What if.. Sora loved someone else?

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Destiny's hand, Dec 28, 2010.

  1. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Hola, everyone. Decided to join just cause of an impluse. This site is cooler than I expected, so make sure you check if I wrote more everyday. Y'know school ain't easy but no homework. Please tell me if I need to improve something soon.

    'You are the one who will open the door to light.'

    'Don't be afraid'

    'Behind you!'

    The bushy haired teen known as Sora woke, his hands clawing his bed sheets. That was the fifth time this week he'd had the dream where a heartless known as a darkside swallowed him. But why? That happened over at least a year and a month ago, if not longer ago.

    Now fully awake, the teen looked out his bedside window. Down below, a girl in a black and white polka dot bikini was watching two movers stumble under the weight of a heavy box. She said something to them and the older guy with blonde hair nodded, handing the box over to her.

    'How in the world is she supposed to carry that?' Sora asked himself, watching in awe as the girl lifted it with one hand, carrying it to the beach, which was a loooonnnggg walk away.

    'I think you'll introduce yourself sooner or later, right?' His inner being, Roxas, asked, laughing. 'I know you got the hots for Kairi, but it doesn't hurt to have a date....'

    "Shut up. And I think you may be right this one, count em', one time!" Sora couldn't help smirking at his burn, finally getting out of bed and dressing.

    'Urrgh! Must you think a denizen can't have a brain? Only a heart that's missing, and everybody has to think I have blonde moments! Well still even though this hot stuff is blonde...'

    As Sora slipped on his shoes, he hopped downstairs, not seeing his old photo album on a step.

    ''YIIIIIIIIIIIII!" He yelled as he tumbled down the stairs, catching things on the way like: his week old moldy burrito, a gross, green sock, two pencils and his phone. Yeah, the one place he didn't look in for the whole two weeks he searched for it.

    Landing at the bottom step, Sora peeled the burrito's green and brown beans of his face. Nothing was going to run a girl away faster than rotten beans.

    He heard a small laughing sound above him. Turning so he could see the person, he realized Roxas was the one in front of him. The denizen was shaking with laughter, hand over his mouth. Suddenly, Roxas dropped, dying with laughter.

    "That's...(gasp) So...PAYBACK!" He howled, banging the floor with his fist. A couple of minutes later, he stopped laughing when he saw the annoyed look on Sora's face.

    After a few more moments of silence, Roxas started to laugh even harder until Sora got up and walked out, slamming the door.


    As the waves lapped the shore, Nathalia started unpacking the seemingly light box. Inside lay a black and purple skateboard, green rollerblades, about three helmets and her blue surfboard. Smirking, she couldn't help think of all the sports she'd played in middle school. She started with track, since she had long, but thin legs. Then came volleyball, soccer, tennis, and even more sports she couldn't think of.

    Yeah, being sporty was a hobby of hers. A big one at that.

    'But that's been my life for the past, like, three years.' She thought, taking the surfboard out to the calm waters. 'Just have to accept it.'

    Nathalia carefully got on her board, making sure she wouldn't fall off. Then, she spotted a humogous wave making its way toward her. She started to paddle for it and about fifty feet in, stopped.

    'WHHHOOOO-HOOOO!' She screamed, catching the top of the wave. Now it was time for a little showing off.

    Spinning the board with her feet, Nathalia quickly jumped up and landed with one hand on it. She then did a cartwheel as the wave slowed down.

    'Oh-oh.' She said, seeing the wave propell toward the water. 'EEEEEE!' Landing in the warm water with a splash, she lost sight of the surfboard. That was okay, since no one was around to steal it or anything.

