What if.. Sora loved someone else?

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Destiny's hand, Dec 28, 2010.

  1. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Okay, this maybe the only time I have to get on here this week, but I promise you I'll be back!

    Chapter Twelve ~Hearts Lost~

    'Stupid keyblade weilders! They think they can escape? Hmm, I'll give them a challenge...only IF they can defeat Hotaro. But....how can they?'

    Adrianna lifted her purple glass to her lips and drank it's black substance egaerly. As she did this, her silver hair spiked in the back and her eyes became a bright, vicious orange.

    "Nathalia!" She snapped, her eyes ablaze. "Get in here now!"

    The girl came running, her eyes a clear blue, her skin its natural color, and her hair it's dark brown.

    Adrianna took one look at her and lept out her chair, fire sparks cracking at her fingertips. "Are you......fighting the darkness?!" She roared, flicking her wrist at her.

    Suddenly, Nathalia slammed into the wall behind her, her hands at her throat in pain. "*Cough!* W-wha are you doing?!" She sputtered, lying on the ground and panting, gasping for air in shallow breaths.

    Adrianna flicked her wrist at her again, chuckling. "I think you know why. You are fighting the Darkness. I can see it all over you and your heart."

    Nathalia's eyes got wide as she kicked and fought the air around her, narrowly missing the Witch with every swing. "I. Am. Not!"

    "You...You....LIAR!" Adrianna grabbed Nathalia by her shirt, giving her a crazy, menacing smile. "No one lies to me!"

    Bam! "Ahh!"

    Walking over to where Nathalia lay unconsicus, Adrianna seized her, threw her over her shoulder and vanished, a cold laugh echoing throughout the castle.


    "Riku, I'm telling you the truth."

    "No, you aren't. Nathalia's the queen of Hearts, she can't just become-"

    King Mickey grabbed a black vial, slid it across the table he sat behind and looked at Riku, his eyes closed.

    "Using this potion, Darkness' Revenge, you can turn anyone or anything into Darkness." The King clenched his fist. "Including-"

    "-The Keyblade?" Kairi asked, standing uncomfortably at the door, her face pale.

    "Yes. Maleficent was planning on dipping the keyblades into a giant pot of this. But, when Adrianna came, she lost ALMOST all of it. Even if a Queen of Princess of Hearts can't lose their heart, they can become pure Darkness. Adrianna used this method to hold Nathalia captive long enough to lose her keyblade."

    "How is that even possible?!" Riku slammed his hands on the desk, his cold, pale eyes narrowing. "We were in the realm-"

    "I know!" Mickey looked away. "But this Darkness is harder to defeat, and it takes three Keyblade weilders to save the person under its spell. I can't do it though."

    "Why not?" Kairi questioned again, coming over to where the two glared at each other intensly.

    "Mainly because Nathalia is the Queen of Hearts. She needs a specific set of three keyblade weilders. One of her own, one with a new heart, and one that's closer to her than they think." Mickey took out a small orb from his yellow pocket, watching as it turned a faint silver as he held it. "This orb contains Magic in it, and can be used to tell you what you are in Nathalia's potion. If you don't know what you are, you can't control the spell. Anyway, Blue is one of her own, red is the one with a new heart and Green is close to her."

    Passing it to Riku, Mickey watched as it turned red and binged loudly. Then, as Riku turned to Kairi and passed it to her, it turned green. "Wha-that.......I thought....Blue is one of her own?"

    "But remember Kairi, who could be closer to her than you?" Riku asked, nudging her arm softly.

    "I suspected as much. Kairi, I think I know who's one of her own. And it's not Sora."

    Suddenly, Max burst in, carrying May on her shoulder. "M- May......she.......lost her heart."


    Sora, Mia and Tori ran alongside each other in the pitch black corridor. "Run!"

    "Do you think we need to be told that right now?!"

    Bam! "ROAR!"

    "Now you do!"

    "Guys, shut up and get in here!" Mia led the two into a small hole in the wall. Once inside, Tori picked her up as she created a stone door out of thin air to cover the hole in the wall.

    "Where do you think Donald and Goofy are?" She asked nervously, making a candle and its flame out of her hand.

    "Dunno. I think they're trying to find a way to get outta here." Sora answered looking out a small hole.

    Just then, a large, slow pounding echoed in the hallway. Outside, the Heartless-Dog panted loudly, stopping.

    Sora instinctively backed up, signaling for them to stay put.

    "Qwack! Hey you Oompa-Loompa! Over here!"

