I dunno which one of these options sounds better... I'd REALLY like Birth by Sleep (and a DJ Hero for PS2 as a bonus) but a Wii sounds much more fun... On Gamestop the 2 games cost 110 bucks and the Wii would be around 170 and 200, the latter being the white/black Wii with Wii Sports Resort. Any help guys?
The Wii has a small amount of good games. The system's best game is the sequel to its previous best game (Super Mario Galaxy) and not more exists before that (thats actually good). But we're talking about that versus a psp and ps2 game...so you decide which is going to be more fun for a longer period of time.
We brought a Wii around the time it came out and it hasn't been played on much since then. It's not even plugged in to the TV :p Birth by sleep and Dj Hero both look awesome =D
save all that money for a 3DS. They look awesome. Well, save some of it, and then use some of it to get BBS.
BBS sounds very good indeed as well as DJ Hero. As for the Wii its actually not that bad. As long as you get Brawl, Mario Kart, and Super Mario Galxy. Btw there are more anticipated games coming out for this that are gonna be awesome like LoZ and DK Country, but thats up to you.
Yeah, that's true, i forgot about those. Then yeah, just get a Wii. Or save for the 3DS, because they're gonna have awesome games on it to start out with, and they're remaking old ones, like Ocarina of Time. Nintendo is the way to go.
First choice, first choice, first choice. BBS and DJ Hero sounds like a great steal, because Wii games are really expensive, and such. And other then that, DJ Hero has Daft Punk, and a lot more cool artist in their set list. Better choice then Wii. >.>
Dude, the first one all the freaking way. I've played a bit of BBS and right off the bat I can tell it's amazing. Can't say I've played DJ hero, but I only hear good things about it. A Wii with only Wii Sports gets old pretty fast.
The only people I know who have been continuously entertained by a Wii are eight year olds, and even they lose interest. I had one for a few months (I got it as a Christmas gift), I played it for a day or two, the never touched it again. BBS on the other hand has a guaranteed what, 45 hours of gameplay between the three stories? And that doesn't count finishing the game 100%. Plus DJ Hero looks badass. Though you're probably getting a biased opinion by asking a Kingdom Hearts fansite.