What is your top ten favourite games and why?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by StardustXtreme, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. Daydreamer

    Jan 29, 2007
    Los Angeles
    I don't play that many video games, and I don't own a high end computer or next generation console. I am sure that there are many games out there that I would have considered great if I had played them.

    I will be listing five games in no particular order.

    Braid: I had no expectations when I first played this game, which was less than a couple days ago. I only purchased it because it came as a bundle with a number of other games. With it's innovative and imaginative gameplay mechanics and puzzles it quickly became clear to me that this was one of the best video games I've played, and a new favorite.

    Portal: Much like Braid, an imaginative platformer puzzle game, with a story and environment both humorous and eerie.

    Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time: Yes, I love puzzle platformers. I also loved how the story was conveyed without relying too much on cutscenes.

    Assassin's Creed II: I thought the gameplay was awesome throughout, even though I played it in slow-mo on a netbook. It never felt repetitive like the first and scaling buildings is always fun. I always thought Ubisoft was lame for putting that disclaimer about religion at the start just because some of the characters are atheists. It was only after I saw the secret video that I found the necessity for it. I can't imagine what the secret video implicates for the characters or how this story is gonna play out. I haven't played the sequel.

    Shadow of the Colossus: One scales buildings, the other scales colossi, ancient armored giants. Little things like all the colossi being armored, sad music when defeating a colossus, or finding that when dead they turn to moss covered stone are puzzling. Curious questions arise when playing this game, and most answers are really left to the imagination.
  2. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    I'm not a very big fan of making one of these top tens, there's always going to be some games I forget and my favourite game tends to change a bit depening on how I feel at the moment, however I think I shall try this thing. Since I don't want this to get repetetive I will only put one game from a series on here, even though I don't think I would repeat anything either way. Note: Half way through this I got lazy so there's only reasoning behind the top 5 :3

    10. Yakuza 4

    9. Fallout: New Vegas

    8. The Sly Collection - Shut up, it counts! Alright it doesn't, but you're stuck with it.

    7. Assassin's Creed II

    6. Kingdom Hearts

    5. Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy - Before I start talking about this, yes Jak II was a longer and harder game as well as had more variety, as was Jak III, HOWEVER. The original was just much more fun, it was just concentrated platforming fun, innocent fun. All the levels and worlds were creative and it was really open ended, for the most part it was just up to you to find out where to go and what to do. This is probably the game on the list I've replayed the most, every time it's just so much fun. I also liked it a lot when Jak was mute, it seemed much better then since he has his wise-cracking side kick. Once Jak can talk as well it doesn't make it as dynamic I guess is what I'm trying to say using words of the English language. A vibrant, colourful and fun world, fun characters and a fun plot. It was just innocent and really fun to play this game.

    4. Persona 4 - One of the most uniques games I've ever played. It's essentially a dating sim type of deal that is combined with an RPG. Your abilities and strength in fighting depends on how many strong bonds you've gotten. The game has fantastic character development, the best I've ever seen I think. Unlike Persona 3, which was just "Hey, there's a tower, let's climb it!", Persona 4 actually has a storyline from the start, a murder case you have to solve and that is always fun and exciting. You go inside a the TV to go to another world and summon a demon that lives within you, how can you not digg this when you can summon SATAN from your soul?

    3. Shadow of the Colossus - This is probably the best experience you will be able to find among any games. There's not much of a story to this one, you only know that you came to a cursed land to bring the girl you love back to life, to do this you have to kill the colossi roaming the cursed land. There's a true feeling of loneliness in this game, your only companion is a horse, there's noone else there for you who you can count on or anything, you are completely alone fighting these huge beasts. You ride your horse through this huge, forsaken land, it's completely empty except for the colossi, a couple of lizards and some apples (peaches?). You truly feel alone and helpless. I would write more, but I don't think my words could do this game justice.

    2. Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos/Frozen Throne - I'm allowed to combine these into one, right? Since Frozen Throne is just an expansion of Warcraft 3 anyway and either one of these games would have this spot on their own. I actually have a pretty funny story with this game, I am absolutely TERRIBLE at Real Time Strategy and because of this I have actually never beaten the computer in a match on anything but easy mode and I've only won online matches if I was playing 4 vs. 4 and then it was basically my teammates doing all the work xD HOWEVER, the campaing was amaaaazing, I don't think I've ever been so excited to see what happens next in a story, Arthas' story was amazing, exciting, terrifying and, honestly, quite sad. I also liked how in this game they potrayed the orcs as the smart race compared to the humans, not very often you see that. It was pretty hard to get through, but I did manage to get through the whole campaign of Reign of Chaos, I wasn't so lucky with Frozen Throne though. Also, the custom games online are amazing, DotA is tons of fun whenever people aren't constantly calling you a ****** and I've never played any tower defences that were as fun and exciting as the ones online on Warcraft 3, I basically don't like any of the ones people call great because the Warcraft 3 ones were much better and needed much more team work than the ones that are sold as their own games.