    Biting his lip, Sora snickered quietly as the Heartless-Dog barked and ran off. Quickly, the three ran out and saw a dark gray door that turned red, then back to gray.

    "Maybe she's in here?" Mia opened it slightly, shivering as a cold wind blasted through their hair. From inside, they could see Adrianna throwing her head back and laughing manically.

    "Now! Time for you END!!"

    There was a muffled scream, a loud Thump! and a gasp.

    Laying in front of Adrianna, who held her heart in a glass jar, Nathalia froze on the ground, blood trickling from her neck. Her eyes were blank, and Mia blinked back tears, shaking uncontrolably. "She.....she's dead."
  2. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Phew, after four months, I finally got Chapter Thirteen up! Took me long enough....
    Anywho, enjoy!

    Chapter Thirteen ~Limbo and Beyond!~

    "Nathalia. Wake up."

    Slowly, the former Keyblade Weilder's eyes opened, drifting across the dark room she was in. Standing, she blinked. "Where am I?"

    A woman with black, chin length hair stood, plopping her light brown hands down on the wooden table in front of her. "Limbo."

    Nathalia observed the room once more, noticing four other people in shady hoods seated at the table. "Why?" She questioned, squinting.

    "You weren't supposed to die this early. You were supposed to live a long life." The woman walked to her, grinning softly. "Now, you're in Limbo. We're supposed to decide your fate."

    One of the hooded stood swiftly, shooting their hand out and light blue orb on the table.

    The woman cursed. "Miyata! What the hell are you doing?"

    Miyata's head turned to Nathalia, nodding. Tears started to cloud the girl's eyes as she stepped toward the table. Miyata.....was her mother atcually....in Limbo?

    "Professor, I think Nathalia can decide for herself." She said, carefully taking her hood off, revealing long, curly brown eyes, light brown eyes and a slight resemblance to Nat.

    "Mom!" The Former Keyblade weilder ran to her, only to get her collar pulled on the Professor.

    "Miyata. Breaking rules means expolsion. You know this. Why give it up for her?!" She shrieked, loosening her grip on the girl's collar a bit.

    Miyata chuckled lowly. "You seriously don't know?"

    As quick as a cat, Miyata grabbed Nathalia by the waist, setting her on the table. Putting her hands up, she created a barrier around it, the other hooded ones jumping up and trying to get through the barrier.

    "Mom! I can't leave you!" Nathalia reached for her mother, but got shocked by the barrier.

    "Nat go! Now!" Miyata gave her daughter a look, her arms shaking.

    "NO!" Using all of her limited strength, Nathalia pushed through the barrier, grabbing her mother and renewing it, which made it turn blue.

    "Nathalia, listen to me. I'll always be there for you, day and night." Her mother sighed. "Why do you want me to come back?"

    "I know you'll be there for me! But, what about Mia and Tori? I can't always be with them."

    "Yes you can. Right there, in their hearts. Like me to the three of you."

    Just then, even to her heart's discontent, Miyata gently pushed her daughter into the orb, watching as Nathalia was sucked back into her world.

    "I love you Thali. Don't forget it." With that, she smashed the orb with her black boot, putting her hood back on. Momma had work to do.


    "Give up!"


    "Sora look out!" Mia called, disappearing into thin air when Adrianna glanced her way.

    They had only been fighting the evil witch for about ten minutes, and the group was already panting for air. Well, except for Donald, who was desperately trying to revive Nat with Potions, Elixirs, anything he could find.

    Adrianna snickered at her foes, her katana slicing the air as she ran after Tori. "Give up weaklings! Your Queen is so-"

    "-Alive and about to kick your butt!" A voice screeched, a bright white light blinding everyone, causing them to groan.

    Suddenly, as the light died, a large collum of ice shot up out off the ground and slammed into the ceiling, making the ground shake. More and more shot up after this one until they created a throne and steps of Ice surronded by gleaming pillars. On the throne, sitting with one leg on the other and her head in her palm was The Queen of Hearts herself, dressed in a long, flowing white dress with three seperate Diamond straps that sat on each forearm.

    Sora grinned, his hands falling behind his head. "What took The Queen so long? Traffic? A puppy died? Your butt got stuck to that throne?"

    "Hahaha." Nathalia smirked, standing from her cold seat. "Limbo took longer than expected. How are you guys, anyway? Getting your butts kicked so hard you had to wait for a girl to save them?"