  2. rigo1315 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 14, 2010
    Hahaha poor Sora jaja. Well, It's a good intro I guess I don't see any wrong. I'm really intrested to see how this works out. Good luck. AND LUCKY NO HOMEWORK gosh (jealous)..
  3. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Thankz for the good luckz. I need it. Any ideas?
  4. rigo1315 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 14, 2010
    Well I assume you will have Kairi and Namine involved with this dealing with betrayal and dishonesty of their partners (ie Sora/Roxas) and of course Riku, Selphie, Tidus, and Wakka making things worse on the starstruck couple. I don't know it's your own story and your own choice on making it as interesting as you want it. I recommend you read Alternate Future Switched Bodies, The Wedding, Alternate Future: Sora's and Kairi's Wedding, Valentine Destiny, Roxas and Namine, and Untitled 2 the authors have very vivd and interesting plots maybe you can get an idea. There on the site so shouldn't be to hard to find. Oh, also, Nobodies become Somebodies. Caution: The stories will leave you on edge for the next chapter. I hope that helps
  5. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Thanks for the ideas and the stories I should read. Good thing I've read most of them.
  6. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    A really interesting perspective on the whole SoraxNamine relationship would be one where Sora chose to stay and protect Namine at the end of COM, instead of leaving. It's the obvious place to step in and start tweaking things, because it opens the way for a whole lot of interesting plots. Sora has got a year of his life back, as he doesn't need to be fixed anymore. All the worlds also have their memories screwed up, and Kairi is completely out of luck.

    I want to read that fanfic now.
  7. rigo1315 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 14, 2010
    Well that's interesting I've thought of that too. But who knows there are a lot of writers on the site. Sooner or later one will make this fanfic of yours. But if your directing it to Destiny's hand don't this author has their own story. But if I were you I wouldn't wait make the story yourself you came up with the idea. Shouldn't you be obligated to write it? Oh, jaja I just thought of something what would happen to Roxas?
  8. P Banned

    Oct 5, 2007
    New Zealand
    I was just throwing an idea at them. It was assuming DH was more interested in the RoxasxNamine aspect than the slice-of-life aspect, and providing an interesting route to go down should she choose to try something else. She's welcome to do as she likes, of course.
  9. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Okay, I'm right here. I need to ask just one question, how do I put another chapter in?! I've been trying all day!
  10. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    It's a pretty novel idea that you have here-

    -every pun intended-

    -and although what you've already got is pretty cool I'd like to see this fleshed out a bit more. What you have here seems to be a bit of an incomplete notion.
    Then again, maybe that's just me.

    There should be an edit button underneath your own post. If that fails then you can always just put the chapter in an entirely seperate post, though I don't see why that should be necessary.
  11. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    It's an intro. Sorry, I couldn't get another chapter in! How do I do this thing!??
  12. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    I already made a comment above on how to do that. Please refer to it.
  13. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Thanks. Phew, I need to listen more often. Or read more often in this case.

    Okay, here comes...(Drum roll please?)

    Chapter one: First sight

    Nathalia closed her eyes as she floated peacefully on the surf. The cold sea salt breeze off the rolling waves made her lips tingle, while the water itself seemed to wipe away all of her fears, her worry and the pressure of being....well, her. It was funny being in the water. When she was just watching it, she felt a.... connection. With who, she didn't know. It may've been creepy to people, but to her, it had always meant...something.

    Sighing, Nathalia sat up, thinking that she wouldn't be this peaceful in a long time. The only reason she was here was because of King Mickey and a letter he had sent her four days ago. The letter had said that a war was breaking out across all the worlds. They were calling it the heartless war, since Maleficent had taken even more control of them. The letter had also stated that she needed to go to Destiny Islands to find a person who wielded a mysterious weapon called the "Keyblade".

    Now she felt as if she'd been given a chance to finally prove herself and she was going to run at it head on.

    'Or else, King Mickey sent the wrong warrior. As he called it.' She thought, liking the sudden nickname.'Maybe I could ask if I could be called Nathalia the warrior or The blue warrior! Ooo, that's good!'

    A small wetness came to her eyes. That had been her mothers nickname for her.....ever since she died.Quickly and furiously, she rubbed her eyes up and down. 'No crying, no crying!'

    Too late, the salty tears made their way into the ocean below, making Nathalia rub even harder. 'No crying!'

    The reason Nathalia didn't like to cry in public was simple: she didn't want to be know as a girl who cries over everything. Yeah, it was kind of dumb when you think about it, but the only time she'd ever cried in public was at her mom's funeral. She still wasn't used to doing it out here, in the real world. Shivering, Nathalia thought about how awful that would be, people seeing her cry in public.

    'It's okay to cry sometimes, Nathalia." Her mom's voice echoed throughout her mind. "You just gotta let the tears spill. And no matter how many you make, the less you have to cry about something." That's what her mom's motto had always been, and now it was hers.

