What is your top ten favourite games and why?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by StardustXtreme, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. StardustXtreme Chaser

    Apr 10, 2007
    Sector 7 Slums
    There will be no voting system, makes you biased, so I am giving everyone a chance to list their top ten favourite games and the reasons why they like it so much to be in that top ten.

    The games don't have to be in any paticular order either, and if that title has a series, it'll count as one.

    Here's mine.

    Final Fantasy VII
    It's the first game to use polygon graphics, a huge step forward from sprites used in FFI-VI, plus the storyline was that capturing as well as the characters themselves.

    Pokemon Platinum
    Okay, I know there is Black/White but with all honesty, I prefered Kanto-Sinnoh pokemon, especially since Plat had the Distortion World.

    Uncharted 2: Among Theives
    Purely because of the graphics, it was so humanlike, especially the CGI blood scenes and the detail on the Phuba, when Uncharted 3 comes out, I suspect this game will be second place to 3.

    White Knight Chronicles I/II
    Mainly because it's the storyline, similar to Final Fantasy except you become a Knight, the company who made this game also delevoped Rogue Galaxy which I do enjoy.

    Why not? It's dating sim plus rpg rolled into one, well I mostly prefer 3, P3P and Persona 4

    The storyline and characters... plus, I just love Feena's line "oh Flame Burn em!"

    Shadow Hearts Series
    Cycinal main protaginst who can transform into demons? YEAH!

    Devil May Cry
    Do you have to ask?

    The World Ends With You
    Using pins as the focus of attacks? INGENIUS!

    Dissidia Final Fantasy
    It's a dream come true! FF crossover!
  2. Day~Dream Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 29, 2007
    Exploring the cosmos
    1. Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
    as it has been said many times BBS was amazing with it's new system and attacks, the story line and the way the characters all came together was perfection in my eyes.

    2. 999: 9 Hours, 9 People, 9 Doors

    The game is very well done with all of it's creative puzzles and twist that will make you not want to stop playing. The game has so many endings, every little thing you do affects which ending you get and I think that's pretty cool. Makes me think thoroughly about the choices I make.

    3. Kingdom Hearts
    The game that started it all... that game brings back so many memories of course it has to be in the top 3.

    4. Resident Evil Revelations
    Even though the game hasn't come out yet, from what I've seen so far, I'm in love with it already

    5. Resident Evil 4
    RE4 was so different from previous RE games. The graphics were amazing, fighting the plagas was so much fun, and let's not forget it had mah homeboy Leon baby face Kennedy.

    6. Resident Evil 0
    I love this game! You have someone there to help you out for most of the game and you can play as both Rebecca and Billy! How cool is that?

    7. Pheonix Wright series

    This game was so cool, I loved playing as a lawyer and defending people and looking around for clues and stuff. Especially putting the whole crime together and connecting the pieces that was my favorite part, and seeing the guilty squirm.

    8. Perfect Dark
    This game is quite old and I still play it like I got it yesterday. Shooting people and blowing up characters you made is just so darn fun!

    9. Mario Kart
    Even though the game can get quite frustrating (when I lose XD) It's still fun driving around, unlocking levels and hitting people with shells.

    10. Project Diva 2
    I love this game, I get to play as my favorite vocaloids and it's kind of like guitar hero (which i also like) You get to unlock new songs and buy all kinds of outfits it's pretty fun.
  3. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    I really pulled this list out of my ass, but I feel pretty sure about the first 5 games.

    1. Monster Hunter: Freedom Unite
    The concept is incredibly entertaining once you've gotten the hang of it.

    2. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
    A fast-paced Star Wars RPG with interesting characters and a good storyline with alternate endings based on in-game decisions is enough to win me over any day.

    3. Halo: Reach
    You customize your own Spartan and wreak havoc on XBox LIVE. Nice way to kill an uneventful afternoon.

    4. Soul Calibur III
    a) I like the Custom CHaracter concept in a fighting game. b)Chronicles of the Sword was the best idea ever because it not only gave your custom character an actual story to play through but an easy method to unlock more goods to customize him/her with. c) The interactive cutscenes were fun because they klept you on your toes even when you're not playing. d) Decision-based alternate endings for the Arcade characters. That's just fun.

    5. .hack//G.U. (series in general)
    Nothing bad can be said about it. If it had more replay value, it would probably be higher up on this list but it's not that kind of game, but whatever. They are so worth playing through.

    6. Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus
    Not only do we finally hear the backstory about Vincent Valentine's Byronic fall from grace, but it['s done in the form of a 3rd person shooter. The gun-customization system was also a big plus, but it did have a few annoying glitches.

    7. Devil May Cry 4
    Nothing really special, but the story mode is quicik to play through and Bloody Colliseum isn't all that bad either, so it has some replay value. Besides, it's Devil May Cry.