    Adrianna rolled her eyes when Nat turned to her. "Quit the Chit-Chat and come at me 'Your Majesty'. I'm not afraid of you. I killed you ten minutes ago, for GOD'S SAKE!"

    With the last two words, she charged The Queen, her eyes filled with a burning Rage. Counter attacking, Nathalia threw her hand up, shooting a beam of Light up that wrapped around the witch, snapping her blade in two. Then, Nat suantered up to her, her dress trailing behind her like colorless waves.

    "Adrianna." She said, her eyes turning white with power. "You killed my parents. You killed your parents. You killed your sister. All for nothing. What do you have to say now?"

    Laughing menacingly, Adrianna wiggled her arm out, lifting the sleeve of her black half jacket and revealing a small red button that was strapped to her wrist. "Bomb's away! Thirty seconds to escape. Or, you could always get blown to bits."

    Moving swiftly, Tori grabbed Mia and Donald while Goofy ushered them out. "Out, out, out! Hurry you two!"

    Sora dashed up to his girlfriend, who hadn't budged an inch. "What the heck are you doing? Come on, Nat."

    She glanced at him, her face looking very serious. "No. She's only going to escape. I have to stay with her."

    Huffing in annoyance, he picked her up Bridal Style, sprinting to where the Gummi Ship was. "Don't resist! I'm not letting you die again!"

    "....What the-?!" Nathalia's eyes widened as they reached the Hangar. "I wasn't gonna die! I was gonna.....ya'know....Shield myself......with......Uh, ICE! Yeah, that's what I was gonna do!"

    Sora rolled his own blue orbs as he hooked his hand into the Gummi ship's door, also sliding her in.

    Ten......Nine.......Eight........Seven Donald seized the controls, eagerly turning the Gummi Ship around. "Come on, come on come on come on come on!" He shouted, accidentally ramming the air craft into a wall.


    Mia looked around as they shot into the tunnel. "Nat, I don't hear any-"

    BAM! The tunnel started to collapse on the Ship, Donald shakily steering back and forth.

    "Oh lemme do this!" Sora nudged him out of the way, steering even more wobbly.

    "Oh, I'm Gonna....Gonna be sick!" Mia announced, rushing into a bathroom and shutting the door.

    "Poor thing!" Goofy stated, not paying attention to his station like usual.

    "Goofy!" Tori and Nat called out, both pointing to the tunnel. "Watch it!"

    Goof turned back, watching as a enormous piece of a rubble advanced toward them. "Yaaa!" He shrieked, shooting it with the Laser.

    Nathalia stood with difficulty, closing her eyes and spreading her arms out wide. "Barrier Protection!"

    Everyone gasped as a light blue Orb swirled around the ship, creating a Sheild of protection.

    "Alright, now we're cookin'!" Sora yelled gleefully, hitting the Warp Drive button. "Oops."

    "System engage; Warp Drive in three....two....one."



    "You think he's alright?"

    "Oh, he'll be fine! He just needs a little rest, after all, what just happened?"

    Nathalia giggled. After Sora had made the Ship go into Warp Drive, she had not so safely crash landed into the Garden at Disney Castle. Thankfully, everyone had made it out okay. Sure, there were some cuts, bruises, and scars (Mostly on Nathalia), but they could live through those.

    "Anyway, Riku and the gang are here. Why don't you say hi?" Mickey suggested, gesturing to a tall, blue door. "They're in there with your brother and sister."

    "Alright." She glanced at her elegant dress, and envisioned some other normal outfit in its place. When she looked down again, she was wearing a Strapless white top over a strapless red one, black short shorts, a black half jacket, black converse, and white fingerless gloves.

    "Why'd ya change?" Mickey questioned, looking her up and down. "Wait....don't answer that. It's a Girls Thing isn't it?"

    "Yup!" Slowly, she walked to the door, and opened it, peeking through the crack. Mia was sitting in Selphie's lap, excitedly telling her a story, while Tori, Wakka, Tidus and Riku played Poker, Kairi watching with a confused expression.

    "Hey sis!" Mia chirped, waving as she tried to silently creep in.

    Just then, everyone except Mia and Tori crowded around her, questions coming at The Heart Queen like bullets.

    "Nat! Did you defeat that evil witch?"

    "You.....You are hot! Man, Sora's reeeeaaal lucky!"

    "Tidus, you pervert!"

    "Oooo, that's gotta hurt, ya? Hey, Selphie get 'im in a headlock! That's our girl!"