    She then sat on her board, hands on her eyes, crying softly.

    "Why are you crying?" A guy's voice asked, his voice full of worry and concern.

    Nathalia looked up, her eyes red, puffy and swollen.

    He gave her a soft, reassuring smile and held his hand out. Nathalia gently took it and stood up slowly. She was a little speechless at this guy, who barely knew her, was that caring. The guy had bushy and yet spiky brown hair and sky blue eyes.

    "Can you tell me why?" He asked again, his smile widening a bit.

    "I was thinking of my......mom." She answered a couple moments of later.

    "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry."

    "It's okay." The two walked over to the pier and sat down. Somehow, Nathalia felt comfortable talking to this guy. "My mom had always told me that if you talk about it, even to a stranger," She nudged the guy with her elbow softly. "You start to feel better about it. Like right now, I'm starting to feel that she's watching over me in a better place. Y'know?"

    "Yeah. Like I know my favorite aunt, Cornelia, is watching over me." His right eye started to twinkle.

    "Just like that! I'm Nathalia, by the way."

    "I'm Sora."

    "Sora, there you are!" A girl's chirped, joyfully. Nathalia turned around and saw a red haired girl in a pink minidress jogging toward them.

    "Hey Kairi. How are you doing?" Sora asked her.

    "I'm great. Oh, hi!" She waved at Nathalia who waved back.

    "I'm Nathalia."

    "Kairi. So I take it you're new?"

    "Yeah. So I gotta go back home. See you two later?" Nathalia stood, grabbed her board and walked off.

    When she was sure she was far enough away, Nathalia muttered Sora's name, hoping he was the one she was looking for.


    Kairi looked at Sora and back at the way Nathalia came.

    "What?" He asked, leaning back on his hands.

    "Oh, nothing. I was just thinking that she's a lot like you. Nice, sweet, funny. I mean you could be like long lost siblings." Kairi answered, sitting down beside her friend.

    A moment of silence made its way in between the two. Occasionally they would look at each other, blush, and look back the other way.

    "Oh, right!" Kairi suddenly burst out, startling Sora so much, he fell off the pier.

    The red haired girl burst out laughing and helped Sora back up, still giggling.

    "What were you right about?"

    "Tomorrow is the big sale at the mall. I know you wouldn't care, but still. I was thinking about inviting Nathalia to come with Selphie and me. It'll help her find her way around."

    Sora nodded. "That'll help."

    Suddenly, the pair heard footsteps headed toward them. "Hey you two loverbirds!" A familar voice called.

    'Is that Riku?' Roxas asked in Sora's mind.

    'Yeah,I guess so.' Sora turned, seeing the silver haired teen behind them.

    "Guess what I heard?" Riku crouched. "You guys know of the girl who moved in next to Sora?"


    "I heard her singing. She's amazing. Come on, you have to hear her."

    The trio ran toward Sora's house and sure enough, a soft, melodic voice filled their ears.

    "But something happened for the vey first time with you. My heart melted to the ground, found something true..." Nathalia sang, oblivious that Riku, Kairi and Sora were watching.

    'Wow, she is good.' Roxas agreed.

    "You think... never mind. I'll ask you later." Riku nudged Sora, his face saying Meet me on the pier when Kairi is gone.

    The brown haired teen nodded, Kairi wondering what they were talking about.

    "Why do we like to hurt so much? Oh, why do we like to hurt so much?" Nathalia now sang "That's what you get" by Paramore in stead of "Bleeding love" by Leona Lewis.

    After the song was over, Riku and Kairi clapped loud enough for Nathalia to hear. Then they looked at each other, and took off, leaving Sora in plain sight.

    "You guys!" He started to run off but, Nathalia jumped out her two story window and caught his black and silver half-jacket.

    Now she wore a blue camisole, a black miniskirt with a couple of silver belts and black Chuck Taylors. "Why are you stalking me?"

    "I wasn't. I was walking by and heard your voice." He stammered, amazed at how strong she was.

    "Umm-humm. I don't believe you. But I'll let you off with a warning."

    "Thanks, I guess." She let his half jacket go and walked off to her front door. "Hey, Nathalia. You think you could, ummm, meet me an hour?"