    8. Armored Core: For Answer
    I like to design and customize things, and although AC gives me limited freedom to do so with my Mecha, it's fun to tweek with whatever I can just to see what does what.

    9. Jak III
    Race around the wastelands and wreak havoc in the city an open world that only becomes more open once you finish the story. There isn't much to do at that point, but it's still no too bad to go back and just enjoy the levels and whatnot.

    10. Kingdom Hearts II
    I killed time with it and I like the controls. Boss fights can be unnerving and party members only get in the way at times, but it has it's solid points, too. I mostly just like to go back to other levels and play with combos.
  4. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    1. Final Fantasy VII- Crisis Core: The Game was a great mix of FF and KH battle style+square's usual amazing graphics. You take a blast to the past from the world of Final Fantasy VII with Zack Fair and Cloud Strife. You learn the origin of the Buster Sword. And you learn more about Genesis.

    2. Final Fantasy Dissidia (Both of 'em): Awesome brawl of your favorite FF characters. Gotta love the Assists.

    3. Kingdom Hearts- 358/2 Days: Great Graphics for a DS game and we learn about Roxas and how he left the Organization. It makes Axel a lot easier to relate to in KHII.

    4. Kingdom Hearts- Birth By Sleep: There is nothing that can fully describe it. It is Awesome, and that is what a Kingdom Hearts game should be like.

    5. Spyro the Dragon: (First 3 Games) Purple dragon collecting gems, flaming gnorc's butt, and raming into sheep that turn into butterfies for Sparx to eat. 'Nough said.

    6. Sly Cooper series: Great game for hunting for clues, spying, and upholding family honor.

    7. Final Fantasy VII: Classic game that started it all. Cloud is the boss.

    8. Kingdom Hearts II: Awesome, story, characters, enemies, keyblades, and drives.

    9. Miku Hatsune- Project DIVA: Great game if you love Japanese song games. cool costumes and great songs.

    10. Pokemon: (in general) Gotta catch 'em all. Thats the point of the game.
  5. The Fuk? Dead

    Jul 2, 2008
    I'll do five.

    1. Fallout 3- Greatest video game experience of my life. There was nothing like stepping out of the vault for the first time with nothing but a baseball bat and a 10mm pistol. Great story, fun combat, amazing replay value. I still play this today, over and over again. This game reminds me of the girl you love, having flaws, but you still view her as perfect.

    2. Super Mario World - I must have put 200 hours into this bad boy. Trying to find all the secret levels without the internet, then playing the whole game over again in the weird color mode.

    3. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - I love open world rpgs, and Bethesda seems to always get it right. Another game where I totally lost my social life to finding everything the was to find, playing it over and over again, with all the cool and even strange combinations. (Orc with peasant clothes and a bow)

    4. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas - Another open world gem. The only Grand Theft Auto where I actually wanted to screw around and kill people for the fun of it. Mainly because of all the awesome weapons, vehicles and the jetpack. The Jetplane that hovered. Going into Area 51, gambling in Vegas, so many great things to do. The missions were really interesting too, and so was the story. Great characters. Man I could go on forever about this game.

    5. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker - Don't judge me. My favorite Zelda game. I actually liked the cell shading art style, and it still remained a Zelda game all throughout. The sailing aspect was really fun, trying to find all the secrets. The only thing I hated was finding the stupid triforce.
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    1. Secret of Mana
    Probably one of the best RPGs to date. A spiritual successor to a spin-off game of Final Fantasy. One of the first real-time RPGs and also one of the first multiplayer RPGs. The story was epic, the music was godly even by today's standards it's still better than just about any OST you can find, the gameplay was great, and just the tone of it all... For its time, the graphics were top notch. The game would've been bigger but the original idea to send this game to a CD was scrapped because of Nintendo's shortcomings. Even with a massive amount of cuts in this game(SNES equivalent of FFXIII?) is still one of the best RPGs to ever exist.

    2. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Series
    I never played the original series but from what I know, it still pales in comparison to the Sands of Time series. The music for the original three games was completely amazing, drawing inspiration from Middle Eastern styles to Metal. It just had such an amazing feel to it. Graphics were amazing for its time, gameplay was just ridiculously fun, and getting through puzzles and platforming sections...and even some of the fights was just so rewarding. The "interquel" called The Forgotten Sands was pretty mediocre in everything EXCEPT the platforming in which I think it was completely amazing at.

    3. Prince of Persia(2008)
    Pretty. That's the first thing anyone should notice about this game. The scenery and...well...everything about this game just looks amazing. It isn't ultra-realistic but the artistic style of it...I mean...wow. The gameplay was pretty fun, though a bit flawed. Also, you can't technically die but for some reason a lot of people whine like little girls about it. You gain nothing from seeing Game Over screens a hundred times. This game cuts away from that time because you will "die" a LOT. Anyone who complains about not having loading times is just being thick. I rather wish other games were like this. I don't want to waste time having a game tell me I failed at something when I know I did. Just put me back up at the last spot I stopped at. Also...the character interactions. There's really only two characters you see for nearly the whole game and it's okay. The two are just so fun to listen to. The "Prince" and Elika are two of the best characters I've ever seen in a game.