    Laughing along with everyone else, she watched Selphie nearly choke Tidus with a crushing Headlock. "Come on Tidus! Get up! You don't wanna ruin your fake pride, right?!"

    Kairi giggled. "Hey, is Sora okay?"

    "He's fine. Just getting some rest." She answered.

    "That's good. Ya'know........You're lucky."

    Nat listened closely. How could she, of all people, be lucky? She had just gotten killed, almost killed again by a tunnel explosion, and almost killed a third time by crash landing. That's reeeeeaaaaal lucky, don'tcha think?

    "....With Sora. Don't you agree?" Kairi was saying, obviously not knowing that her Queen wasn't paying attention.

    "Ah....Can you repeat that? I didn't quite catch everything."

    "Heh. I said that even though your life is in danger every second of every day, you still have some special people there with you. You're with family. With Sora." The Princess repeated just as Riku came back up.

    "Why don't we check on the lazy bum? He should be okay by now." He strode to the door, the two girls sharing a look.

    "Fine bossy." Kairi winked at Nat, running out.

    "Yeah, who made you Queen?" Nat waved with a sly grin, and then jogged outward before Riku could say something back.

    "Ya'know something? If you guys weren't girls I would be kicking your butts right now." He shot back, sighing as he caught up to them.

    "I bet we could kick your butt now!"


    The rubble and wreckage of Adrianna's castle spread everywhere, almost knocking out every room.
    Almost. Although, the room where the battle between the woman and the Keyblade Weilders went on was completely demolished. The ice spread out the windows, and impaled themselves into the ceiling and the ground.

    A woman prone to destruction, Miyata Souji trudged through the damage, waiting for signs of Adrianna being alive. So far, all she saw was the destroyed room that used to be a beautiful one- one that housed a family of four. Ah, that poor family.....broken in two, like their castle.

    Miyata sighed. "Better get up now Adrianna. I know you aren't dead."

    "Fine." The silver haired woman lept up, wickedly licking a red susbstance from her fingers.

    "That's my daughter's blood, isn't it?"

    "You got that right, I thought it might gross you out like I used to. Now, cut the small talk. Why are you here?"

    "To warn Nathalia about you." Miyata crossed her arms, two Throwing knives appearing in her hands. "Or, I can always defeat you first."

    Adrianna sneered. "Not when I'm through with my Dear ol' Sis."


    "So....what do we do now?" Sora catechized, swinging Nathalia's hand in his.

    "......Well, gwarsh. Maybe we can relax now?" Goofy suggested. "Since that lady is dead."

    Nathalia shivered. Somehow, she believed that wasn't true at all. 'No. She has to be dead. She couldn't have survived that......'

    Donald qwacked, pointing to some thing in front of the large group. "What is that?"

    Mia screamed, holding onto Tori's pants with a scared look on her face. A dark purple portal swirled in front of them, exhibiting two woman battling.

    "Oh....." Kairi gasped, her face pale.

    "My God! That's mom!" Nat ran toward it, but was stopped by Riku, who snatched her collar up.

    "Woah there! That may be a portal, but it's made of Adrianna's Darkness. Hers can take your heart and eat it up in two seconds exactly."

    She struggled out of his grip. "Okay, I get that. But that's my mom. And she's up against Adrianna! She needs our help!"

    Glancing behind him and smiling, the girl saw that everyone-including Selphie, Wakka and Tidus- had a weapon at the ready.

    Exhaling, Riku summoned his Way to The Dawn. "Nathalia-San better not be wrong."

    Nodding, The young Queen closed her eyes and felt her power hum through her veins. She felt it keep going until it met up at one place.

    Her Heart.

    And that's when.....she realized something very important.

    She realized that even though her parents died that melancholy but memorable day, she wouldn't be here as the person she knew today. She wouldn't have met her annoying brother, or her sweet little sister. She wouldn't have become a Keyblade Weilder, she wouldn't have met her new friends. Nothing would've happened like it did.

    And she owed it all to that menacing red haired woman. Then, Nathalia could finally have peace in her life. But before that milestone, she had to do the thing her mom told her do five years ago, right before she died before her eyes.

    To let go.

    And she did.

    -The End?
  3. Cloud4012 Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jul 19, 2011
    Well if that happened it could be yuffie I feel she and sora would get along real well
  4. sora awsome11/10 Traverse Town Homebody

    Mar 10, 2011
    umm why would it be yuffie? PUT NAMINE! lol no RIKU! no JUSTIN BIEBER no ME!!!! yes XD lol but really don't end the story it so awesome it the only thing i like to read! lol
  5. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    Well, DH.
    If I know you like I think I do, and I do I'm sure.
    This certainly isn't the end quite yet. XD

    Great story though and this last chapter had me on the edge of my seat. Well done.
  6. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Lol, everyone, this is NOT the end!

