What Is Your Problem With Christians?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Peace and War, Sep 4, 2007.

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  1. Joseki Traverse Town Homebody

    I respect you.
  2. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007

    you mean me?
  3. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    Lol. I have absolutely nothing against Christianity. It's this bull**** that Christianity has turned into that is the reason I make it seem like I disapprove of it.

    Christianity is a political strong-point and it racks in **** loads of money, and it makes people believe in stories and people (Jesus, Moses, etc...) that never existed (truthfully).

    I don't hate Christianity, I repeat. However, I just seriously disapprove of the methods the preachers, the missionaries and the people who 'try' and convert others through 'proving' that God is real use. Also the way people think that they know who and what God is. First of all, you're human. You aren't dead, you can't tell me what God is or isn't or what he wants, as well as who he is. You are just human. Sure, God says he created us in his image, but that's such a vague description. For all we know he's millions of feet taller than us. We could be mini-God-like creatures, for all I/we know! It's the idea that people judge others as well. Like wtf? Your bible says not to judge your fellow man, and all the Christian's CONTINUALLY judge and patronize others who have different believe's and perspectives.

    That is basically all I have to say.
  4. Noise For Love and Justice

    Sep 30, 2006
    i am christan...catholic to be or exact...roman catholic to be even more more! exact

    i totaly agree with some of ur comments most is true...but u all must remeber that there are many christian religons and its not totaly far to dislike them all because of somthing one did...im not trying to change ur views..some thing in the christain faith i dont agree with like how homosexuality is wrong...i belive love is love and thats that..i dont judge people untill i get to know them then i see if i like them or not
    there are some flaws...ok many in christianity..but dont dislike the good nice..quite christians like my self that shake my head at the crazy "convernt now" practices of some...

    just wanted u all the here this....


    continue dislikeing lol :)
  5. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Mostly extremists...

    Look, I can see why a lot of people dislike Christianity ( blah - drugs\medicine is ruining my spelling skills. XD; ) these days - lots of people have been using it as an excuse to be... for lack of a better word, inconsiderate, of other people's cultures and beliefs, but that's not really what it's supposed to be like...

    You're entirely correct, Darkwatch when you said, "Your bible says not to judge your fellow man, and all the Christian's CONTINUALLY judge and patronize others who have different believe's and perspectives." You gotta believe me when I say we're still human, and that seems to be the BIGGEST mistake most Christians make. People would respect us a lot more if we respected them a lot more. I HATE it when I see\hear about some random Christian trying to force it down a friend's throat - it just doesn't work like that. No one's gonna belive just because you try to make them.

    But, then again, no one's gonna listen to a little 14-year-old. =.=;

    I just wanted to say that not all Christians are as bad as the stereotypes suggest. I wish I could have you guys see that...

    Over an' out,
  6. Noise For Love and Justice

    Sep 30, 2006
    "No one's gonna belive just because you try to make them.
    I just wanted to say that not all Christians are as bad as the stereotypes suggest. I wish I could have you guys see that...
    2foxxie4u's quote

    i agree!!! 100%
    and i wish my fellow christains would stop trying to shove the faith down peoples throats (idk if i spelt that right)


  7. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    1) Thank you. It can take a lot just to live it. When you have to fight for it, it can get tiring fast. 2) I agree the Christianity has been very distorted over time. It’s hard to believe there are so many denominations of the same religion. Ironically the church itself is evolving and deteriorating from its original form. My church went off of what is written in Acts instead of from another existing church saving it from this fate but the vast majority can not say the same.
  8. Joseki Traverse Town Homebody

    yes, because you have the right attitude. =)
  9. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007

    thanx.....thats a first.....
  10. Angel Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 26, 2006
    Having sexytimez with my boyfriend at our house
    I dont have any religion really. I live by the three squared rule, thats about it.

    I guess you could say i'm wiccan but still. I'm not christian, yet I dont hate christianity. I don't have a problem with it.

    Believe what you will, I will not take that away from you.
  11. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    You are probably right, its just that some people act like Christians are aliens and treat them differently, I am I just think tat no-one should treat someone differently for anything but this isn't an ideal world, I just am fooling myself that everyone would care.

    And though hate may seem strong to many here, its something I hear at my school quiet a bit, people are racist to muslims by saying 'are you carrying a bomb?' and to christians saying 'Hope the devil comes and get you!' mayb just the fact ihear it everyday of school that made me think of it, I defend peoples relegion just to end up being hated by both sides, one saying I'm a muslim, christian, hindu lover or the relegion grop saying that they don't like people like me who think they are better than them, Its what makes me wish that equality was here as well, I may have made my point to excessive. But at least now everyone knows what people think about christianity, whether you are or not one.
  12. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    To be perfectly honest it is almost impossible to be completely equal to everyone. Many groups IMO don't deserve to be treated equally, they haven't earned the right to be. Unfortunately the people in this group are spread amongst many groups defiling their names and giving people an unfair reputation.

    The problem is, something like religion (again IMO) makes people more likely to become full of themselves, bigoted, ignorant, and arrogant. It's just something humans do and there isn't a lot anyone can do about it. There will ALWAYS be inequality, hate, ignorance, some form of -ism, and general suffering. All we can do is try to make it as good as possible and hope for the best.
  13. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male

    But I believe that if you treat someone equally, then eventually they will do the same, it has worked before and I hope to help more people to become respectful to others. I would treat anyone the same whatever they do, I know how most people have felt in life, so I know their happiness and sadness, which makes me feel like they deserve respect. Though I do agree that some people are over the top.