    "Are you trying to ask me out on a date?" She laughed, turning. "Okay, I will. See you then."

    Sora blushed deeply and waved, heading back to the pier. 'Sora's going on a date. Sora's going on a date.' Roxas sang, teasing Sora.

    Just like he said, Riku was there, his feet dangling of the edge. "Did she get you?"

    "No. What were trying to ask me before?"

    "Do you like that girl? Cause it seemed like you do."

    'Yeah, just the way you look her makes me think about this feeling.' Roxas said.

    "We call that love, Roxas. Anyway, tell me."

    "Who, Nathalia? Yeah, but as a friend." Sora answered, feeling the heat rise to his face.

    "Why'd you ask her out, then? Don't worry, Kairi didn't hear." Riku added, seeing the priceless look of shock on Sora's face.

    "........Sora isn't here right now. Please leave a message at the beep. BEEEEPPPP!" Sora said, imitating his answering machine on his cell phone.

    "I know you do. Don't worry, Kairi won't mind if you date someone else this one time." Riku stood. "Good luck on your date. You'll need it with someone as hot-"

    "What'd you just call Nathalia?"

    "Nothing!" Riku took off, Sora right on his heels.
  14. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    No huge problem; I've done the same thing before xD
  15. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Chapter two
    The Keyblade

    Nathalia looked in the mirror, seeing her reflection in one fulll glance. Her brown, waist long hair was now tied back, a couple of side swept bangs hovering over her left eye. Now she wore a light blue strapless sun dress that reached her knees, white, high heeled sandals, and the key locket her dad had given her when she was four.

    'Perfect.' She thought, grabbing her favorite denim jacket. It had taken her fifty minutes just to find all of these things that were in boxes she hadn't even touched. Jogginng out her front door, she saw the bright red sun finally setting in the west, making her dress turn purple. Quickly, she made her way to the pier.

    "Hey, Nathalia. You ready to go?" Sora asked, standing in a small wooden boat.

    "I'm ready! You?"

    "I'm the one in the boat aren't I?" He laughed, making Nathalia smirk and roll her eyes.

    "Just asking." She took his hand and got in the boat.

    Grabbing the oars, Sora started to paddle to a small island that looked deserted. There was a large wooden structure on the side, only connected to the island by a ladder and a platform. Trees dotted the landscape, water was everywhere around the island and there was a small little cave leading somewhere Nathalia wanted to go.

    "So, tell me about yourself." Sora said, making the girl snap out of her daydream.

    "Well, I grew up with a mom, no dad and I was an only child. It was pretty lonely, but I survived. I have a German Shepherd, Hershey who is probably still sleeping in his bed."

    "Why'd you name him Hershey? Is he that sweet?" Sora teased.

    "Oh, har-de-har har." Nathalia giggled. "No, he tried to eat a hershey bar of mine. So, mom was like, let's name him after chocolate!"

    "I can see a German Shepherd trying to eat chocolate, but not with a name like that."

    "Oh,whatever!" Finally, the boat had made it to the tiny island. Nathalia hopped out first, while Sora put the oars away.

    "Follow me." He commanded, leading them to that cave.

    Inside it was dark, but roomy. Various sketches filled the walls, like, a dog like creature, a duck, a dragon and a castle. But, what got Nathalia's attention was a drawing of two kids sharing a star like fruit.

    "Awwww, that's cute. Is it you and Kairi?" She asked as Sora came over, putting his hand on it wistfully.

    "Yeah. But, this was a long time ago. We don't feel the same way anymore."

    "I'm sorry." Nathalia sat down next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Just like you to me, I'll be here so you can talk about it."

    Sora looked back, a sweet smile on his face. Suddenly, he hugged her, catching her off guard. But, regaining her shock, she hugged him back, burying her face in his shoulder.

    "Thank you. Somehow, even though we just met, I feel like we've known each other for years." He sighed, squeezing her a bit.

    "That's just what I was about to say."

    The two pulled back, Nathalia crying for the second time today (A new record!). Then, something just clicked right into place. Sora was the one Nathalia was looking for. In his letter, the King had stated that the keyblade wielder had a golden heart.

    "I have something to ask you. Are you the keyblade wielder?" She asked, seeing his face soften.