    I still have two chapters in me! Maybe even more than that.
    And yes Bushy, this Story is not over just yet.
    In fact, I just started typing ideas for the next one and it won't have a wait as long as the last one!
    Thanks for reading!
  7. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Yoola Readers! I've got a present for you guys....

    A sneek peak of Chapter Fourteen! Enjoy~

    ..."You really think you could win me over with that? You ruined my life! You were always Perfect, with a husband, and a home, and CHILDREN! You know as perfectly well as I do that I couldn't. And I still can't." Adrianna whispered, a single, crystal tear slowly waxing its way down the side of her face. "....You know I can't."

    "Adri....I'm sorry. I never knew you were jealous." Miyata stepped up without thought, a protective hand on her sister's shoulder.

    Suddenly, the silver haired woman looked up, her eyes glowing. A meancing sneer was on her lips as she clutched Miyata's arm and twisted it. Then, without warning, Adrianna's body fell to the ground, an all black figure with a wide grin and yellow eyes keeping a grip on Miyata's arm and swiftly moving it to her neck. "Hullo Miyata. Long time, no Kill."

    "Haru. What have you been doing for the past ten years?"

    He shrugged, the grin never leaving his face as the black faded out of him and into Adrianna. "Took control of Adrianna so I could get rid of the woman who killed me."

    "AHEM! Get your facts straight!" Just then, Haru flew backwards into the wall, Nathalia hovering over him. "It wasn't just my mom. It was my mom and Adrianna who killed your sorry ass."

    So, what do ya think? BTW, This chapter'll be out by Saturday!
  8. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Sorry it took so long to update again. School's gotten hectic and it's only four weeks in~

    Chapter Fourteen ~ Family Fueds ~

    "Come on, Adrianna! You can really do better than this. What happened to that girl who always loved to say 'I'm a lean, mean fightin' Machine?" Miyata cried, her elegant steel and metal throwing knives piercing the air as they shot toward her older sister.

    "Oh shut up! I was always better, Miyata. Then, you had HER, then HIM, next HER, and to top it all off, you killed Haru!" Adrianna blocked the weapons with a swipe of her katana, clenching her fist more firmly around it. "You. Killed. HARRRUUUU!"

    "He was a Maniac! You could've done a lot better!" The younger of the two replied, leaping over her elder when she tried to slice her in half.

    "You really think you could win me over with that? You ruined my life! You were always Perfect, with a husband, and a home, and CHILDREN! You know as perfectly well as I do that I couldn't. And I still can't." Adrianna whispered, a single, crystal tear slowly waxing its way down the side of her face. "....You know I can't."

    "Adri....I'm sorry. I never knew you were jealous." Miyata stepped up without thought, a protective hand on her sister's shoulder.

    Suddenly, the silver haired woman looked up, her eyes glowing. A meancing sneer was on her lips as she clutched Miyata's arm and twisted it. Then, without warning, Adrianna's body fell to the ground, an all black figure with a wide grin and yellow eyes keeping a grip on Miyata's arm and swiftly moving it to her neck. "Hullo Miyata. Long time, no Kill."

    "Haru. What have you been doing for the past ten years?"

    He shrugged, the grin never leaving his face as the black faded out of him and into Adrianna. "Took control of Adrianna so I could get rid of the woman who killed me."

    "AHEM! Get your facts straight!" Just then, Haru flew backwards into the wall, Nathalia hovering over him. "It wasn't just my mom. It was my mom and Adrianna who killed your sorry ass."

    Haru sat up, spitting blood out of his mouth. "Ah, my sucky niece. How ya BEEN?!"

    With the last word, his fist slammed into her stomach, sending her into Miyata.

    "Heh. Like Mother like Daugther." He sneered, kicking his Sister-in-law's head. "Now, to deal with you."

    He then turned to his ex-fiance, who still lay on the ground, her eyes filled with tears. Her hair, which had previously been silver like his, had turned a light brown, while her eyes went from red to hazel. "What's........Wrong with you?" She whispered, the darkness slowly swimming up her legs.

    "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me? Nothing! Nothing at- Ooof!" He fell on the ground, Mother and daugther of the Souji's putting their right legs down.