    I know, I just.
    It hurts me to see the pain people have to deal with, I know that type of pain and don't want to feel anything like that again, no-one deserves it, I hope for the world that would be full of respect but I should just leave it as that, if a mod would want to close this I see no problem, just hope that people will treat others equally in any situation.
  14. Sexy Sheva Banned

    Jul 22, 2007
    don't turn around
    Let's see..

    I am a Christian, but there's a girl in my biology class that has no religon. She says she believes in them, she just doesn't know how to worship him.. There's many ways..

    She doesn't hate Christians either..

    Besides..why does it make a difference if we are Christian or not? I know many people who are not christian's and they act just like everyone else does =D

  15. White_Rook Looser than a wizard's sleeve.

    Mar 6, 2007
    A chess board
    It's a simple matter of a difference in opinion. The core belief in faith or something that exceeds our current perceptions is universal, simply perceptual.
  16. kingdom945 Banned

    May 20, 2007
    Jeromeykins will always be my darrellcake. <3

    what were you thinking now?

    anyway, Im not a christian, but I was actually thinking of becoming one.
    there are very few if any people who hate them, you're probably just over-thinking some things.
  17. Laurence_Fox Chaser

    Oct 14, 2006
    non binary
    I don't have a problem with Christians as a whole, but it's when they try to impose their religious beliefs on others is when the problem develops.

    Or like in the Evolution vs Religion thread when the religious side was like: 'Oh we couldn't have come from monkeys because the Bible says otherwise'

    I can understand the concept of faith and it's good that they can believe in something. But maybe I just need more evidence something is there than a book.
  18. hahannuh Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 22, 2006
    Let me start out by stating I'm a follower of Jesus Christ. So in "technical terms" I'm a Christian. But how scary it is to say that because I'm always afraid somebody will assume that I'm a hypocrite who will try to force my religion upon them.

    1. Wrong
    2. I'm not perfect

    Well my real point of this post is to help clarify why religion is such a difficult subject to discuss. First of all, mindsets are completely different. To Christians, the Bible is the "Word of God" meaning everything in it is the truth. Now, this is where the biggest problem occurs. Christians and others who are religious, base their beliefs on faith and scriptures. So when religion is questioned and Christians answer with "because the Bible says so" it may seem like a ridiculous reason for nonreligious folk but is proof enough for those who are religious.

    Atheists and such also question Christians how they know the Bible is true. "Somebody could have just made it all up." My answer is, I don't know. But I believe because of faith. Faith. The most difficult thing to explain. In my opinion, those who are religious have faith in their beliefs because of their life experiences, how they grew up, or searching for their purpose in life. Also Christians believe that "existence" (another tricky subject) has to have been created by an omnipotent figure, God.

    Well I'm getting tired but I have a lot more to talk about. I hope this thread grows. And sorry if I didn't make sense, again it's a hard concept for both religious and nonreligious people.
  19. Repliku Chaser

    Well, the point comes down to really...everyone suffers some biased things that transpire. Some Christians can only whine on the martyr card so long, PAW. Hearing when you are a child that you are going to Hell, and then the groups forcing you to know what Hell is, and trying to say that we are all sinners etc....it seems to me the Christian fanatics have done more harm to children than any other group in the U.S. or Europe. Religion in itself isn't bad but when people become groupies, collect and try to force on others these ideals, saying that everything else makes them evil...I'm sorry but I refuse to live my life as 1. a lie and 2. in fear. Christians do not get picked on as much as they pick on others.

    I have heard too many Christians tell me that if I don't believe in God I must be evil and doing all sorts of things because only 'good Christians' have morals and ethics. I have heard adults as well as kids say this to me for YEARS. Imagine how many Christians I have had to explain to that 'good' and Christian' are not synonymous and you are a good person based on what -you do- and not on what -you believe-. That is the problem here with dealing with fanatics of any religion, political group etc. They are closed minded and believe they are -always right- and it is also not hard to convince these people to do extreme things such as murder.

    Most Christians are fine, and do their thing and let others do theirs. The zealous ones though actually 'proclaim' others as enemies and also say that they are the -few- when there are far more Christians than atheists or those who believe other religions or spiritual followings. They are dominant, so why are you not at all defending the people who have -less- on their sides? This is kind of baffling me. Atheists aren't the KKK or something, which spawns hate and earns some butt kicking now and then. I don't know of any atheists that truly disdain Christians.

    Also, let's say if you brought one of two books to work or school to read...which one do you think would get animosity going? The Bible or God is not so Great? There are atheists that have to consistently cover how they feel, while it is perfectly normal to get a Bible from anywhere. There is a serious hypocrisy going on and Atheists and other religious believers can be treated even worse than gays right now. People -do- hire others on religious preferences, and people have lost jobs due to not believing in a religion that is mainstream. Gays have protections and can sue. What can an atheist do or anyone for that matter that one day 'oops' the word slips out that they don't believe in God or Jesus? I have lost promotions simply because I do not believe in it and being a Buddhist marked me as a pagan or Atheist. These things still happen, just as racism and gender bias transpires.

    So all in all, it seems to me your argument should be turned the other way and well, not at the regular Christians either, but at those who are fanatics. Regular Christian folk and Atheists etc really usually don't have so many issues with one another and it truly is the extremists that ruin it. After all, these Christians realize what Jesus said, which was to worship and pray in your own home and not be like the people that go out and spread the word all the time and regular Atheists will only normally voice opinions in discussion or when faced with an extremist. It's the religious fanatics who declare outright they hate others who don't see as they do. You can see some winning posts from some of them. Or their big support in debates is 'hallelujah!' or 'I win cuz the bible says it!' etc. You can't talk with them. They think they are superior.
  20. ShadowMancer King's Apprentice

    I don't hate it. Well, probably because I'm Christian. But I don't hate people of different religion either.
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