    "I've been sent by king Mickey to get you. A war has swallowed many worlds and the Heartless are growing stronger. We need to leave by tomorrow or Twilight Town is a goner!" The words poured out of her mouth, faster and faster. "You have to help, my world's after Twilight Town and I have two very good friends-"

    "Nathalia, calm down. Take two deep breaths and close your eyes." Sora commanded, a smirk on his face.

    Doing what she was told, Nathalia closed her eyes, expecting something to go wrong. But then, strangely, nothing went wrong. The only thing that happened was a soft, sweet kiss.


    Sora was glad he kissed Nathalia. If he hadn't he would've had to find another way to calm her. As they pulled away, Nathalia got a surprised, happy and confused look at the same time.

    "I thought we just met." She teased, the two standing.

    "We did. But when we met, you stole my heart and made it yours."

    "Okay." Giggling, they made their way out the cave, heading for the boat. But in between them were several black creatures with yellow eyes Sora know all to well. Summoning his keyblade, Sora put his left hand in front of Nathalia. "Go hide! These things will eat your heart."

    "No! I just found you, and I'm not losing you!"

    "Please, Nat?" Sora asked, using a nickname.

    "Nat? So, I'm a fly now!?" She demanded, not really mad. "I should-"

    Sora swiped a shadow heartless and looked back. Now the girl was holding a large keyblade, the hilt and guard both blue, instead of Sora's yellow one.


    "Behind you!" She screamed, getting tackled by a shadow.

    'Behind you...She's the one that sent me to that place!" Sora realized, slicling the air around, sending several heartless flying. Helping Nathalia up, Sora threw the keyblade like a key-erang, which took out the closest ones. The two then took off, Nat catching Sora's keyblade and handing it to him.

    Jumping in the boat, Sora grabbed the oars and pushed off as hard as he could.

    'Woah!" Nathalia toppled over, the boat starting to rock wildely. "Thank you!" She huffed, blowing hair out of her eyes.

    The other keyblade wielder could only smile sheepishly as the boat pushed away from the now infested dock.

    "I'm just glad you didn't get swallowed by that shadow that tackled you. You would've been killed."

    "Used to it more than you even know."She contradicted, sitting up and watching the shadows dissapear. "So this is usually a day in the life of a keyblader?"

    He nodded. "Yeah. It gets annoying, but I don't know what my life would've been without it."

    The brown haired girl only looked off into the distance, thinking what her life would be with the keyblade. So far, it was the only thing she couldn't think of in a life where anything was possible.
  16. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Chapter three: Aftermath

    'Behind you!'

    Sora rolled over in his deep and peaceful sleep, his date replaying over and over in his mind. That had been his first kiss and it felt....different. Maybe because he had kissed her first? Oh, this was stupid. A person chosen by the keyblade, worrying about a little kiss! Normal people had to deal with this, not him. But still, it felt not only normal but like, Nathalia was there all along for him.

    Opening his too blue eyes, Sora yawned and sat up. Everything was quiet, peaceful and serene. 'A normal day. Again. I need more action.' He reflected on his old friends, Donald Duck and Goofy. The three of them had been on many adventures, some even causing their friends to forget them. It was because Kairi's nobody, Namine, had called out to his heart, causing him to forget who he was.

    "Sora!" A voice hissed from out his window. Looking out, he saw Nathalia in a blue one piece. "Can you help me?!"

    "With what?" He asked, seeing her board in her right hand.

    "These two guys and a girl, they tried to take my board! You know what I had to do!"

    Reaching for her hand, Sora sighed, "Ask for it nicely?"

    "Pfft. No!" She snickered, shoving the board in his room. "I just gave them what they deserved. Two black eyes and a concussion."

    A moment of awkward silence passed in between the couple. "Who was it?"

    "A blonde girl, a red head guy and a black haired guy." She answered automatically.

    "And let me think....you gave the girl a concussion?"

    "Yeah! She got what she deserved, saying I couldn't sing."

    Sora ushered the girl out of the room and said. "Lemme get dressed. I wanna here the rest." Things suddenly got very interesting.


    About twenty long minutes later....

    "SORA! GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF THERE!" Nathalia pounded the door as hard as she could, now realizing she had been duped. Very stupidly, but still duped.
    "I'm gonna hurt this little..."

