What women want

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Darkcloud, Feb 7, 2010.

  1. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    For the women who don't like it when guys like a lot of sex/sexual things, keep in mind our sex drives are rather unconditional. If we think you're hot, we'll want sex whenever we can get it. That isn't to say we'll always ask you and require it, but sex is something we'll be more than happy to oblige for. Also, it's nice to get it at least two or three times a month. At least. lulz

    I'm mostly just generalizing though keep in mind. some guys don't like sex with women. they're known as homosexuals. yous women might prefer them instead of a straight guy. :]

    In all seriousness, however... some men (I'd say quite a few) think sex is a necessity. So saying you don't want a guy who likes a lot of sex is rather pointless. I mean yeah, every day is a little much to be fair... but once a week isn't THAT bad, imo.
  2. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Some of the posts in this thread make me want to cry, quite possibly from laughter, but that is besides the point.

    As has been said already, there is no perfect answer. Females, just like males, are all different. We don't have a list of requirements that we like to check off because what one woman finds appealing in a man won't neccessarily be what another woman likes.

    Think about physical attraction, what draws you to a particular person is different for everyone, the same can be said about personalities and character traits. Some people are drawn to blondes others are drawn to red heads in the same way some women are drawn to serious guys others are drawn to more relaxed guys.

    I will say to me confidence is attractive, but that is a personal liking, I know some women who find guys with little confidence to be appealing. Though even confident guys have to be careful because when confidence becomes arrogance, that isn't attractive :B

    Side Note:

    As for the whole sex thing, communication is key. If you think A wants it too much then talk to them about it, if you think B doesn't want it enough then talk about it. It is better to be honest than allow resentment to build up.

    Women do not want to date a guy who will say, "we have to have sex at least 3 or 4 times a month" and I think I am pretty safe in saying most women would raise their eyebrow at that one. I actually think that the moment you start to try and set numbers and limits onto the physical side of a relationship you're turning it into a chore and taking the fun out of it.
  3. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I'm glad I was joking about that. XD
  4. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    So am I, 'cause when I first read it, it actually really caught me off guard because I really couldn't see you thinking that xD
  5. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    But even if I don't think that, there are some guys who really want sex a lot. Probably regularly, I'd imagine.

    It's unfortunate. Must ruin it.
  6. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Sorry for bumpage, only just saw you had replied, I blame the server lag.

    Anyways, wanting a lot of sex isn't a bad thing, there are women who do too, it is perfectly normal and it is a part of a healthy relationship. The problem is when one person starts demanding and/or expecting sex to some sort of timetabled basis. Regular sex in a relationship starts to become negative when it becomes a chore and feels more like it has to be done than its wanted.
  7. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Actually, more and more sexuologists defend "planned" sex lately. Due to the utopic nature of both partners being in the right mood from the start, especially in long-lasting relationships, it may pay off to have a set "sex day". When you're married for 10 years you don't have to have sex because you are in the mood, you have sex in order to get in the mood. I can imagine it working, with some obilgatory exceptions; it makes that one day something to look forward to.

    Whatever the system most partners fall victim to "unwanted" sex at one point. At least with the timetabled system you have no excuse to take out your frustrations on your partner. That's one way to see it. I'm not saying they should rape each other or force themselves upon eachother, but the 15 minute rule may serve as a standard.