What kind of thinker are you?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Jube, Dec 21, 2007.

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  1. Mr. Van Whippy ♥ Biscuits and cookies

    Jan 5, 2007
    On the road
    The Renaissance ideal

    The leading thinkers of the Renaissance were not just experts in their own field. The renaissance scholar was expected to master all branches of knowledge.

    With his insatiable desire to know everything, Leonardo da Vinci is often held up as the ideal Renaissance man

    Linguistic thinkers:

    * Tend to think in words, and like to use language to express complex ideas.
    * Are sensitive to the sounds and rhythms of words as well as their meanings.

    Like linguistic thinkers, Leonardo made meticulous descriptions in his journals. He also made an effort to learn Latin - a foreign language
  2. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    Spatial Thinkers:
    Tend to think in pictures, and can develop good mental models of the physical world.
    Think well in three dimensions
    Have a flair for working with objects


    Musical thinkers:
    Tend to think in sounds, and may also think in rhythms and melodies
    Are sensitive to the sounds and rhythms of words as well as their meanings.
    Feel a strong connection between music and emotions
  3. Tootsie coquí

    Feb 26, 2007
    You are a Musical Thinker:
    Musical thinkers:

    * Tend to think in sounds, and may also think in rhythms and melodies
    * Are sensitive to the sounds and rhythms of words as well as their meanings.
    * Feel a strong connection between music and emotions

    Other Musical Thinkers include:
    Mozart, John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix

    Careers which suit Musical Thinkers include
    Musician, Music teacher, Sound engineer, Recording technician.

    50% True I guess.
  4. Wisdom Form Guy Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    Sunset Horizons
    The quiz glitched on me.:(
  5. Kaiionel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 4, 2007
    In my imagination
    This does describe me! I got two of them and they both describe me...

    1) Linguistic thinkers:
    Tend to think in words, and like to use language to express complex ideas.
    Are sensitive to the sounds and rhythms of words as well as their meanings.
    Other Linguistic Thinkers include
    William Shakespeare, Sylvia Plath, Anne Frank

    Careers which suit Linguistic thinkers include
    Journalist, Librarian, Salesperson, Proof-reader, Translator, Poet, Lyricist

    2) Musical thinkers:
    Tend to think in sounds, and may also think in rhythms and melodies
    Are sensitive to the sounds and rhythms of words as well as their meanings.
    Feel a strong connection between music and emotions
    Other Musical Thinkers include
    Mozart, John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix

    Careers which suit Musical Thinkers include
    Musician, Music teacher, Sound engineer, Recording technician
  6. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    WTF? How am I meant to do the first set? I am barely out of primary, and they want to know what degrees I have!

    Insane. I wonder if that effects anything.
  7. HOSPITAL STAT! i knock tits

    Jan 17, 2007
    How come it's working for everyone BUT me? The damned third page won't load.

    EDIT: Ah, okay. Had to cheat and change one of my votes. <_<;

    Anyway got Musical...Thinker.

    * Tend to think in sounds, and may also think in rhythms and melodies
    * Are sensitive to the sounds and rhythms of words as well as their meanings.
    * Feel a strong connection between music and emotions

    The only part which tends to be right is the last one.
  8. Trigger hewwo uwu

    Oct 6, 2006
    Corridors of Time
    I got musical thinker, which is pretty true. I might take it again later, with some different answers that I would have picked.
  9. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    Musical thinkers:
    • Tend to think in sounds, and may also think in rhythms and melodies
    • Are sensitive to the sounds and rhythms of words as well as their meanings.
    • Feel a strong connection between music and emotions
    So yeah, it's right for the most part. :3
  10. Jade Rhade King's Apprentice

    Oct 24, 2006
    Center of the Universe
    Linguistic thinkers:
    Tend to think in words, and like to use language to express complex ideas.
    Are sensitive to the sounds and rhythms of words as well as their meanings.

    Other Linguistic Thinkers include
    William Shakespeare, Sylvia Plath, Anne Frank

    Careers which suit Linguistic thinkers include
    Journalist, Librarian, Salesperson, Proof-reader, Translator, Poet, Lyricist
  11. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    Logical-Mathematical thinkers:
    Like to understand patterns and relationships between objects or actions
    Try to understand the world in terms of causes and effects
    Are good at thinking critically, and solving problems creatively
  12. Antidote Façade

    Nov 26, 2006
    Musical thinkers:

    ·Tend to think in sounds, and may also think in rhythms and melodies
    ·Are sensitive to the sounds and rhythms of words as well as their meanings.
    ·Feel a strong connection between music and emotions


    I chose the crappest answers for everything except for music, which I said I listen to all the time and that I daydream a lot \: I guess that's me down to a tee, then. A brainless man-bimbo who sits around dazed, listening to music all day. xD;
  13. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Existential thinkers:

    * Like to spend time thinking about philosophical issues such as "What is the meaning of life?"
    * Try to see beyond the 'here and now', and understand deeper meanings
    * consider moral and ethical implications of problems as well as practical solutions

    Like existential thinkers, Leonardo questioned man's role in the universe. Many of his paintings explored the relationship between man and God.

    Other Existential Thinkers include
    The Buddha, Gandhi, Plato, Socrates, Martin Luther King

    Careers which suit Existential Thinkers include
    Philosopher, Religious leader, Head of state, Artist, Writer

    Meh I like the idea of being Head of State =D But I don't know where Religious Leader came from :x
  14. Spatial Thinkers:

    * Tend to think in pictures, and can develop good mental models of the physical world.
    * Think well in three dimensions
    * Have a flair for working with objects

    I think I personally did something wrong xDD.But I guess just describes me a tiny bit. Though I'm glad I'm compared to greats like Picasso ^^;. But I'm trying it again.
  15. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Interpersonal thinkers:
    *Like to think about other people, and try to understand them
    *Recognise differences between individuals and appreciate that different people have different perspectives
    *Make an effort to cultivate effective relationships with family, friends and colleagues

    I think it matches me...somewhat. lol​
  16. Heaven's Angel Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 30, 2007
    Making AMVs. :P

    Spatial Thinkers:
    *Tend to think in pictures, and can develop good mental models of the physical world.
    *Think well in three dimensions
    *Have a flair for working with objects

    I am the same as Twilight... YAY! XD
  17. {Vena_Sera}_ The Anti{Saint} King's Apprentice

    Jun 28, 2007
    As the Monster Under You Bed
    i got these two things

    You are an Intrapersonal thinker
    Intrapersonal thinkers:
    Spend a lot of time thinking about and trying to understand themselves
    Reflect on their thoughts and moods, and work to improve them
    You understand how your behaviour affects your relationships with others

    You are a Musical Thinker
    Musical thinkers:
    Tend to think in sounds, and may also think in rhythms and melodies
    Are sensitive to the sounds and rhythms of words as well as their meanings.
    Feel a strong connection between music and emotions
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