What makes you upset?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by DarknessKingdom, Oct 4, 2006.

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  1. ryan9234 Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 1, 2006
    1. Reatarded teachers
    2. Hypocrites
    3. People that think that they have fun when hurting other people *Really just stupid, I have fun all the time with people and my friends and we don't be cruel to one another, I don't even act cruel to people I don't know, its just sad to say the least*
    4. Spoiled kids
    5. People that won't shut up!
    6. Fighting for stupid reasons

    Lots of others but I'll list them later . . . .
  2. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    Ah yes, #4 is what's going on at school. :mad: Those kids should bestow physical harm on something else.
  3. neokeymaster Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 2, 2006
    anyone out there?
    1. gettin hacked
    2. my sisters gettin all the attention, bein the middle child sucks :(
    3. gettin bullied at school all the time
    4. the fact that outside my computer i feel like an outsider, no one close to is into the sanme stuff like kh and ff etc
  4. ryan9234 Traverse Town Homebody

    Oct 1, 2006

    You'd be surprised on who has the same or completely different school life, I met two teen girl twins on another forum that said that everyone at their school loved KH, it just depends on where you live.

    Oh, and another on: When game companies like Square-Enix only release a game in Japan . . . . .
  5. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I agree with a lot of stuff on NRA's list. Especially the one with white people trying to act like black people. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against black people, and I'm not saying that they act funny or something, but I hate it when white guys try to be like them. My step brother does that, he acts like an idiot.

    Well, here's my list:

    1. People who think I'm emo because I wear black. They also say I'm never happy. Just ask Element, I was singing "I'm a Little Teacup" a few days ago.
    2. Posers. When Element choose the screename "Element", this kid that stalks us got a screename of "FireWindEarth".
    3. People that put others down. I remember I think yesterday, one girl insulted a new girl for "dressing like a guy". I'm so sorry that we all don't wear mini skirts all day.
    4. People who believe everything they see in magazines and on TV.
    5. People that say "Kingdom Hearts sucks.", just because it was made by Disney. Have you ever played it? No. Have you even bothered to learn what it was about? No. Then don't dis it.
    6. Mini skirts.
    7. Perverts.
    8. Kids that can walk into class late and the teacher won't notice, but then when someone else does, they get detention. *Cough Cough* My friend ...*Cough* (No, not me)
    9. Hackers. You know, someone put a lot of time into that site, and what do you do? Ruin it? Being the owner of a *Cough* dead *cough* forum, and a website, I know how hard it is to create something like that, even if it sucks.
  6. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Stereotyping. A girl in mah school named Daniel. (Who got suspended, YES!!!!) Alchohol. (I've got mah reasons... >.>) My small big sister, Leela. God-Modding. My stepdad. (A-lot. >.>) School in general. Gossip.

    The list goes on and on... >.>
  7. Rufus Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 25, 2006
    Houston, Tx
    ppl touching my stuff >< yup thats it, just dun touch and i won't go medievil on you ^^
  8. Crazy Tifa Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 22, 2006
    In Qatar
    1. Stuck ups
    2. Racists
    3. Teachers who think they make sense (it's not just me, it's everyone)
    4. People who are over-sensitive (get mad at the slightest thing)
    5. Bullies

    These are some things i hate
  9. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    Mostly mine isn't hackers, ironically enough...

    I have a healthy respect for them, and what they do. Some are out there just to say: "Hey!!! I can do something!!!"

    The others don't go very far with me.

    In any case, spammers and members who ask me for modship over and over again when they're not ready and I tell them so. T___T
  10. jacquelinenguyen1067541 Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 12, 2006
  11. Zexion of the Twilight The conflicts within my priorities....

    Those rude and unpatriotic kids, where has America's kids gone to?
  12. Rouge Angel92 Twilight Town Denizen

    Sep 30, 2006
    Waiting for my heart to heal
    Amen sister!! I agree with numbers:3,5,6(burn mini skirts burn!!),7,8.
    I also feel you with #1 I have people(including one of my own friends) tell me(sometimes to my face) that I'm either depressed all the time or that I'm emo. And I'm the one who wears pink!!! (I really like pink and black. :))
    But here's what bothers me the most. When a group or a person shunns someone else just because of how they look. where they come from, what they like,or just how they act. I get this alot and this is sort of how I meet the greatest friends on Earth!!
    You see when I was little I got pushed aside because I was shy and quiet but then T-chan helped me losen up. Our group has gotten bigger now and when one of us is feeling lonely or regected we help each other not feel so lonely, but that's during school. During the summer or at home i'm so lonely. My own mother and little brother think i'm wierd, and it really hurts my feelings. So guess that's half the reason I joined this forum, so I wouldn't be judged, so I wouldn't be lonely, so I could meet new friends from everywhere. And I've lovin' it.
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