    Miyata high fived her daughter, who put a crystal heel on Haru's head, yanking it up from the ground. "Who feels like crap now?"

    Suddenly, a soft hand was on her shoulder, causing the Queen to look up in suprise.

    "Need some help?" Sora asked, his eyes at Adrianna, who still lay on the ground, the darkness starting to disappear.

    "Nope. She's not evil. He is." She motioned to the man under her shoe and gasped. He was gone!

    Quickly, the girl whirled around, watching as her other friends ran up, worried expressions on their faces. With a loud "S'cuze me!", she ran through the group, sprinting after the evil man she almost called her uncle.

    Miyata glanced at her sister, then gently tapped Sora's shoulder. "Hey, I need your help for something. Can you reverse the darkness with that thing?"

    Riku stepped up, Way to the Dawn at his side. "That might be too much of a challenge for our Sora."


    Nathalia panted hard; her lungs feeling like they were about to burst, but she kept going. "You can't get away!" She screeched, following him into a empty, but bright white room.

    "Then come get me." Haru smirked, the Katana he used when he took over Adrianna in his hands.

    The young Queen summoned her Keyblade, a wicked grin on her face. "It's been a long time since I've fought you Haru. Do you really think you can beat me ? The daugther of your killer?"

    "Of course."

    Leaping through the air, he spun around, creating a whirlwind that started to advance on the girl. "Chew on this!"

    "Hah!" She cried, dodging it and preforming a Strike Raid, something Riku had taught her to do. The Keyblade practically sliced the funnel in half, making Haru fall to the ground.

    "Lucky shot." He growled, running toward her. Nathalia turned, darting to the wall. Knowing that there was no way out, she raised her hands above her as the group ran in, Adrianna now healed.

    Nathalia murmured something, her powers making four of them -including herself- float upward into a bubble. Haru slammed his boot clad foot into his, sending him careening into Miyata's. The mother then assisted her daughter, and then the four bubbles glowed brightly, fading swiftly.

    "Nathalia! Miyata! Don't!" She called, just as Nathalia, Haru, Miyata and Sora disappeared in an icy cloud. "No! They can't handle him on their own. They just can't."

    Tori stepped up, a hand on Adrianna's. "Aunt Adri? We have to believe that they'll be fine."

    Adrianna nodded, looking down at her nephew and niece. "No. We can't just hope. We have to help."

    Kairi turned and shook Donald a bit, a stern expression on her face. "Donald? What do you suggest we do?"

    The duck held his head in concentration and partly anger, but snapped his fingers. "I think I got it! Follow me! Now!"

    Kairi then glimpsed back at Adrianna, who's now hazel orbs stared her straight in the eye. Underneath that tough exterior, lay a girl, scared and also deeply concerned for her little sister. But then, she saw a brave girl, overcoming all her challenges and becoming the person she never saw in the mirror.

    Kairi suddenly realized that Nathalia's eyes were the same way.

    Miyata chuckled, her eyes sweeping her surrondings as Sora walked up. "Where are we Mrs. Souji?" He questioned, his Keyblade shining with a passion.

    "First, call me Miyata," She joked, her face becoming serious as she spotted a familiar building not too far away. "We're in.......in my homeworld. How-? It was destroyed when Haru took control of the darkness. Damn! He must've brought us here!"

    Suddenly, Nathalia flew into Sora, which made him topple over. "Agh. Dang....Haru is more powerful than expected..." She stated, getting to her feet so quickly she stumbled when she did.

    "...Nat. Let me handle him." The woman hissed, her throwing knives at hand. "I know his weak points."

    Nat shook her head, summoning not only her Keyblade, but a bow and more throwing knives. "If I can't handle him by my own, we'll do it together." She gave the bow and throwing knives to her mom, who loaded the latter into the said bow.

    Just at the right moment, Haru appeared over a large building, his arms crossed. "Lookin' for me?"

    Behind him, many dark figures stood, grins on their faces. "Hello Sora! Long time no see!" One screamed, her eight tentacles wrapping around a window on the building.

    "Ursula! How-"

    "-I revived them idiot. Most of them, anyway. Say hello to Ursula, Captain Hook, Oogie Boogie, Hades, Jafar the Genie, Captain Barbossa, Scar, Shan-Yu and to top it all off! Maleficent herself, the queen of being a bad ass!"

    Maleficent sneered at her targets as many Shadows, Dark Followers, Dark Sides and Invisibles made their way around the building. "Three against Thousands of Heartless. I would wish you good luck, but....it's not in the Agenda."

