What Is Your Problem With Christians?

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Peace and War, Sep 4, 2007.

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  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I just want to say this is for all non-christians members that don't go with Christianity in discussions.

    Why do you guys hate Christianity?
    I mean I didn't like Christians or Christianity in general for years, but ever since I've seen some of you guys, I look like a Christian Sympathiser!
    I mean, you alwas talk about the problems Christianity have and sometimes you disrespect them. Now I know you'll probably reply with something like 'We are just in a discussion or something like that. But that is no excuse to dis-respect anyone!
    I mean even in discussions like 'Relegion vs Science' you would constantly pick on Christianity, the only times you talked about otherreligions is if someone mentioned, but you will still go back to chistians!
    Why? And don't tell me that I am wrong or stupid because, that re-enforces my point about how disrespectful some of you can be!
    And this does not include everyone, remember that!
  2. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    I don't hate Christians, but I just feel that so many Christians that I have experienced have been so bigoted and self-righteous that it's almost a stereotype -__- From my experience of Christianity (and from reading it's history) I have seen it cause and spread hate, fear, destruction and cause damage to society.

    Many Christians are nice, many people I know are Christian and I have nothing against it. I just have a problem when people use their religion as an excuse or, even worse, try to convert me >_>

    But don't get me wrong, I can still see the good that Christianity (and other religions) have done for the world. I know the good it can do for people going through tough times, and I know it is comforting to know at the back of your mind that God is watching over you.

    Another problem I have with Christianity is that we may never know what true Christianity is. It has been so distorted and twisted over the years, I don't know if it could still be called Christianity as it was way back when. In my mind religion provides a moral code for society, but even in that it is too rigid, leading to taboos and a slow down in society's development. It also leads to set ways of thinking which slow down advancement.

    But I will say this again, I do not hate Christianity, I hate people who are bigoted and ignorant etc. who may happen to also be Christian.
  3. Donaut Banned

    Mar 29, 2007
    Stairway to Heaven
    I don't hate them. I just find them annoying how they can find worshiping a god, a religion. And how, even though he hasn't ever shown any sign of him, you still believe in him. I don't see how you can love a man over a book that could be fiction. What proof is there that he is alive?
  4. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    You're getting angry about something that is completely logical and wholly something you misenterpretted.

    Like you said, it's discussion. Atheists do not hate christianty, I've never known one that truly hated it. I can't speak for everyone but I personally respect christians a lot. It takes a lot to stand up for what you believe, it takes to put faith in someone else, and it takes a lot, (If the bible is indeed made up), to create such a fantastic story. However what I do not respect is christians that aren't christians. Christians that think that they can yell at others and think they're better because they're going to heaven or something. Wether or not there's a divine presense,a nd wether or not you believe in it gives you no right to call someone "evil" or "ignorant", or quite recently a "bigot", even if that is what atheists are to christians.

    Oh, and most often we don't "pick" on other religions because we need to talk about the things that are more important. Not to say other religions aren't important, but to say that there are more people of the christian faith then any other, christians rule most of this world, chrsitians are the ones that attack atheists, just as atheists attack christians because christianty takes up more of the big picture then buddism or islam. Not to mention that most people ont his site are either christian or atheist. In exception to people like Repliku or Celsius_Rain.

    I have no problem with christianty, I have problems with christians that have problems with me.
  5. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    I'm Christian, but I'm not as annoying as some of the other downright in-your-face believers. I don't go around and flaunt my religion on a board pronouncing "I AM CHRISTIAN!". Of course, I have seen Christians fight with each other. It's not very pleasant when you want to be a happy, righteous person. Of course, even though I have met some rude non-believers, most of them aren't as humorless and nasty as some. The people here aren't as bad as some people. I would actually have to say what's going on here is mild to what's going on beyond here. I mean, take the Korean people who went to the Mild East as Christians and they got held hostage. I mean, at least no one on hear is a Christian hater with a capital H. So, I wouldn't worry that much. People have their own beliefs and I respect them, and I don't want to shove Christianity up someone's nose. :D
  6. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Ok, hate may be a strong word to use but I just don't see alot of people showing them as equals.
    And whether discussions or not I say again, 'that is no reason to disrespect someone.'
    And I am not angry on the matter, I am just asking a question and want an answer, that is all.

