What Is The Funniest thing You've Done In Any KH Game?

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by Spike, Jun 22, 2007.

  1. curse_tail Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 25, 2008
    the dwarf kingdom in the underworld
    the funniest thing i did was in kh2

    when i was fighting the beast it took a long time to realize you have to use a reaction command:stupid:
  2. Sora March Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 10, 2008
    A band hallway. TRUMPETS!!!
    I used the Gameshark, put on the code to redo the 1000 heartless battle, with Saix and Donald. When Saix launched into the air, he turned into a ball of fire in the middle of the Great Maw. He never comes, until you beat all the heartless.
  3. firephoenix Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jul 28, 2007
    destiny islands
    I discovered a glitch in the first Xemnas battle,
    When he jumps on top of memory skyscraper, use magnega, while having him locked on. Xemnas falls down but you can still use the reaction command.
    It looks really funny, as if Sora is fighting the magnega.
  4. Kiyoshi Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 20, 2008
    In the world fighting Noises
    In KH 1 I love to throw barrels at goofy and donald xD
    They make funny noises ^^
  5. Scott Pilgrim Banned

    Aug 11, 2008
    Funniest thing? I have to say that Olympus Collosium, Hades showed up when I was doing the training and I couldn't hit him, but I got those little orbs when I hit him...lulz.
  6. Nova We left a scar size extra-large.

    Jul 11, 2008
    *Somewhere In The Stratosphere ♥
    idk if this is really that funny, but I finally discovered you could skip scenes in KH2 at the 4th visit to Hollow Bastion :bangbang:
  7. Riku-Sama's Shadow Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 19, 2008
    The UFNNIEST thing i've ever done is probably interupt conversations!!!! i was in 'The Proof of Existence' and i was walking around i turned and looked at Donald and Goofy. they were talking so i walked up in front of them and they stopped and looked at me like i was "interrupting" their conversation!!! now i do this a lot. another funny thing is at the end of KH2 y'know how before u start fighting Xemnas a lot??? and u go up tht one bridge?? i did it slow motion (i was walking) and i was trying to make it look dramatic xD
  8. Envious623 Twilight Town Denizen

    Oct 6, 2006
    LALALALALALAND. No, really.
    In KH1, I have Aeroga in my game, so I'll just go to a world with weak heartless, cast aeroga, and watch them kill themselves. It's actually pretty entertaining. I also throw barrels at Goofy when I'm bored. Donald's too short, which annoys me.

    In KH2, there are so many more things. In the world map, I'll just run into worlds I haven't unlocked so I can bounce off of them. I'll attack the wall to watch the keyblade fly back when you hit it in the right spot. I've also stood on a save point and tried to get rid of my mp without using cure, even though I know it's impossible. Also, I'll get into final form for fun and attack nothing. I don't remember what the attack's called, but if you jump and attack, Sora will roll through the air and it'll make a whoosh sound. I also spam!cast Thundaga. Your screen pretty much turns white.

    I've also done pretty much everything else mentioned on this thread. I'm pretty easily entertained.
  9. Zexion King's Apprentice

    Oct 2, 2007
    The Grey Area
    The funniest thing...
    i guess when i take a peek at Kairi's Panties...
    lol lol lol....
    you can do that at KH 2
  10. Riku-Sama's Shadow Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 19, 2008
    LOL!!!!! that's funny!!! xDDDDDD :PPPPP
  11. bahamut Merlin's Housekeeper

    Mar 24, 2007
    In that one place.
    In kh1 at Ursola's lair I swim past those sea urchins to have Donald or Goofy get hit by 'em.

    In Monstro's stomach I push Donald or Goofy into the acid, trying to kill them off. Then I wait there until they revive and repeat the whole process.

    In both games I just sit down and watch Donald and Goofy fight the heartless/nobodies themselves.
  12. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I would have to say, reflect spam is fun. Always nice to have enemies kill themselves.
  13. Magick ~Meaner then my demons~

    Aug 11, 2008
    The True North.
    omg that was sooooo fun!!! i must be easily amused...
    ya know what they say, simple minds simple pleasures.....:guns:
  14. mudstripe Twilight Town Denizen

    I constantly was flying around Neverland and practically playing hide-and-seek with Donald and Goofy. I was also trying to race them on the Clocktower, although it never registered in my brain that they will always stop short of where I was. X3