    "Oh man." Were the only two words you could hear from the trio as the army pounded toward them.

    At that second, a large Fuma Shuriken with four points and a pink ribbon tied around it slashed through an Invisible, a cocky laugh ringing out in triumph.

    "Take that!"

    A smile replacing his determined frown, Sora looked back to see the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee- Yuffie, Leon, Aerith, Cid, including Cloud, Tifa and the Gullwings- standing with the others. "What are you guys doin' here?"

    "We came to help. You obviously need it." Leon sighed, a small grin on his face.

    "Uh huh." Nat smirked, rolling her eyes. "You guys ready?"

    "Not yet!" A high pitched voice called, a mouse in all red somersaulting over the group. King Mickey had his gold and silver Keyblade at his hand. "Whatever happens from here on out, we stick together as a pack . We'll overcome these challenges!"

    After the King's last word, a strong wind picked up, both parties staring each the opposite down. It was silent, each and every being just standing in an attack stance and breathing lightly. They were all waiting for the other side to be foolish enough to move, to attack, to do something. Suddenly, a Shadow, anxious and pumped up, slashed at Sora, who sliced through it without a sweat.

    Nathalia raised her Keyblade as the Heartless charged. "Let's Roll!"

    Anywho, the next chapter will be full of Action, yay!
    So excited~
  9. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Yeah, Chapter Fifteen!

    Chapter Fifteen~ An All out war

    Back at the castle~

    "So May just up and lost her heart?" Queen Minnie sighed, knowing what happened deep down inside.

    "Yes Ma'am. This.....this white flash of light just.....just came up and surrounded her!" Max explained, her electrifying green eyes becoming wet quickly. "She told me not to worry, that everything was gonna be alright. Well, obviously it isn't!"

    Daisy Duck, the Duchess of Disney Castle, glanced at May's body with a wary expression; examining it. "Minnie, Max. Look."

    She then pointed to a blazing white symbol on the girl's upper right arm. It consisted of a White Crown with intricate curves and spikes, seven of the latter wrapping around the arm and glowing blue, pink, purple, yellow, black, red and gray. Each spike had a Princesses of Heart name on it, followed by their home world. In the middle of the Crown, it had big, black and bold letters spelling Nathalia, the A's and the L entertwined and holding the Keyblade directly under said Crown.

    Queen Minnie nodded, turning back to Daisy. "She was one of them."

    "One of who?" The girl's eyes widened as she sat on the ground, legs crossed. "Who are they?"

    Minnie and Daisy shared a look before Daisy explained, "We can't tell you. We have to know how Nathalia lost- Umph!"

    Minnie cut off her duchess with a hand to the mouth, sushing her. "We just can't tell you now, Max."

    Max jumped up, her arms crossed stubbornly. "Fine! If you won't tell me, I know someone who will."

    She then ran out, slamming the door in anger. Daisy started to go after the girl, to tell her not to do that in front of a Queen, but Minnie stopped her.

    "Let her go." The Queen stated simply, her eyes closed. "She can handle herself."


    "Great Max. You had to say that." Max whispered as she steered her tiny Gummy Ship. "You had to get angry and run out."

    Her green eyes shinning, the girl made her way to Radiant Garden, where she knew that some of Sora's friends would be. If she didn't know where Nat, Tori or Mia were, she would find out at the next best source.

    "Though I hope The Queen isn't mad at me for running out like that....I was pretty angry." She slumped her head into her hand as she steered with the other, thinking. "And Daisy looked especially irritated."

    "Auto-Pilot disengaged." The Ship's automatic voice came on as red lights shone, an annoying alarm coming on.

    Max gasped as the ship teetered to the right. "No wonder I was driving so well! It was on auto-Pilot!"

    Just then, a Heartless ship rammed into her ship's side, causing the girl to hang on to the controls as her body flew into the air. With a battle cry, Max whipped the ship around, blasting her enemy with light beams. "Take that! And that! And a little bit o' this too!"

    It wasn't long before more Heartless ships came, surrounding her, jostling the ship. Max tumbled around the cockpit, screaming in obvoius pain as she hit each wall and the controls. "Stoooooop!"

    With a flash of light, the girl saw the ships disappear one by one, until a regal voice came out of nowhere.
    "Don't you ever run away like that again Maxine!"

    Max turned, her face flooded with relief as Daisy and Her Highness came up; Their faces filled with soft eyes and determined smiles. "I won't. Never ever again."

