The other day I went to game stop to get Blazblue CS and apparently they ran out of copies for it. The sad part is that I was looking forward to getting the game :(
I find it a bit odd that there are no copies in your city. There probably are, you just haven't looked hard enough. You should try to keep looking, and if all else fails, why don't you just order it online? It's not really that hard.
How does a city run completely out of a game? I agree with Sax, probably just not lookin' hard enough. Amazon's pretty cheap, anyway.
Actually it can because the game is popular but yet it is a few years old. And yeah I checked again and there is only one more copy......but is inside an army base
Actually, no. I know how popular BlazBlue is. Where have you been looking? have you just been checking GameStops? You need to actually get out and look for it, not just online, if that's what you are doing. If you live in Texas like I do, which I know you do, in El Paso, then there is definitely a mall or a second hand video store that will have it. El Paso is a big city, I know this, so you can't tell me there's not a single copy of the game in all 249 square miles of the place.
[COLOR="CC00000"]Moved to Spam, this doesn't really fall under game discussion. It's possible that stores completely sell out their stock of a game, but that's usually on release - Dead Island is the last I remember that happening with, totally sold out in my town and the surrounding ones. Though I have run into having problems finding an older, popular game, like it took me ages to find a decent copy of Final Fantasy V or Chain of Memories. Sometimes availability is very limited. If you usually use GameStops you can use their site to see if they have any in stock, and if not you can always check other stores like Toys R Us or Best Buy. They're not the best for games and you'll have to watch for overpricing, but if you really want the game there's nonspecialty stores you can look for. [/COLOR]