I don't think this thread goes here but I didn't exactly know where to put it either. So w/e. So I have $150 from birthday money. I'm going shopping today at various places such as BestBuy or anywhere else that sells electronics. I haven't thought at all about what I want. I need you guys to give me suggestions. Any will do.
Spamzone really. I would say save it and get a 3DS. Maybe look into trade-ins if you have a normal DS.
Yeah, I'm with mixt on this one, save it toward a 3DS. Or, if you're already getting that bought for you, buy some 3DS games. You could also get some new headphones if you like music and good sound.
What condom will cost $150- On second thought don't answer that -.- As for what to buy, you could save it for education loljk, something fun involiving iPods or DS's
Well you see, I played a demo ver. of a 3DS. It's not that great. It doesn't look 3D at all unless you find the "sweet spot" on the screen. It's also the size of a regular DSi. I thought it would've been bigger, but that's just me. But I already have Final Fantasy Duodecim. I was thinking of getting a DSi considering how my DS lite is super broke but somehow manages to play games. But I still want some other stuff. I have the problem of as soon as I get money I have to immediately spend it.
dang...all the good stuff are sure getting expensive =0= Any games you ever wanted? lols Camera? Software? Clothes are always nice to get.
Save up for something amazing.. I blow all mine away which I should really stop.. :\ feh... You could always donate it to me through paypal :D lolz
It has a 3D slider so you can tune it where you like it or just turn it off if you decide it is too gimicky. But your call. If you do want just a DS there are going to be a lot of used ones hitting the market soon. Sounds like you would want a DSi XL