Name: What? Real name: Ashwin Age: Fifteen Rank: Sectional Moderator Specialties: Visual art, writing, socialization, various bits and pieces of things. Interests: Everything. Za warudo. The whole world serves to be a grand place and also I enjoy a nice sip of soft drink or two. Art and anthropology are lovely, however. History and reading is grand. Drawing is beautiful. Musics are dabbling experimentations. Speaking with people and observing the world around me is a beautiful thing to do. Cheese is delicious. Personality: I am the man who arranges the blocks that descend upon me from up above. They come down and I spin them around and they fit in the ground like hand in glove. Sometimes I think that to move blocks is fine and the lines they will come as they fall. Then I see, that I have misjudged it, I should not have nudged it, after all. Also I enjoy books and cuddles and food and a combination of those three things altogether, probably in my dream machinations. People consider me thoughtful, calm, and wise but personally these ideas on my personality may be subjective. History: LONG AGO IN A DISTANT LAND, I, WHATKU, THE SHAPESHIFTING MASTER OF HISTORY, UNLEASHED AN UNSPEAKABLE POWER. BUT A FOOLISH SAMURAI WARRIOR WIELDING A MAGIC SWORD STEPPED FORTH TO OPPOSE ME. BEFORE THE FINAL BLOW WAS STRUCK, I TORE OPEN A PORTAL IN TIME, AND FLUNG HIM INTO THE FUTURE, WHERE MY POWER IS LAW. NOW THE FOOL SEEKS TO RETURN TO THE PAST, AND UNDO THE FUTURE THAT IS WHATKU. And then one day I strolled into the forum and gave forth my "salutations" and everyone was an absolutely wonderful person so I stayed here since I was eleven and this location has defined my character quite a bit. Goals: My primary goals are that of the hockey goals, but yelling for soccer goals or lacrosse goals are also interesting. I wish to unite people together. I may go on a vicious essay-like piece of writing on the particular reasons, be they personal or otherwise, but I feel that the forum would be an excellent location when cleaner, if there is much less conflict, people are more appreciative and caring towards one another, and we simply stay more as a tight-knit family. Call me a horrendous idealist but personally I believe this is quite definitely achievable. We are here to make the forum a better place for all folk.
what misty said >:L Welcome aboard, What! Looking forward to working with you and integrating you into the ship kekeke <:
I'll try to put this in terms for you to understand. I have great faith that over the course of time you and I will enjoy performing tasks that are in their entirety very different despite their commonality of existing in the association of which you have recently been inducted into.
THIS IS WHY I SHOULD NOT SLEEP ANYMORE. I ALWAYS MISS THESE THINGS Congratulations dearest What. It's going to be awesome working with you. any errors and mistakes you make will result in your death by hanging
~Always last... WELCME WHAT? We hope you enjoy our initiation service >:D your time as a red person. It is an absolute pleasure to be working with you and I'm looking forward to it. I suppose this means we're no longer the newbies ;-;