    1. Final Fantasy IX - Probably one of the most generic and unsuprising games you can find at the top of someone's Top 10, but I guess I'll go with something a bit obvious this time. FFIX was an amazing game, it had genuinely interesting and unique characters who you always wanted to know more about and made it exciting to see what happened next. The world was vibrant and colourful, you really felt like you were part the world which took the classic "we have to save the princess!" storyline and took it for a spin, what with the princess being the one who wants to getting kidnapped. Of course that's not the main plot of the game, but I disgress. Unlike the previous Final Fantasy games that were full of angst and all serious stories, FFIX was a pretty light hearted and fun filled storyline, which is shown by having the main character be a smooth talker who would do anyone to help someone (especially a woman) in need. While it did lose a bit of it's steam towards the third/fourth disc it still had it's moments and was still way better than most other games. Also, dat ending. Only time I've cried because of any sort of media and it was tears of happiness due to the FFIX ending. A great story, compelling characters, great music, good graphics for its time, this game had it all.
  3. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    I can't think of 10, but here are some of my favorite.

    Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits:

    It has a good story, good gameplay dynamics (RPG), and good music. The characters are well-portrayed, etc.

    Kingdom Hearts Series:

    These games also have good story, gameplay, and music. They're generally just fun to play.

    Rocket Power: Beach Bandits:

    Decent story, gameplay, and music make for a mediocre and fun and game.
    Spyro Series:

    These games are just full of memories from my childhood, and I still play them to this day.

    Crash Bandicoot Series:

    Same as Spyro. Good childhood memories, etc.

    Generally, all of these have good story, gameplay, and music.
  4. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    Hmm, I think I will just give my top three favorite games. In this post and name the rest later.

    3.Jak II
    This is the sequel to "Jak and Daxter". Daxter, Kira, and Samos activate a precurser artifact which acts as a portal. Going through the portal they are seperated, but all end up in an area called Haven City, which is run by a horrible dictator known as Barren Praxis. Jak, seconds after coming through the portal,is captured by the local authorities, and Daxter runs away saying "Don't worry Jak, I'll find you before you know it!". We skip to two years later where Daxter does finally find Jak in a prision cell. Over the past two years Jak has been experimented on, and let's say he's not quite like he was before. After the two break out of the the prison, they search Haven City for their friends, and to seek revenge on the Barren.

    This has to be one of the hardest, and longest RPGs I have ever played, and that is saying a lot. It has a well put together plot, great charecters, soundtrack, and so many interesting missions to keep you involved the whole way through.

    2. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PC)
    I'm not even sure if I can describe the story for this one except that it takes place 6000 years before episode 1 of Star Wars. It's a 3rd person rpg, which is similar to KH, in that you have various items, equitment, and armor to collect throughout your journey. You carry out your game play with a party of three, and set to save or conquer the galaxy.

    1. Beyond Good and Evil (PS2)
    Most of you have probably never even heard about this game, so I will give you a quick backstory.

    For centuries, the planet Hyllis has been locked in conflict with a race of relentless alien invaders (DOMz). This conflict has made the economy of Hillis short on funds, and increasingly unable to protect it's people. A young rebelious woman named Jade, while working at many jobs to help her orphanage, is offered a large reward to capture a creature of the DOMz on camera for the IRIS network. The IRIS network is an underground rebellion network, which believes that the goverment is not working for the saftey of it's people. Curious, of her goverments true nature she set's out with her camera, dai-jo staff, and her Uncle Pey'j to uncover the truth behind the war.