    4. Megaman Maverick Hunter X
    A remake of the original Megaman X game. This game blows the original(as amazing as that was) right out of the water. Songs were remixed(for the better in my opinion), graphics were obviously updated, and a gameplay element here and there was added or slightly changed. There was a little bit of framerate slowdown from time to time but what can you expect? It was an early PSP game. When you beat the game you get a non-canon story mode and an OVA which is probably filled with some of the most awesome moments in early Megaman history. Surprisingly, voice acting for the main characters(X, Zero, Vile, and Sigma) was pretty good. I'm glad Megaman X8's voice actor returned for X because he was easily the best voice actor for X...ever.

    5. Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
    Easily the most badass-filled game of the entire series. Why? Terra. He took out someone's eye with darkness. The only other time something as brutal as that happened was when Axel killed off Vexen(which was even more badass in Re: CoM). Terra really showed off who was the badass of the new cast when he continually did things just to point out how awesome he was. Terra doesn't ever make an entrance, he freaking pulls a Terminator when entering the first world as his armor dissolves in light and walks in ready to kick some ass. Is that enough for you? No! He beats down his old master single-handedly(though Xehanort decides to shoot Eraqus in the back while he's weakened). One respected keyblade master down. Is that it? Of course not. Terra holds his own against Vanitas and Xehanort by himself. Then what? Terra beats the hell out of Xehanort's baldness then proceeds to curbstomp both his own body infused with extra darkness with nothing but his sheer willpower. Then Aqua beats down this confused Terranort thing that's still struggling internally and really only makes it out alright because Terra had already done more than enough ass kicking. So yeah...Birth by Sleep is beast.

    6. Crisis Core
    Takeharo Ishimoto is the composer. Zack Fair is the main character. 'Nuff said. Game's filled with badass moments and gorgeous cutscenes.

    7. Duodecim Dissidia
    The music...THE MUSIC. I love most of the songs here. God this game is filled with awesome and fanservice. Now if only I had the Leon costume for Squall...and the rest of the DLC.

    8. Assassin's Creed Revelations
    This game hasn't come out yet but it's already filled with awesome. Altair ftw. B|

    9. Zone of the Enders 2
    The single most awesome mech fighting game to ever exist. It's on the PS2 and there's gonna be an HD release for both the PS3 and 360 which'll be a bundle of this and the first game. I think I'll buy it just because it's so great. The music is kinda on the...techno side I guess(Japanese techno?) but it's actually pretty good. There's a few interesting orchestral pieces and other songs that...well...I guess you'd have to play the game and hear for yourself. I love the music though. The gameplay is addicting. I don't know how good the story is but it doesn't really matter since the gameplay IS THAT GOOD. The graphics and everything look pretty damn amazing even today.

    10. Final Fantasy Versus XIII
    Why is this here? Just because. B| Deal with it.
  7. Iskandar King of Conquerors

    May 7, 2011
    1) The Legend of Dragoon
    It was one of the first RPGs I ever played and I loved basically everything about it. That's really all I can say; it's a childhood memory for me

    2) Final Fantasy VIII
    Same as LoD, but I didn't like it as much as LoD

    3) Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus
    I wasn't much of a shooter, and still am not, but this I loved and I loved that you could customize the weapons the way you could and all that

    4) Final Fantasy X
    I love the graphics in the game since I was always with VIII and I loved the story and stuff. Just didn't like the stuff for the legendary weapons. It makes me cry, even now(I am not kidding)

    5) Kingdom Hearts II
    We've all played it mostly, but after playing it so many times, it goes down on your game list

    6) Megaman Battle Network 6: Cybeast Gregar
    I basically grew up with megaman games along with Yugioh, Pokemon, and Final Fantasy, and this was my favorite out of all the Battle Networks

    7) Glory of Heracles
    It's a really long game, and I love the way they make the plot continue just when you think you're going to finish, but the parts that you can't save and stuff makes it a bit annoying. But it's still enough to get on my favorite games

    8) Final Fantasy IX
    I've never actually finished this game since my mom bought me a used one that was broken, but with what I got to play I loved it and I still want to play through it all the way

    9) .//Hack G.U
    I never actually got to play through this game except for maybe an hour since my brother sold it just after the first time I played it, and I've tried to get it at so many locations, even now. But I loved the fighting system, And it was great that they made it you were playing a game inside a game

    10) Final Fantasy X-2
    This probably would be higher, but there are games that I've played but not finished that I have high hopes for. I wouldn't technically say this is number 10, but I was just posting the others that I would probably rate higher than this. It was the first game I ever played on the Playstation 2, and it's always kept me busy, with all the things you can do to change some things that happens in the game. I've never got to 100% completion, and I'm stuck at 99%, but I will get 100% some day and get that not as great but still want to see "perfect ending"
  8. Gultigargar Hollow Bastion Committee

    Oct 25, 2009
    Europe, Denmark
    Gonna do like The Fuk? and do 5, 'cause 10 is just too much effort...