    Wait, I'm confused, which world do you throw barrels in again?
  15. Sora March Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 10, 2008
    A band hallway. TRUMPETS!!!
    Any world with barrels. Monstro, Agrabah, etc.
  16. Dark Link Banned

    Dec 12, 2008
    In your dreams
    Same here that was my funniest thing I've done
  17. mudstripe Twilight Town Denizen

    Yeah, I always do that too! I usually try to get Donald and Goofy with it. One time, I even died to it.
  18. Akema_AK Destiny Islands Resident

    May 22, 2009
    lost in a place of mysteries
    i kept trying to kill donald in agrabah but goofy would always get in the way of the barrel/vase and then donald would heal him. darn goofy and his goofyness
  19. StarSeeker99 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 16, 2009
    Bugger if I know!
    I had already posted something similar, so I'll Copy/Paste, and add the new random/funny things I've done.

    1. KH2
    After beating Sephiroth, have Donald staying in front of him, and then move away. Donald will walk/run into Sephiroth. Forever.

    2. KH2
    Mess with the walls. I actually discovered some wall combos. Negative
    Combo + Hit Wall + Square = Finishing Leap. Can also trigger Riku's Dark Shield reaction command to show up. Or did it require Fenrir too, not sure. Either way, you'll have Finishign Leap or Upper Slash pop up.

    3. KH2
    Master the camera controls, and put it in "awesome" angles EVERY time, no matter what I do.

    4. KH2FM
    Aerial Finish the air over and over again, thanks to combo master.

    5. KH2FM
    Purposely do some insane combos with Combo Master. Example : Final Form + Sleeping Lion + Rumbling Rose + Spam Thunder while on a Save Point.

    6. KH2FM
    Go Limit Form, use Combo Master to slash the air with Rumbling Rose, until Sora made 4 Hurricane Periods yelling out the same quote. Similarly, doing any Finisher repeatedly, seeing what quotes Sora does.

    7. KH2
    Fight Sephiroth using crazy camera angles. Upon winning, going to the Great Maw, get killed, Load the Game and fight Sephiroth again.

    8. KH2FM
    Everytime I arrived at the Altar of Naught but didn't feel like going through 20 minutes of final battle and 25 minutes of ending, I would once again spam Combo Master and make Sora use his moves on nothing.
    While doing a low-camera-angle Zantetsuken in Limit Form, I got close to Kairi, and wondered if you can see under her skirt. You can.

    9. KH2FM
    The most dangerous and immature thing ever...

    Fight Terra while running on a treadmill. Seriously, it made me reasize just how difficult it must be to fight for so long. I did Lexaeus then, and went over to Larxene. But I was getting tired, so I Reflega spammed her.

    10. KH2
    Always try to finish the battle in epic fashion. For example, against Sephiroth, finsih him by going in his Fire Pillar, Refelcting, and Curing the moment Reflect starts shooting.
    Also, trying to learn how to finish a boss... with a specific attack of Aerial Finish. Like, knowing what do to to win with the first slash, the 2nd, the 3rd, or the 4th. All 4 slashes are Finishers, so it's not easy, but the slow-motion camera looks much better depending on which slash is your Finishing one.

    11. KH1
    Throw whatever I could find at Goofy. Never tried KOing him though.

    12. KH2 and KH2FM
    Tried Sephiroth and Xemnas Data with NOTHING, not a single Ability, no Drives, etc. I only did it because I wanted to get killed to load a game.

    13. KH2
    Tried KH2 Multiplayer! Let me explain : You control the X, O, Square, Traingle, R1, and the camera while your friend controls the Left Analog Stick. Then, you watch as you get owned by Sephiroth.

    14. KH2
    noticing that Sora's Form lasts forever if he's on a skateboard, I tried to level-up Wisdom Form by smacking Heartless with the skateboard. Didn't work ; the game doesn't record the EXP.

    15. KH2FM
    Managed to beat Roxas during his counter move (the one my Avatar displays). I did it by accident, but found it really funny.

    16. KH2FM
    In the first CoR battle, the last enemy was an Assassin. He was low on Health, however, and used his kamikaze move. I had Second Chance equipped, thus I survived, and won the battle, but Sora was in his "stunned" position, so it looked exactly as if I had been killed.
    Now I wonder, had I not equipped Second Chance, would've I died, or would've I won?

    Jan 30, 2007
    czar casm
    in KH i stayed on Destiny Islands until i was level 99
    well at least my cousin did

    other then that i dont mess around in KH i get down to business Bl