    This game has a good story, charecters, and overall great gameplay, but the best thing about BG&E is the music. It really takes a different approach to a soundtrack than most games.
    Just listen to this song and try and tell me it doesn't get your heart pounding.: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuSP5MoEQTU
  5. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Kingdom Hearts Re:coded

    I know Re:coded is another of those side games, and that the story is sort of a copypasta of KH1, but I still treasure it. Unlike Days' gameplay, Re:coded actually tried not to be too repetitive. It was a Third Person Shooter, a Mario Bros. style game, and was still the same loveable KH style flair. Not to mention, it was actually fun to go through; the worlds, despite being small, each had their own quirks that made the game come more alive to me. Not to mention, the actual bits of new story were pretty engaging.

    The World Ends with You

    I don't think there's anything I DON'T love about this game. The story was really fantastic, the characters (especially Neku) grew and changed from the people we saw in the first part of the game. The gameplay, despite dual screen being hard at first, was incredibly fun, especially factoring in the different psyches. And not to mention, dat music. Dat music. <3

    Naruto (PS2)

    lolyea. Even though the anime isn't too far up to par, the games are actually really fun. The original stories for them are actually in a way better than that of the original. Gameplay never gets exhaustive, and each successive title brings more characters, sidequests, etc. It's actually pretty fun.

    Pokemon (series)

    Basically my childhood. I've played Pokemon since Gold and Silver came out, and although I think that some of the newer mons are not very...creative, I still really appreciate Pokemon as a whole. Despite recent gameplay changes ala Gen. IV, Pokemon has retained this element of simplicity when it comes to gameplay, and for that I truly think it is a great game solely because it doesn't and hasn't changed the spirit of the games.
  6. Ivendete Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 23, 2011
    In a T.V
    ima post 5 games not really remmbering some games

    1:kingdom hearts series:all kingdom hearts games are cool

    2:ffx:nice battling system

    3:ffxiii:also a nice battling system and a story though it have easy bosses easiest bosses: bahamut and cid raines is HARD

    4:dark cloud 1: it have an awesome story

    5:naruto nina storm:a fun game also have extra things when u finish the game :D
  7. The Graceful Assassin It's Just Like Christmas Morning

    Sep 27, 2008
    Hoo boy.

    1. Kingdom Hearts Series
    No duh, right? Of course. It was my first RPG, and no matter how many times I moved away from it, I still found myself wanting it.

    2. Final Fantasy
    My second RPG played, and I still love it today. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a way of playing because of my lack of systems for it. All I have is Xbox 360, and I've played FF13 already.

    3. Dragon Ball Z Raging Blast
    I remember playing this game a long while back, and I actually recently picked it back up. And I love it, especially for the intense gameplay.

    4. Team Fortress 2
    I actually recently started playing this, and as hard as it is now, I still find some joy in it. Though I like the Internet power to play it fully-functional.
  8. Daydreamer

    Jan 29, 2007
    Los Angeles
    Here are some more games to add to my list.

    Silent Hill Series: I've only played one through three. They're so moody and creepy, psychological horror at it's best. Thinking of skipping ahead to the latest installment, which some people are calling a work of art.

    Resident Evil Series: It's hard to not put a series you grew up with into your favorites list. I love the Resident Evil universe. Only now do I realize the voice acting was so bad and dialogue so cheesy in the early Resident Evil games. The Chronicles series take me back, and I think my favorite RE game is Code: Veronica. I have never played number 5.

    The Sims: The Sims will always have a place in my heart as the game that sparked my interest in computer programming. This game was so easily modded and hacked, a kid can do it. It's too bad I lost all my hacked objects and custom skins. I've made only one object since then, a stackable box that could also be used as a table, it's in the shape if Portal's companion cube. If you want to download it, I have it hosted here. Also, here's a picture.

    I might still add more if I think if them.

    I haven't read your post regarding Beyond Good & Evil, because I don't want to spoil it for myself. I've always wanted to play it, as I've heard nothing but good things about that game. It's now the first game on my to-buy list on PSN when I get a PS3. Thanks for reminding me.
  9. Kayate King's Apprentice

    Jun 27, 2011
    Cisgender Male
    Aperture Science Testing Facility
    Well, I suppose this will be a bit tough. I don't usually stray far from my usual series...

    1. Legend of Zelda Series I've always loved the Zelda series, I don't know why, and I don't even know how I got into them, but I love them. The scenic landscape that is always different, usually always taking place in Hyrule, you can see the landscape change before your eyes with each game.
    Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks, Twilight Princess, et cetera.
    I'm always trying to piece together the story and timeline, which I believe I currently have worked out...

    2. Super Smash Bros. Series There's just something about being able to beat the crap out of Mario with Link that I enjoy.
    The array of characters is simply amazing. With the gameplay factor in hand, I love it so much .-.