    5) Kingdom Hearts - The only Kingdom Hearts game with a tolerable story, imo. Still great fun to play. I love the combat system, don't get why people diss on it so much. And the boss fight against Riku-Ansem is probably my favorite fight in the series.

    4) Super Smash Bros Brawl - Just a plain fun fighting/party game. Not the most balanced fighting game out there, but I don't really play competitively, so who cares. Tons of characters to choose from, lots of crazy items, custom stages, dozens of music tracks - this game just has so much content, and I love it.

    3) Bayonetta - Now if only I was better at it. Bayonetta is a (kind of hard) action-game, directed by the creator of the Devil May Cry games, and made by Platinum Games, known for making God Hand, Viewtiful Joe, Okami, Madworld, etc. This game is just incredible. Fast-paced, hard (but fair) combat system, with incredible replayability. It is also very, very pretty, and has some very entertaining cutscenes.

    2) Okami - Another game by Platinum Games (or Clover, as they were called then). Very unique art-style (one of the few times I've seen cell-shading and been able to stand it), tons of colorful characters (seriously, like every NPC is unique), huge world, interesting game mechanic with the magic brush. While the combat system is fairly simple and easy, using brush techniques to fight is a lot of fun. Bosses are also great, especially the final boss. Also, gotta love the french-speaking prophet samurai Waka.

    1) Nier - Easily the best-written JRPG I've played (Not that there's really much competition, but seriously, it's really well-written). I'm using "RPG" loosely here, because it's really more of an action game. The characters are all amazing; Nier, the father in search of a cure for his sick daughter; Weiss, the snide and somewhat smug talking magical book (who will get very offended if you call him a book...); Kainé, the lingerie-wearing, foul-mouthed, shade-possessed warrior-woman; Emil, the all-around likeable kid who just keeps having bad things happen to him. The plot itself is also great, though I think it's better to experience for yourself, rather than having me tell you why it's so good. Gameplay is also fun, especially boss fights are incredible, both gameplay-wise and visually. There are also tons of weapons to choose from, as well as plenty of sidequests with hilarious banter from the party members. It's story is also one of the most depressing things I have ever experienced. Literally sat and cried in front of my TV at least twice during the game.

    Other stuff I feel should be mentioned: Chrono Trigger, Warcraft 3, Claw, No More Heroes 1 and 2, Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2.
  9. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  10. Accalia Gummi Ship Junkie

    Dec 10, 2010
    Los Santos, San Andreas
    1. Sonic the hedgehog 2

    It was my first video game and my first Sonic Game so it brings back memories

    2. Sonic R

    It was my first computer game and it's really fun to race around listening to the soundtrack.

    3. Sonic Rush (not to be confused with Sonic R)

    Because it is a racing game with a story. It's really fun to run around faster than the human eye can see as you try to defeat the bosses.

    4. Inuyasha: Feudal Combat

    Because it is one of my Inuyasha video games. It's really fun to fight the characters of Inuyasha as one of the character of Inuyasha.

    5. Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 2

    Because fighting inside the Mujengo is not easy. It's also really fun to go into a storymode and unlock things for the game.

    6. Mario and Sonic at the olypmic series

    A Mario and Sonic crossover? Dream come true! It's really fun to compete against the Mario characters.

    7. Mario Party 3.

    It was the only Mario game I enjoyed. It's really fun to try to accomplish the goal of the level under sixty seconds.

    8. Adventure Quest

    It was my first mmorpg and it's really fun to battle big monsters in order to get stronger.

    9. Mech Quest.

    It's really fun to battle other players in this huge robot then battle them one on one with energy blades to get stronger.
    I enjoy being a black belt in Energy Blades.

    10. Inuyasha: Secret of the shikon Jewel

    Because it's my first Inuyasha game and because it's a rpg. It's also fun to kill the mary sues aka Kagome and Janis.
  11. heartless_angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Jun 6, 2010
    Inside a cupcake :3
    10. Rock Band: Why not? IT'S ROCK BAND XD

    9. Resident Evil 5: Personally, my favorite RE game.

    8. Call of Duty 4: Just cuz :3

    7. Star Wars Battlefront: I love Star Wars and I love battles in them

    6. Medal of Honor Frontline: My first PS2 game and it brought me into the FPS world :3

    5. Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire: The best gen of pokemon in my opinion

    4. Final Fantasy 7: Seriously, a classic fav

    3. Kingdom Hearts 2: No explination needed

    2. Final Fantasy XIII: Hate all over it if you want, but I love XIII more than any other FF game out there. It was different and thrilling, not like other FF games. So yep. That's why.

