I'm sure, that in almost every Final Fantasy game, there is someone called Cid, (I think it's Sid in 8) I mean, do they really like the name or something?
Cid is in all (Except I and XI but the latter doesn't count as one in my book) FF games. I think it may because the guy who created FFI saving Square from bankrupcy may have been called (or nick named) Cid and as honour to the man he is in all FF games onwards that Square made for the consoles (and isn't an MMORPG).
Yeah, there is a Sid/Cid in all the games from FF3 or something like that. I don't play the game but I've watched the latest film and I heard it in the extras in that I think.
It was Cid in FFVIII as well. All of the Cid's had something to do with airships too. I like the continuing features across the series.