Alright. Allow me to rephrase my humble request for assistance. I'm asking you the people of the internet (more specifically KHV) to tell me, the lowly nothing I am what I should do in the future as far as my writings can be considered. Be it nothing or writing more useless drivel. I have no thoughts on this so I don't care what you say.
I say go for it... If writing is what you think about everyday, and is your greatest passion, then you should be an author. ^-^ Go for it. I'll be paying attention to ya and helping you out if you need it. Everyone deserves a chance...
You obviously have never read anything I've written. Oh, well I think I'll take that advice anyways I gots another idea abrewin' I think it's time to draft...
KEEP WRITTING!!! GAH!!! IF YOU DON'T I'LL BEAT YOU WITH A BAG OF MARSHMELLOWS!!! Just kidding but yeah, keep writting because you'll keep getting better. That's how it is with a bunch of people (including myself). Like my first story sucked horribly. No one commented on it because it was so awful. (They told me on the site's shoutbox.) And now, well, I wouldn't say I'm great but I'm okay. (People tel me I'm good but I think they're just being nice... I'm watching you, 01_Kairi and of course the people who told me not to mention them because something bad would happen. I have no idea what that's about.) So yeah, if you don't kepp writting I will beat you with a bag of marshmellows. (Deja-vu?)