    1. Vindictus: Not a popular game yet, but its a F2P MMORPG on Nexon. It's a very unique type of rpg out there. I still play it and it continues to expand.

    That's my list. Hope you people enjoy :3
  12. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    Oh wow, my favourite games. I think I shall put them in order

    1. Kingdom Hearts II

    I don't think this one can ever be beat, after all the games I've played there has never been another game that has meant so much to me as this game. Playing it brings back good memories and makes me feel nostalgic

    2. Kingdom hearts: Birth by sleep

    I still really enjoy this game, I love the gameplay and the complex storyline. I enjoy playing as each character and having to place all the pieces into place.

    3. Kingdom hearts I

    Still an exceptional game but it just can't beat the other games. I enjoy this one as it's where the whole story started and it's quite challenging, sometimes a nice thing, sometimes not.

    4. Portal series

    I was gonig to put Portal 2 but I just love them both. The gameplay on it's own is a really clever concept but with the added storyline around the side just makes it even better. I enjoy puzzle games and I have had many laughs through the games as GLaDOS calls you fat and things like that xD I would recommend this game to anyone as I can't think of many people who wouldn't enjoy it.

    5. Audiosurf

    Probably the game I play the most since it's simple and easy to load, I enjoy riding my own music, I find it challenging and theropeutic at the same time. There are also loads of different options and ways of playing your music which I will always enjoy.

    6. Fable I

    I love this game, I got Fable III recently but I haven't been that enticed to play it. The first Fable is the one I'm used to and I really enjoy either making my character evil or good as I run around donig really random things that you wouldn't find in a sensible game xD The only thing that annoys me is how fast the character ages, I think he should stay younger for longer since the people around you don't age at all.

    7. Myst series

    This is a series of puzzle games that I've grown up with, they all hit me with nostalgia and I will always play them with my sister at certain points in the year which is always really fun. I think I've overplayed some of them as I know the puzzles off by heart and could easily finish a game within a few hours. I haven't finished the fifth one because it didn't feel like it ran with the rest of the games, so I stopped at 4 as I thought the last one would ruin it.

    8. Team fortress 2

    I have played countless hours on this game and I've had some amazing times, it recently became quite different with the new release of hats that you can get but I began to lose interest as I got impatient to get the items I wanted. I still enjoy it though, I just haven't played in a while.

    9. Tekken series

    I've grown up with these as well. I've just had some great times with these games, especially Tekken 5. I always enjoyed trying to learn some complex moves that were really quite difficult, I ended up becoming quite good with Kazuya but now I've just forgotten basically everything.

    10. Left 4 Dead 2

    I played this game to death, literally- I just can't play anymore, I get bored. However, I did get around 150 hours over a few weeks and now it all just feels like the same thing as I go through the levels, I still think of it as an amazing game I just don't play any more.

    I wanted to add things like Crash series, Half life 2, Prototype, Little Big planet, Elder scrolls and Guitar Hero but these games are my top 10.
  13. Feenie Finny, Fin of the Feenie Fish

    May 10, 2008
    Aberdeen, Scotland
    10. Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth

    It's a great Spin-off in the Ace Attorney series. AND all the cases actually link together, which is good!

    9. PW: Ace Attorney: Justice for All

    Great story line and decent music, but has the best last case IMO

    8. Pokemon White

    The music is awesome and the story makes sense! Also the E4 have their own theme in this one

    7. Spyro 2

    This is the game I grew up with and it is still so much fun to play compared to the last few games in the series >.>

    6. Portal 1 & 2

    Too awesome for an explanation.

    5.Pokemon Emerald

    So much EPICNESS! The music is awesome and the story makes sense! Also the E4 have their own theme in this one.

    4. Ratchet & Clank series

    Lots of adventure and excitement broken down by constant humor and witty comments. The perfect package

    3. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations

    Musiic and story line are great. Also has one of my favorite characters in it.

    2. Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney


    1. Final Fantasy XIII.

    I know there's a lot of hate hovering over this game. And quite frankly, I don't know why. Everything about this game is awesome! Story, music, characters....well maybe not Snow, he just sucks.
  14. Cody Chaser

    Nov 9, 2006
    XBL: Chug That Estus
    Honestly no particular order
    10. MVC2:
    I wanna take you for a riiide
    9. COD4:
    M40A3 acog errrday
    8. X-Men 2 Clone Wars:
    Playable Max Eisenhardt. Oh yeah it's also ****ing awesome as a game in general
    7. Gears of War:
    6. Oblivion:
    5. KOTOR:
    Bastila is sexy
    4. SpiderMan 2(the movie game):
    WHEERE'S MY BALOON holy balls that game was so great
    3. KH1:
    yeah this has to be on the list why else would I post here
    2. Halo 1:

    (Kay this one is in a particular order)
    1. Ratchet & Clank Up Your Arsenal:
    This game was great on a fronts. The story was funny and starting to take things in a different direction. The online multiplayer vs. mode was well done for it's time. This is my "babbys first shooter" and i'll love it forever <3
    And i'm gonna cheat and tag on Monster Hunter(original ps2 version) onto this like the US government does to bills.
  15. John Clay Rice Hollow Bastion Committee

    May 14, 2007
    Rupp Arena
    10. Donkey Kong Country. I just love playing as that great ape.
    9. Super Godzilla. I know a lot a people hate but it's not bad until you fight Biollante.
    8.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV:Turtles in Time. Just loved playing the Turtles
    7. NCAA March Madness. Does sports games count is so then that's it cause I love playing as my team the Kentucky Wildcats. GO BIG BLUE!!!
    6. Kingdom Hearts. Quote from M Bison "OF COURSE
    5. Madden. I just love Football.
    4. Super Mario World. I feel Nostalic just playing it.
    3. Super Mario Bros 3. Best game in NES history.
    2. Super Mario Bros. Classic.
    1. Kingdom Hearts Great Story. Great game.

    Other favorites. Sonic Adventure Sonic Adventure 2. DKC2.
  16. Britishism Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 4, 2011
    Radio Free Wasteland
    10. Rocket Slime. because of rocket slime obviously lol
    9. Kingdom Hearts. I direct your attention to the forum you are in.
    8. Scott Pilgrim V.S. The World The Movie The Game- The title. No, it's actually a really fun, if short, fighting game.
    7. Halo. The original. Despite conceptions, I find it a quite fun game that really started the series off in an awesome direction.
    6. Super Mario Galaxy. If not for revolutionizing the Wii, for the best 3D Mario game yet.
    5. Pokemon Crystal. The best Pokemon yet, and currently the top point for this epic series.
    4. Uncharted 2. If you have to ask why you don't get an answer.
    3. Portal. Both. Please refer to my comments on Uncharted.
    2. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attourney, Justice for All. My favorite game of one of my favorite series.
    1. Superman 64. Click this.

    Real Number 1. The World Ends With You. Please refer to my comments on Poral and Uncharted. Also the best game in the world. Ever.
  17. 「ユウンジーピ」 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 14, 2011
    len's banana peel, vip店長's favorite ブルマ
    i'm going to pick super lame games okay you guys Q A Q

    10. mario.....ds? i have no idea what it was called....the one where you jump into paintings (ಠ Д ಠ);; i get bored of it though......

    9.http://www.onemotion.com/flash/breakdance/ L-LOOOOL

    8. Super Mario RPG.....actually i miss this <33 im a gaming god! |D

    7. project diva 2 <333...though it needs more shota.... l-len <33 the outfits and choices are fantastic!! <3

    6. LoZ....Majora's Mask AND Ocarina of Time......it's just too amazing....but im too lazy to finish them....and i no longer have my lamecubeeeee orz

    5. Final Fantasy <3333 though i've only played XII and XIII

    4. TWEWY the story and the bg music are fantastic!!!! the idea of it is also original and buttons?? yey! Q U Q

    3. Kingdom Hearts i've only played I , II, CoM, and Days....please dont hurt me im poor and i cant afford the new ones orz orz

    2. Professor Layton series!!!!! <3333 puzzles....are so addictive !!! Q A Q

    1. ゆめにっき 「Yume Nikki」 <3 forever and will always be Q u Q ......plus i kinda still have to pass it orz.

    going to play persona4 soon ( ・∀・ ) but for now.......youtube walkthroughs.......
  18. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    In no real order, apart from what ones come to mind. Oh and I ramble on! : )

    Mass Effect - My first 360 game. I knew nothing about it before playing it and I fell in love with it. A space opera, where humans explore space, the final frontier, however it had already been conquered and settled by a number of aliens, none of them impressed by the new species of humanity. Taking control of the customisable Commander Shepherd, a top tier soldier promoted to the rank of Spectre by the Council, where they you carry out the most dangerous of missions, as he/she battles a forgotten AI species, led by a rogue Spectre. The concept, the story, the dialogue and the side missions are the best bits of this game, as well as the consequences of your actions being a part of what happens within your team and the galaxy as a whole. As well as in the sequel, where your actions are further developed upon, it's just one expansive and beautiful game that I love it to pieces.

    Heavy Rain - A beautiful game. A real innovation that blurs the lines between movie and game, where you make the call on these people's lives, lives that you care about. The graphics are beautiful, the story is gripping as you hunt down the Origami killer. It may not be the longest game in history, but it has the greater effect because of it. Your hearts pounding as you try to save your son, escape from a criminal or being chased by the police. The atmosphere is great, the tempo in time and the sense of things becoming more dark and disturbed. Love it.