    Finally, the door creaked open, revealing an emtpy bed, Sora nowhere in sight. "OOOH, HE'S GONNA GET IT!"

    Backing up, Nathalia started to get a running start and jumped out the window. Then, she folowed the huge, dusty footprints on the sand. One thing's for sure kiddos: Nathalia's about to kick some butt. Let's watch, shall we?

    Finally, the other keyblade wielder spotted Sora talking to those three that tried to take her board. 'Oh, he was telling them off?" Then the teen spun a full circle before falling on beach below. 'Well, in a bad, but sweet way.'

    Approaching the trio, Nathalia balled her fists, anger starting to bubble. She had little tolerance for the people who hurt the people she cared about. "HEY! Pick on someone your own size or smaller, wimps!"

    The blonde's head snapped toward her, fear growing in her expression. "Keith, it's Her."

    Keith, the blacked haired one, narrowed his eyes at Nathalia. "Since when do you care about-" He kicked Sora in the gut, who moaned in pain. "This? You could do waaaayy better. What about-"

    "You? No way. I don't go out with pervs who steal. And B.) Right, I could do better. Better than you! And Sora is waaayy better than you'll ever be." She laughed.

    It was so uplifting to see Keith's eyes widen with shock. "Well, I-"

    "You aren't denying it, so its true. How pathetic. Even and your so called "friends" aren't denying it."

    The red head suddenly charged her but, she jumped forward over him, doing a flip in midair. The blonde came next, weaving and bobbing trying to hit Nathalia in her pressure points. The brunette dodged, and at the last second, whirled around and flipped the girl over her. Keith growled and suddenly, Shadows were surrounding her swiftly.

    Keith laughed darkly as his friends morphed into giant shadows with more muscular features and longer antennae. "Let me get that heart, Queen of Hearts!"

    Now this threw Nathalia off guard. "How do you know I'm in line for the Queen!?" She demanded. "Well, not for Wonderland but still!"

    "I know everything." He chuckled as his black swim trunks turned into a large black cape-dress. Now he held a staff, and had long hot pink nails.

    "Maleficent...Stop...her, Nathalia." Sora mumbled, slipping into unconsciousness quietly.

    "Sora! Hang on." Nathalia summonded her keyblade, getting into a guard position. "Maleficent! You're going down for hurting Sora!"

    The witch crackled wickedly and started to turn into green smoke. "All in due time, your highness. I'm so glad I've had the pleasure of seeing a peasant turn into royalty right before my eyes. Make sure your boyfriend, Sora, gets my regards."

    Nathalia looked around, seeing the Heartless start to dissapear, following their master. 'Finally, gone.' Jogging over to Sora, she checked his wounds. Nothing much, just a stomach ache from that kick, a scratch on his cheek and a little scrape on his hand.

    "I'm glad you're okay. Just remember, I'm here for you." She whispered, closing her eyes. 'I don't want to take him if he's like this....'

    "Hey, what happened to Sora?" A brunette with hair that curled upward came over, followed by a silver haired guy.

    "Maleficent ring a bell?" She asked, letting Sora's hand go.

    "Yeah. Very painfully." Ths silver haired teen helped Sora back up. "I'm Riku, that's Selphie."

    "Hi." The other girl waved.

    "Hello." Nathalia smiled just a little as they walked back to her house.

    "So Maleficent showing up on our turf. The next time she comes for Sora or Kairi, we'll give her what she desreves." Riku grumbled.

    "She came for me. She called me something I never wanted to be." Nathalia looked down.

    "What?" Selphie questioned, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

    "Have you ever heard of the Queen of Hearts? The real one, not the one in Wonderland. Well, I'm the one that rules over the Seven Princesses of Heart. I never wanted to do this because I knew I'd just get fake emotions from people. I'm glad I came here though."

    "You met Sora. That's why isn't it." Riku stated as Nathalia opened her front door.

    "Yeah. He makes me feel like I'm just a regular girl here. No one has ever let me feel that way before. It's amazing how people's affections and emotions make you....you." She led them to her room, which was the master suite. Hershey barked and ran to Nathalia, licking her feet.

    "Go, Hershey." She commanded, sending the dog into a sulk as he walked back to the kitchen.

    "Aww. He's cute." Selphie cooed, giving him a quick pat on the head.

