What Would You Do If You Found Out You Were Dying?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by kingdom945, Jun 15, 2007.

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  1. Scarred Nobody Where is the justice?

    May 14, 2007
    if i was dying, i'd have my mom drive me to my best friends house. then when she answered the door, i would give her a big kiss on the lips. when she asked why, i'd tell her that i was dying and i love her.

    i'm a guy
  2. Repliku Chaser

    Hmm, good question. I'd probably be sad a bit, but not bother crying, shrug and go off to do fun things for a while. I wouldn't want many if any people to really know because I wouldn't want all the weird change in their attitudes or them to be sad. I'd also write a will and testament which would leave people some minor things of mine for after I croak, and for those who were jerks to me, I'd leave them behind something rotten with some choice words. Other than that, I wouldn't focus on it because I never know if it's a ruse or if I'll defy nature as is my tendency to do any way. I wouldn't want to be like the guy in the news recently that spent all of his fortune partying to find out his doctors switched his records with someone else's.
  3. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    Well, do what I've always wanted to do, as well as trying to atone for any sins I might've commited in case I go down to reduce the severity of my sentence.

    Skydiving, shooting practice, donate to a charity and/or orphanage, watch Pirates of the Caribbean again, go see famous landmarks, going to Britian to watch Doctor Who (XD Still, I'm telling the truth), watching the Sci-Fi channel, and many other things.

    Life is like food, savor it as long as possible until it's gone.
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