it anonymous or somethin'. But just try not to get TOO involved. Believe me, you can seriously get hurt or worse. But if it doesn't bother you too much I advice you just stay out of it. It's not really your problem. In situations like that a lot of blood tends to get spilled. So until then, just be very careful...
Understandable. I've lived all my life in comfortable suburbia, so I've never experienced that kind of thing.
this has never happened to me but i'd call the cops. what else to do?????? you can't just go over there and tell them not to or you'll get into deep trouble (funny if you take this adivice usually ppl say taking adivce from little kids is bad)
Well, knowing me, I'd go to my parents and most likely they would call the police. I highly doubt they would give out their name so they would remain anonymous. It'd probably be dangerous if you were to give out your name. O.o I don't know.
It generally isn't safe to. I grew up in a rough area, i remember hearing about a guy two streets down who ended up in hospital for grassing up friends who did whatever. Most police will accept anonymity, but whether they will act is a different matter. They'll take care of it...when they take care of it. I would call, but make sure the guys don't know you,
In a situation like that, I'd say don't get involved. You're an anonymous person who just happened to hear this, sooner or later the cops are going to catch them anyway, and if they dont, you can tell them then. So yeah, id say don't get involved in something like that
Looking at the situation now (safe at home in front of the computer) I'd say to anonymously tip the cops off, even if they won't respond, just to feel like you did your part and don't have to feel guilty.... but, if I was in your situation I would probably roll over and try to sleep, tell my parents in the morning. I've always lived in relatively 'safe' neighborhoods. I don't have to worry about robberies or people kicking my face in. I can only imagine how freaked I would be if I overheard that and had to make the choice to act or not....and I probably wouldn't