Insanity is alot like Love, You're never finished after you're done. Insanity is alot like Hate, You cannot remove the rebellious streak. Insanity is alot like Sadness, You never can quench the incurable madness. Insanity is alot like Bliss, What would you like to drink, Miss?
I like the idea, but not all poems have to rhyme, if you made it a non-rhyming one, but kept the same idea it would of made a lot more sense and probably would make it look better. Anyway, very nice =]
I really like that line. >w< I wish to quote it in meh siggy. :3 Anywho, good poem. The end could use a bit of work though, seemed not that flow-y, if that makes any sense. Other then that, I liked it.
Sorry 'bout bad flow and a little....confusion? I was a little beyond sane when thinking this up, really. I was thinking about how so many people say that I need "mental help", or call me a crazy b*tch at school. I can't help it that I'm a little crazy!
Very nice. I liked the fact that it rhymed quite well. But, I do agree with Pop Tart. The ending seemed a to me. But it was good. Keep it up.
Given the theme of the poem focusing on insanity, flow can be sacrificed to hammer the point home a little bit more. I did enjoy your metaphor's surrounding the feelings of insanity, but I'll admit the last line seemed to not fit as well as the rest of the poem.
It's a great poem xD Sounds like an add to an alcoholic drink actually when I think about it. It's called: Insanity. Mhm, good poem =D.