    The reasons is simple.
    Christians are faithful, dedicted and are firm to believe in what they hold dear. Not everything that is real can be seen or heard, even science knows that, and science believers are almost no different from Christians, they convert people to they belief, oppose suggestions of another belief, try to prove other relegions wrong, the only difference I see is that science has a differently belief and hasn't been around as long as other relegions.
  7. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    You're right. We don't HAVE to see everything to make sure it's real.
  8. La Sofa ('_')-l3 No worries

    Apr 5, 2007
    I don't hate them. I resect them. Because I am One.
    I may be a bad example for them because I 'fail' on the boards. But I take christianity very seriously. I don't go in the the thread Christianity vs whatever because I know it just causes trouble.
    And I don't need to 'prove' anything to them. I mean what they believe is what they believe. Thats why I find that thread useless.
    I respect everyone and what they believe, but if they make fun of us, so be it. Because then, I know they will see at the end, so there is no need for me or anyone esle to take action.
  9. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Something I used to confuse the people in my RE class, who oppossed Relegion, and actually converted them to treat people with more respect. But it doesn't matter if it happens here or not, just like to make my point and view known.
  10. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
    That's okay. I like to make my points and views be known. I can totally understand.
  11. Roxas is Hot I'd lick his Sea Salt stick anytime. ♥

    I don't hate Christians.

    I just find it quite annoying nowadays that they just happen to take everything in the Bible way too seriously. Religion in general gives me one of those anime veins popping out of my head daily. In a way, I must agree with DW.

    I'm not trying to be mean/hateful in any way since I'm an Atheist, but if I ever have, I must apologize.
  12. Kiburedo Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 25, 2007
    Wow, I'm a Christain and i can honestly say you've taken everything That the people arguing against us have said in the worst possible way. Just because someone Says "I don't believe in God" Doesn't mean they hate me. And furthermore when someone says something we don't like or makes an argument against us, doesn't mean they are insulting us. They are intitled to their own opinion, and I can easily say that noone here has Disrespected Christians in such a big in your face way. Sure people might get mad and get rude in their posts because of whatever reasons they have, but that's just what makes us Humans. And I'm sure when they do say something way out of line, they'll apologize afterwards. And some people don't, but noone's perfect.
  13. Repliku Chaser

    It seems to me, PAW, that you are taking this a bit too personally. I can't speak for everyone of course, but I know many Atheists that do not 'hate' Christians. It would be a small world indeed if they hated Christians because many people are, so that would remove a good chunk of people as potential friends. I certainly do not hate Christians or any people really. However, I can disdain the way some people act for a time.

    Fundamental zealous Christians however can be VERY annoying. I do not loathe them, but they come to being people that I really wish would stop harming others. They are 2-Dimensional beings by their own willpower and it's either one way or the other with them. EVERYTHING is in black or white to them, and that is what makes it hard to get along. Regular Christians aren't like that. They do things with their lives, don't act holier than thou, and you can sit and talk with them about whatever and not feel the person has a 2nd agenda.

    Fanatics have done a lot of things wrong to others. Let me give some examples I have seen first hand.

    1. The children of fanatics are raised to be that way as well. They mistreat children at school, bullying and ganging up on others if they can get away with it. I cannot tell you how many times growing up I heard 6 year olds through 18+ telling me or someone else that 'we are going to Hell' because we don't believe as they do. What's sad is that I was a Christian before I was 12, so hearing that was appalling and scared me.

    2. Fanatical devotees of Christianity work and strive to bring themselves together with televangelist speakers that have an outright WAR on reality and science. The science these Christians do also is ridiculous and is only done to prove the existence of God because others use it to study and sometimes find things that may disprove their Bible. Their finds in science are messed up and one-sided. Science is not out to prove that God exists or does not exist. It has always been plagued by zealots as a danger and scientists have met their deaths due to the challenge it presents. There are many Christians who are also scientists, but yet the zealots think they are correct in their views and that ALL scientists are atheists or whatever other word can be used. I have heard some fanatics say that scientists are terrorists; no joke.

    3. There are fanatics who are in groups that could in fact be considered terrorists if people weren't so afraid to put the words Christian + Terrorist together because their bias makes it only possible that the words Muslim + Terrorist are synonymous. Some people put up blinders to what goes on but really, I don't think we can afford to. There are people that are harmful to society regardless of what religion they believe in. That is a fact. People should not cover for these types of individuals and mass groups that exist in countries around the world. It is too easy for some people to become hypocritical and declare that one religious group has all terrorists in it or people that abhor others simply because they do not think like they do or follow their path. My concern with people is that no matter what they believe, are they out to harm others? Some people are. Zealots are out to condemn people and it just is not right. Thoughts and ideals do not make someone harmful. Deeds do.

    4. Zealots say too often with glassy eyes and grins that people should die because they go against God. Zealots also try to head groups that are meant to stop the rights of people from having simple joys. If I want to read a book, watch porn now and then, play a video game, listen to metal or rap, etc why can't I? I'm not harming anyone else. Fanatics have gone so far as to say all people that listen to a type of music, dress certain ways etc are 'satanists'. They actually declare what another person is by belief and it is so closed-minded it's pathetic. Also, if you believe in another religion or spirituality or none, you are really a satanist in the mind of a fanatic. There is nothing you can do to change that opinion. These people can literally encase their lives in schools designed for them, raise children with a zealous upbringing, and force kids to work for them, choose their friends, choose their lives and who they marry etc. If someone wants to live that way, it's fine by me, but there are a lot of family problems and life problems that some people go through because they don't see the same as mommy and daddy. Sometimes it is so bad that the child is ostracized and sent to D-homes, or kicked out merely because they don't go to church every sunday; no joke.