    3. Kingdom Hearts Series This is an easy one. The story is the main thing that pulls me in, simply an amazing series.

    4. Assassin's Creed Series With me only playing one of them...Brotherhood, I'm already amazingly hooked. I'm sure if I played more, my love would increase. Can't wait for Revelations.
    It's epic storyline and amazing expansive world are just like "Lololostabstabstab" for me. I remember when I got it, I yelled to my friend over X-Box Live: "IT'S LIKE NINJA GRAND THEFT AUTO"

    5. Pokemon Series I really have no clue where I should place this. I love Pokemon so much .-.
    Even though it's so repetitive, it's still an amazing set of Nintendo's history.
    Seeing the collection of Pokemon grow, from 151 to over 600 is a pretty amazing thing, growing up with Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur, and ending here with Tepig, Oshawott, and Snivy.

    6. Dragonball/Dragonball Z Games I really love every one of the current console Dragonball games, with Budokai being my first real step into being completely sucked into a video game, I simply love et.
    The storyline of Dragonball is indeed redone in every game, but I still get a thrill with new characters in each game, and new gameplay with each new series. Budokai, Budokai Tenkaichi, Raging Blast, et cetera. It's like a whole new thing each time.

    7. Naruto Games. I...I don't know why I like these...
    I really only know one reason; I don't watch or read the anime or manga, and I get the story from the video games.
    Why do I love these games...

    A few more, but, these are pretty much what I could think of off the top of my head.
  10. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    Well, I don't think I could name off 10, but I could give a few.

    1. Sonic the Hedgehog series:
    Yeah, there have been some games that weren't too good, but from the ones I've played (Which is pretty much all of them except Colors) I don't think any of them are terrible. '06 was the least enjoyable, but it was still enjoyable to me. My favorite game in the entire series would be Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Typical choice, but it's an awesome game.

    2. Marvel vs Capcom series:
    This series has to be one of my favorite series of Fighting games ever. The unlikely mixture of Japanese video game heroes and American comic book heroes just sounds epic to me. The gameplay itself in the games, while a bit changed up in MvC3, is great. The fast-paced, hectic fighting never gets old.

    3. Kingdom Hearts series (duh):
    Ah, Kingdom Hearts. The reason 99.9% of us joined this lovely forum. Again, the unlikely mixture of Square-Enix's Final Fantasy Characters and the game's own original characters with the familiar faces of Disney is the selling point for me. The story is great (yet confusing at times) and the gameplay is easy enough for anybody to pick up yet it takes a good amount of skill to take on the harder bosses on harder difficulties.

    4. Ratchet and Clank series:
    Guns. BIG guns. And lots of 'em. The Ratchet and Clank games are an unforgettable experience each time I play them (especially "Up Your Arsenal"). The sheer insanity that comes from firing off a maxed-out weapon brings joy to my heart each and every time. I just hope "All 4 One" Is better than it's looking to be.

    I know they weren't specific games, but they were still my favorite series of games.
  11. Alpha Sonix Why so asymmetrical?

    Apr 4, 2007
    The TARDIS
    Can't name five 10 either but I'll say my top 5.

    1. Metal Gear Solid Series The Metal Gear Saga has the deepest and most entertaining story I have ever played and I always get hooked on by it. The gameplay is excellent and who can't agree that Solid Snake and Big Boss are awesome. I would have to say my favourite of the series would be MGS3 as it had one of the most emotional story lines ever created in a video game and the survival mechanics of the game were a real treat.

    2. Kingdom Hearts Series What do I have to say? An amazing and yet rather convoluted story at the same time. The idea of Final Fantasy characters and Disney characters mixing together was rather weird when I had first heard of the game and I didn't know how they would pull through however playing the first game it felt as if the two were almost meant for one another. The characters are hilarious as well as the engrossing gameplay which seems to be getting better with each new instalment.

    3. Final Fantasy Just like the other two, the series has great stories, well developed characters (except for a few) and changing but still engrossing gameplay.

    4. Pokemon I don't know what it is about those games but they keep making me want to go back just to catch em' all. All 649 of them... Seriously though the only times I actually caught them all were in Fire Red and Silver.

    5. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Probably one of the best games I've owned this gen and if you have a PS3, there's no excuse to miss out on it neither Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Just watching the trailers will show you why.

    There's more but those are the ones I picked randomly.