I need a new game to spend my time. And I can't figure out which one to play next. I'm bored so pick one. Dead Space Dark Void Just Cause 2 Dragon Age: Origins Uncharted 1 & 2 Borderlands Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II Dynasty Warriors 7 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Get a life. FFXIII
FFXIII...cause I have to recommend it! IT HAS FANG! ...and Lightning. BUT MOSTLY FANG! =D Uncharted 1 & 2. NOW!
Borerlands = No, just no. Dead Space = Eh, it's alright. Alright. Dragon Age Origins = If you're up for a nice game, go for it. But if you want action and stuff like hookers idk. Castlevania one = HELL NO. That game was so stupid for me. Jesus. I'd say either Dead Space or DA. I'd choose DA tho.