    So really, I don't think anyone's issue in truth is Christians are horrible and we hate them. It is the zealot fanatics that are the ones who have used religion throughout history and still do to keep people ignorant, to encourage them in masses to fight for some martyr reason to force everyone else's cultures, diversities, science, progressions down and to push their beliefs on others. If you do not feel as they do, you are written off unless they find you interesting enough to 'save'. They want to say how everyone should live in a shielded world and inspire rebellion because most people simply cannot live as they do. They abuse God while other Christians try to praise him and live their lives, not being social etiquette monsters. Zealots hate. Therefore it is a normal response that if someone 'hates' you, you either fight, ignore and get away, voice things against that hatred, and simply try to exist around it. Many Christians are great people and I'm proud to know and associate with them because they are not just closed-minded bigots that try to exclude themselves from a society of 'heathens', nor are they trying to force society to cater to their whims and make others suffer needlessly.

    I hope that makes more sense to you. I don't see anyone, even the most vocal Atheists, saying that Christians are evil, horrible beings that should meet their ends. Zealots however say this about anyone else who doesn't share their beliefs and it is a rotten thing to do or feel. It is diversity that has made us stronger and if some people aren't willing to tolerate things, and accept that reality, they are harms to everyone else if they become too powerful. Religion is never an excuse to mistreat others. The Christians who are not fundamentals know this but even they are called Satanists by zealots, or told they don't believe in the same God. That is the true harm here is fanatics hate or love extremely. There is no middle ground. Others must act accordingly, and fortunately, others are more mature and even if we might really be ticked off at this behavior, we still aren't hating.
  14. N Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 29, 2007
  15. Trigger hewwo uwu

    Oct 6, 2006
    Corridors of Time
    The only time I have a problem with Christians and Christianity is when they preach to me, or try to convert me. Just like my friend's mother who wouldn't let me stay the night unless I went to Church with them, and it offended me greatly.
  16. Ienzo ((̲̅ ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>

    Mar 25, 2007
    In your breadbin
    I am a very serious Christian, but I just believe that he just hasn't shown himself yet. Like have you ever seen an angel? No, it doesn't mean they don't exist. I don't take any of this to offence, since everyone is entitled to there opinion.

    @Trigger: I do think t hat is also a bit mean, if I wasn't Christian then I would be offended by that too.

    I believe in God, many of my prayers have been answered and it's too many to think of conincedences(sp?). I'm not trying to convert anyone, I find that harsh but I just belive he is there. I don't believe in heaven though, like a place where we go when we die.

    (I know it sounds weird but it's what I believe, my religion is the world to me)
  17. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    who said they hate Christians? i personally dont' even know the difference between Catholics and Christians
  18. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    Ermm, they are the same thing. Catholicism is a part of Christianity, as is Protestantism.

    @ Ienzo: With most things there is an element of doubt, so justifying religion with "Just because we haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist" doesn't really say anything.

    And as for the prayers, unless you have a graph or something showing correlation between the number of prayers made and the number that came true then that statement has no meaning either. Surely if God was omnipotent all prayers would be granted?

    On-topic (:o) I think that it is impossible for anyone to say they hate Christians, they may hate people who happen to also be Christian for whatever reason. Some of the reason may come from the fact that they have religion, but generally the person is just nasty, bigoted, insincere and/or just plain evil =/.
  19. Joseki Traverse Town Homebody

    Meh, I hate christianity about as much as the next lame religeon used to control people's minds by convincing them there is an invisible man in the clouds who knows everything, but honestly, its mostly because they're opinionated asses who think that their way is the only way and that YOU need to believe it as well or your condemended to hell.

    and furthermore I LOVE hating on christians because they get so damn mad about it, like it actually MATTERS what I think. Its just hilarious how "OMG HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT!?!?!? YOURE GOING TO HELL!" Yea well efing deal with it, stop being so opinionated and keep your freaking religion to yourself.


    thats how I feel, its a short poem that sums it up real nice.
  20. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    im am christin but i dont flaunt it around and what no because i dont need to, you hav a choice to belive what you belive no matter how gay i think it is. im not gonna go up and be like "you aint chrstian is you burn!" people hate the over the top christians that want to force you to be one of us and not all christians are like that. and then some times when we alk about god your all like "god isn't real!" saying that is just like a christian trying to force you to convert, because your tyring to make us give up on our faith and i have seen some of you try and tell us that there is no god and i doing so you become the very thing you hate: the "belive what i belive or die" kind of person.
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