    Minnie nodded with, "Good. Now, let's kick some butt ladies!"


    Piercing screams, the clinks of weapons colliding, the battle cries. The air in Miyata's home world was filled with them as Nathalia's and Haru's groups fought, trying to knock the other out. The Heartless had been eliminated, now all that was left were the Villians.

    Riku, Nat, Sora and Kairi were fighting Maleficent, who shot dark green energy balls at Riku. "Hello again Servant of mine! How have you been!"

    Riku dodged them with his Way to the Dawn, then nodded to Nathalia. The girl nodded as Riku cupped his hands together, making a step. Nat stepped back, dashing toward him and jumping, getting lifted higher as he hurled her forward.

    "Hah!" She screeched, ready to ram her Keyblade into Maleficent, who shot a dark green beam to stop her. Nat braced herself as she fell, getting caught by Sora.

    "Thanks." She muttered as he set her down, their keyblades flashing with a bright blue light. The two then gazed at the other in complete and utter shock, unaware of Hades sneaking up behind them. Suddenly, their weapons flung themselves together and disappeared.

    "What the-?!" Sora cried, trying to summon it back to himself as Hades got closer. The God of the Underworld crackled, shooting flames from his fingers. "So long, punks!"

    "Ah!" Nathalia's dress caught on fire, causing her to screech. Just then, Ice shot out of the back of her dress, the fire vanishing in an instant. "Wha-?"

    Sora grinned, watching as his girlfriend whipped around, Ice blasting toward her enemy. "That's for ruining my dress!"

    "Agh! You little brat! Try and evade this!" The evil God flew upward, grabbing Haru on the way. Next, he spun around, letting go of his partner, which made him shoot toward his niece.

    "Riku! Sora! Kairi! Come here!" The Queen ordered, her three friends running up and standing beside her.

    "What's Nathalia gonna do? Haru's getting too close to summon force field." Sora hissed into Kairi's ear.

    Kairi smiled softly. She had faith in her Queen, but why didn't her boyfriend? "O' ye, of little faith. Trust her, she's your girlfiend for crying out loud."

    Suddenly, Nat pulled the three in back of her, and shouted, "Throw me!"

    "What?!" They cried, three equally confused looks upon the trio's faces.

    "Just do it!"

    They then reluctantly picked the girl up, swinging her backwards. Waiting until Haru got close enough, the three Keyblade weilders used all their strength and threw her up into the air. Nat shot to him, one of her fists aimed directly at Haru. Suddenly, in the other hand, her Keyblade came back, but was merged with Sora's.

    "Take this Harruuuuuu!"


    Everyone looked up, the fighting stopping in a second. The two were gone, white snowflakes falling from the sky. Mia squinted, looking for any signs of her older sister. "Where'd they go?"


    "....Hmm." Nat looked up and bit her lip. It was dark, but light shone from not only up above her, but also from the mosaic platform she laid on.

    The platform was a white, a young woman with long, light brown hair and a flowing light blue dress taking up the center of it. Her eyes were closed, but that didn't stop Nat from realizing that that was her.

    Suddenly, she heard something behind her and whirled around, seeing her little sister smile up at her.

    "Mia! What are you doing here?" The Elder Souji sister questioned.

    Mia just stayed quiet, her eyes huge and black. She had this creppy grin on her face, as if she would leap out and attack.

    "Mia. What's wrong?"

    The little girl just shook her head, slowly, and walked around her, gesturing to a large white door.

    "You want me to go in there?"

    The girl nodded, her grin widening even more.


    "Don't!" A voice called out, a large stick whacking Mia in the face.

    "Hey! Don't mess with my sister!" Nathalia screeched, watching as another Mia appeared out of thin air.

    "Nat! Don't go through that door! It's a trap!" The Mia with the stick kept whacking the other, until the one with the creepy grin fell to the ground.

    "What would I do without you?" Nat sighed, hugging her real sister.

    "Probably nothing!"

    Rolling her eyes, the Queen of Hearts shivered and picked her sister up. "Where are we, anyway?"

    "A place where the you must overcome the challenges of your past. A Dive to the Heart, some shall say, most fitting for her Majesty." A new voice boomed, a tall man with light brown hair and glasses came out of the shadows, bowing. "Now, on with your journey to the core of your heart, where your true power lies in rest. Shall we?"

    Nat exchanged a wary glance with Mia, who shrugged. "Okay." She said, a look of full determination replacing her confused one. "Let's go."