What is your opinion

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Mr. Pumpkin, Sep 21, 2009.

  1. Mr. Pumpkin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 19, 2007
    On this.
    Would you rather live a long life, eating healthy and excercising every day and those sort of thing, or would you like a shorter life, eating the things you want, doing the things you like etc.?

    I would rather live short and do things like drink whenever I want, eat everything I want etc. I mean we are all going to die one day, and I would rather live that life to the fullest in stead of constantly doing things and eating things that I don't really want and like.

    Also give your opinion why you disagree with someone, although I higly doubt that won't happen.

  2. kitty_mckechnie I want to hug you like big fuzzy Siberian bear!

    Feb 6, 2007
    Easy. A longer life with a healthy lifestyle. I feel happier when i intake healthy foods n' exercise on a regular basis. I do eat the occasional unhealthy food such as a piece of chocolate or ice cream but not every day.

    There are days when i have ate nothin' but quick meals that aren't good for me n' i can say i feel like what i've ate.

    I eat healthily n' exercise to stay happy.
  3. Ŧiмє Яǽрεѓ King's Apprentice

    Dec 17, 2008
    Inside your mind.
    Longer life. True, you may be able to get up to all kinds of wonderful shallow pleasures in your short Kamikaze lifestyle, but I don't really think that is 'living life to its fullest'. There is more to happiness than food, booze and sex. They are a very nice addition, but I would prioritise the deeper things.
  4. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    I've taken up the challenge of trying to combine both. I make it a point of not trying to live exclusively for myself but at the same time I realise that, in order to be a reliable person in the eyes of everyone else, I need to stand firmly in my shoes which works best if my own life is somewhat satisfactory.
    Thus, I work out and lay off snacking to stretch my life long enough but I claim the weekends mine and give in to short-term pleasures such as booze and incredibly loud music. The system works.
  5. Luna Lovegood nani panda-kun

    Jun 13, 2007
    Shirokuma Cafe
    I would choose to live a healthier, longer life. To live a healthy life doesn't mean always eating things that taste like crap. You don't have to sprinkle flax on every meal to have a healthy lifestyle. You can be healthy by doing small things, like walking to/from work/school instead of driving, or reaching in the fridge for a glass of grape juice instead of a can of grape pop. You can easily live a fun and healthy life without giving up the chocolate and that other shiz.
  6. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    Easy....I would live alife of eating what i want and stuff of that nature because life is here to live out. paying close attention to what you eat ruins that. it's what life is for. A long life is nothing but torment anyway. What is peoples obsession with living as long as possible?
  7. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    I think there should be a balance, if you are too strict over everything you won't enjoy life, but if you only live for the purpose of doing what you want such as eating junk and never exercising then you will grow bored and it will lose its fun, instead you will become tired of it.

    Plus eating crap all the time will make you more miserable because it will mess with your body and your system. Besides, exercise and being healthy is good for the mind as well as the body.

    I say that it is best to live healthily...I just dropped yoghurt down my top whilst typing that -.-...but to allow yourself to indulge at times too.

    Well isn't that cheery. Go put on seven stone and then we will see whether you are still enjoying life.
  8. tSG1 Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    A medium-balanced life.

    So occasionally go party and drink booze and have sex (which there is nothing wrong with, and might even enhance your lifetime) but eat healthily and exercise.
  9. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Well I don't know what you're like in the sexlife department love but I happen to find it quite a workout as it stands anyway, so I wouldn't put it with the unhealthy side in the same sense of junk food and drinking crap. Unless you are referring to sleeping around and being easy, in which case, that is not good.
  10. tSG1 Chaser

    Jul 8, 2008
    That's what I meant, it's a vigorous thing to do, and considered a workout. If it's considered a workout, then you never need to leave the bed to get your daily exercise :lolface:
  11. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Longer life, definitely. There's no way I'm going to shorten my life for the sole reason of doing stupid things like eating whole cakes or having sex. And I'm not going to shorten my life because all the people who love me, including my future children, probably wouldn't like it.
  12. Mr. Pumpkin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 19, 2007
    I gotta say... Fail.

    No but seriously, what is the purpose of exercising? Okay you might not get fat (though I don't do any excercise and I won't get fat either way) but people do it mostly to get a 'good' figure in order to get people to like them more.
    I say do what you wanna do and don't waste your life on exercising, but there are people who really enjoy it and feel good about doing it.
    That's something different. Because you enjoy it, I say, do it.
    But I just think it isn't worth anything and I would rather do things I like and eat things I want then exercise and all the stuff I think isn't necessary.
    Oh and sex doesn't belong in the "bad lifestyle" section btw, if you do it right, it's the same as exercising. They say it's even better because you sweat even more. Ahhh.. You gotta love sex.
  13. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Exercise is about a lot more than figure. It keeps you healthy in a lot of ways.
    Yeah sex might be good in some situations to some people, but it's against my religion and is incredibly risky no matter how you do it. So no thanks.
  14. Mr. Pumpkin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 19, 2007

    Use precaution like condom or birth-control pill and you're fine. If you use them both, there is like a %99.8 chance it won't go wrong. So it's not incredibly risky no matter how you do it.
    I honestly don't get why it should be against anyones religion and IMO it really is the weirdest and a dumb rule in a religion. It just doesn't make any sense. But I'm not gonna talk about that here, this isn't the right thread to talk about it.
  15. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Sex is against your religion? Could you please explain your existence to me? I'd be interested in knowing just how you came to be.

    Also, drinking water is incredibly risky, heck breathing is incredibly risky doesn't mean you should stop though.
  16. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    I meant premarital sex, which is probably what everyone is talking about here.
    99.8 isnt nearly a good enough chance for me. Im not putting my future at stake for a gamble like that.
  17. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Ok, so you think that sex becomes magically safer if you are married? There will always be risks with everything you do, marriage won't change that. Marriage is a bond between two people but it doesn't create magical safety barriers to keep you from getting into ****.

    What about people who ARE married? Should they avoid sex too? Or is your entire basis for sex being bad based on the risk of babies?

    I'm not trying to be argumentative or insulting, I genuinely am curious as to your reasoning.
  18. Mr. Pumpkin Hollow Bastion Committee

    Sep 19, 2007
    Thank you for asking these questions to him lawl, I could't find the right words to ask it.
    Oh and that also means I agree with you there.
  19. axelsoraroxasfan103 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 20, 2007
    Twilight Town, eating Sea Salt Ice Cream. :3
    I hate this or that questions as in terms that I like to do a little both rather then just choose one or another. I'm really entitled to doing both but if I had to pick, I guess living longer and eating healthier although I could be indifferent about it. I mean I know we aren't going to live forever but I guess I would like to be healthier in terms of my goals and such and improve me in ways rather if I chosen a short life for myself. I'm gonna have to get used to it if that's the case.
  20. Kaiionel Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 4, 2007
    In my imagination
    Longer life. I love life, and I want to stick around for as long as I can. Doing whatever you want without taking care of yourself has dire consequences, and I think my life can be a good one and be healthy at the same time. Although, if it was my last day on earth, I think I would go crazy and do whatever I wanted. :D