    Assassin's Creed 2 - I love the original in a many ways, but AC2 is what a true sequel should be. It improves on the original in every way, adds new concepts whilst still retaining the original's feeling. Not a bad word I can say about it at all. Love the mystery and hidden agendas of characters, mix it in with a bit of Sci-Fi and history and I love everything about it.

    Kingdom Hearts - I'm here aren't I? I've been a fan for years since it started and continue to support it. I love KH. Simple.

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - I was never much of a Star Wars before I played this game. I only knew of some other games of the Aries but not much, but I heard this was getting great reviews that I thought it might be worth interest. And I wasn't disappointed. The combat was so different, but worked great, the characters varied and interesting, the story well laced and interesting with great twists and turns. And you can be light or dark, Jedi or Sith, it's most fans dreams. What a classic.

    Persona 3 FES - Fans love P4 more but I don't. It's close but not beating it. I love the characters, the art style, the voice acting, the story, the combat, the concept, the relationship building, the music. It's just a list I could on and on about, and it's a game everyone should play. Too bad it takes around one hundred hours to finish. But every bit was just brilliant.

    Hitman: Blood Money - The only Hitman game I've played and it was a real treat. Tons of options to kill your targets perfect locations to do them in from backwater swamps and Mardi Gras to opera houses and even the White House. Few games offer that kind of variety, and you can be as sneaky or loud as you want to get the job done, and each time you're aiming for the Silent Assassin ranking. And when you get it, it's sweet.

    Fallout 3 - I love post apocalyptic settings, zombies, RPGs, and 1950s Sci-Fi mythos. Put that together with modern day game concepts such as intense combat, a giant sandbox and difficult political and moral topics to face and you've got Fallout 3. It's such a weird game idea at first but it works perfectly, it's so expansive and intricate you can find loads of things to do, from combat and exploration, to thievery and bartering, to meeting interesting characters in interesting places. And it's your choice what you want to do. Still not bored of this game.

    Shadow of the Colossus - It's a classic game, and so simple that its mysterious and brilliant. Effectively a host of the most difficult and rewarding games bosses ever, you have to travel and traverse a varied landscape to defeat the Colossi, giants that seem to be like ancient, robot creatures of all shapes and sizes. Defeat them all to save a love of yours, with your trusty stead Aggro. Classic.

    GTA IV: Complete Edition - A great story that deals with the modern American Dream and how people try to achieve it in different ways, but the people and the place gets in the way. Gameplay is solid and entertaining with so many varied activities to do, the dialogue is huge and dramatic, funny and colloquially relevant, which is exactly how a story like this should be conveyed. It also sports something a wish more games would take advantage of. An in-game radio. It makes everything feel more natural and entertaining while you're doing it. In the end it's a game that'll turn in to a classic in years to come.
  19. cronoking Chaser

    Sep 30, 2006
    Whipping out Bakusaiga
    Chrono Trigger - One of the most fun RPG's that I've gotten to enjoy. As if having a time-bending story wasn't great enough, the battle system allowed you to combine attacks to really beat down foes. Adding a diverse soundtrack that covers prehistory to futuristic eras, multiple endings, and plenty of side-quests really fleshes out this game.

    Earthbound - Another great RPG. While there isn't anything particularly ground breaking about it, Earthbound definitely adds weird details to a lot of the game. The battles are pretty average RPG fare, but everything else is quirky. Status effects like being Homesick or getting your head turned into a diamond makes things interesting. Some items can even make your opponents cry. The world is filled with NPCs that will have odd, if not completely confusing conversations with you. And the story involves a lot of tomfoolery and psychic powers.

    Melty Blood: Act Cadenza B - Normally, I enjoy trying out fighting games but dislike playing them for too long because it all seems to be a futile effort of either easily beating someone or getting easily beat by someone. But I found that while playing Melty Blood, it really makes it easy for new players to get better and adds advanced play for the more battle-hardened. Melty Blood is a fighter based on the universe of Tsukihime, and as such the story mode offers a real treat for those playing it. People who aren't familiar with story can still follow along with the basics while still enjoying the game. Like all fighters, seeing it in action is the best way to explain the game, and people will either love it or hate it.

    Civilization 4 - You don't have to be history buff to play any of the Civ games, but you sure do have to be patient. As a strategy game, it turns off many people with it's appearance of mirco-managed civilizations. But it allows you expand your cities and technology without having to really get too detail obsessed. You can control your various workers, fighters, and other units manually to get certain jobs done or just set them on one of the automated settings and let them do whats best. The same applies to your cities when deciding what buildings they construct next. Scenarios can last quite a while once you get into the higher difficulties, making this a game that'll provide many hours of gameplay.

    Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - If you've ever played any of the metroid games, you'll know what to expect. As an Action-Adventure game with RPG aspects, it does things very right. The graphics are very dark and gothic, fitting for a game taking place in Dracula's castle. Collecting various weapons, sub-weapons, equips, and upgrades is where the game really shines. After having the Grim Reaper scatter all your powerful relics in the beginning, finding them can be quite a task. But when you do, most of them help you in a dramatic way and definitely drives you on to exploring more and more just to see what shows up. The music is one of the best parts of this game as you travel through the surprisingly large castle. There are even moves and magic powers that you can use that require button input similar to a fighting game. Personally, I just like that one of the capes lets me watch Alucard flutter around in silly colors that I can choose myself.

    Shadow of the Colossus - If Zelda was more beautiful and the dungeons were replaced with just bosses, it would be like this game. There's not really much to say since most of the game involves riding your horse across empty plains. Nothing but you, a horse, a comatose chick in a temple, and various gargantuan colossi. While the game is straightforward, another playthrough reveals a few things making the game worth playing a second round. But if there's any game that expresses the mentality of "Quality over Quantity", it's this one.

    Space Funeral - This one is little bit out there. It's an indie PC game that most people will probably never stumble across. It's an RPG with a very interesting graphic-style that would be the result of H.P. Lovecraft using MS Paint. The game itself is a bit like Earthbound in it's weird approach to everything. Even starting the game can be a hassle since the options are Blood, Blood, and Blood which are New Game, Load Game, and Exit respectively. There is quite an interesting story to it, and the ending really puts things in perspective by showing off how important appearances are to people.

    No More Heroes - An action-adventure game involving a lightsaber beam katana-wielding otaku trying to become a number 1 assassin so that he can get laid. It's a direct game that allows you to get right into the action and slice up various ruffians. You get to upgrade your katanas or buy new ones, along with buying/finding various pieces of clothing and such in trashcans. You also get to upgrade your stats through mini-games so you're more prepared for the next battle. All this makes for a game that I really enjoyed, despite it being a bit short.

    Dark Cloud 2 - One of the most diverse RPG's I've played. Like Chrono Trigger and Earthbound, the story involves a bunch of time-traveling shenanigans that messes up the past and the future. Fortunately, you play as either a handy inventor or a magic-wielding time-traveling swordsman. Exploring dungeons action-adventure style in order to collect materials and level-up ends up being an enjoyable task when your weapons range from various swords along with guns ranging from pistols to laser cannons. There's a lot of back forth as you use items you've gained to build structures in the present to restore the towns to normal in the future. Definitely one that many people should try out.

    Kirby Super Star - Serious, world-destroying games start to bog you down after a while. That's why I always come back to this one. It follows the classic side-scrolling platforming of Kirby games, with all his various powers at your disposal. It doesn't really do anything too different from other Kirby games, but it's the quantity of games that makes this one more fun to play. Like Super Mario All-Stars, this game involves a bunch of Kirby games packed into one. But unlike all-stars, these games are unique to only Super Star. They're all different stories covering adventures with Dyna Blade, King Dedede, Meta Knight, and more. And even has some mini-games thrown in. The DS version, Super Star Ultra, adds even more stuff, and makes it a great handheld game to carry along.

    Mighty Bomb Jack is also the greatest game ever. But if I added it to this list, it would encompass all ten spots at once.
  20. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    In no real order:

    Super Mario 64:
    Ok, so yeah, I don't think I even need to explain this. This was literally the first video game I ever played. And it's a classic, and I do still play it every once in a while. N64 love. <3

    Mario Kart (pretty much all of them):
    I just love these. Anyone of any age of any gamer type can enjoy them. And they've evolved so well over the years while still keeping the same feeling.

    Kingdom Hearts II:
    Lol hi I'm on a Kingdom Hearts forum. The second one is my favourite Kingdom Hearts game to play. I find the controls of the first one very frustrating (probably because I played the second game before the first).

    Monster Hunter Tri:
    Really, it's probably my favourite game for the Wii. It has gameplay, online multiplayer, and even graphics that are easily at par with Xbox 360 and PS3 games. It's just so immersive and has endless amounts of content. I'm slightly addicted. o.e

    Goldeneye 007:
    Such a groundbreaking game for it's time. Yes, it's for the N64. But the gameplay was so awesome for the mid '90s. @-@ I love how when you shot baddies, they'd actually flail about and then die. :=D:

    Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4:
    No, seriously. I love this. <3 The classic John Williams soundtrack, the likeness of the characters and the places, and the wordless humour. I can't help but love it. :3

    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets:
    (shut up, I love this) Probably the best Harry Potter game based directly on one of the movies. Not so much graphics-wise, but from its re-playability factor. The nostalgia. ;_;

    Paper Mario (N64):
    I am the master at this game.

    Jak II:
    Hardest effing game ever. ._. I still haven't finished it. But it's so good. Driving around the city on the zoomers, barely missing hitting patrol cars and Crimson Guards on the ground..... I just start a new file whenever I get stuck. xD

    Mario Party:
    It just never gets old.