    "At times." Nathalia snorted, helping Riku lay Sora on the bed.

    "What's your duty as the Queen of Hearts?" He blurted ten seconds later.

    "Humm? Oh, I have to rule with King Mickey and Queen Minnie, but in different worlds. And I rule with the King of Hearts beside me. But, if I don't choose who I have to marry by seventeen, I have to have one of the Princesses step in my place. And, if I do that, I'll disgrace my family's line of royalty."

    "That's harsh! I mean, they couldn't at least give you a normal life? On the island, going to school, with us!" Selphie exclaimed.

    'Selphie has her way of speaking her mind.' Nat thought, struggling not to roll her eyes. Out loud, she said, " They've let me already. For the past fourteen years, i've had a normal life. Until here, at least."

    The group was silent, Nathalia silently cursing for saying that rude comment. "I'm sorry for saying that....."

    "It's okay. Nothing's ever normal around here." Riku shrugged and gave her a "What ya gonna do?" look.


    A fifteen year old teen lay on the soft ground. He was breathing deeply, eyes closed. The wind playfully swept the teen's hair back and forth, making it swish across his forehead.

    "TORI! Come on! We have to check on how the Queen of Hearts is! For the King!" His sister, May, screeched, blocking his view of the sun. "Do you know what'll happen if the KING himself will fire us! And you know what I'll do after we get fired?"

    "(Quote) You'll stuff me in a magic bag that turns me inside out, cut me in half, and bring me back to life so you can do it again." Tori answered, rolling his gray eyes at his control-freak sister. "(Un-quote)."

    "Yup. And I will make sure of it." She threatened, stalking back into the castle. Tori got up and followed, brushing his brown hair out his eyes. "Don't worry, Tori. You'll be out here soon."

    "Hey, Tori! What'cha doin'?" Goofy, the captain of the Royal Knights, came up, headed for the Gummi hangar.

    "Heh, getting told off by May. Typical. What you doing?"

    "Going to see what Donald had in mind for dat dere ship of ours. Ahyuck, it's gonna be the bee's knees!" He shouted, turning and instantly running into the solid, grass wall of the Hangar.

    "Oh, kill me. NOW." Tori sighed, off to the castle's library.

    Inside the castle, May and the King were in a deep conversation, hovering over a giant orb of light. The Cornerstone. Tori looked at the swirling energy it gave off, showing a brunette haired girl checking the wounds of a teen his age.

    "Do you think we should tell him?" The King whispered, not knowing Tori had come in.

    "Yes. He is fifteen....and she is his REAL sister. I just hope he doesn't get mad. Ohh, thirteen years without my mother....I couldn't deal with that." May sighed.

    "What?" Tori demanded, causing the two to turn and look at him pitifully.

    "The Queen of Hearts is your sister. You and her have lived with your parents until now. Now you must reunite with her." King Mickey said, his face blank as Tori took it in slowly.

    "But, that means we're orphans. Dad died last year and her mom-"

    "Your mom." May corrected, getting a glare from Tori.

    "Whatever. Her mom died last month! I don't even see how we were separated! So we can't be brother and sister! We couldn't have gotten that far away from each other...."

    Mickey sighed miserably. "Yes, you can. She only remembers you from a car crash that weakened your mother and father. The doctors thought you and your father were dead. But, I had taken you away before they could bury you."

    "So what else am I supposed know by now?! My name isn't Tori?! I had to dye my hair to disguse?!" He yelled, stepping closer to the tiny king.

    "Well....." May started. "Your name is Tori, you didn't dye your hair, and Nathalia is your sister. Your dad even told us the night before he died. I think you should be excited. Come on, we all know you don't like it here. I know you don't like me bossing you around."

    Tori breathed in and out heavily. He didn't like it when things changed on him, and he was quick to anger. "I....HATE YOU SO MUCH!" He screeched, running out the library and to the hangar. Goofy and Donald were the only ones he wanted to talk to when he was angry. 'But,' He thought, stopping in his tracks.'They went to go get Nathalia and the keyblade wielder.'

    Sighing with fury, the teen changed courses, heading to the only other place he could calm himself. A place called the Timeless River.
  17. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Should I go on......;; confused

    Chapter four: Reunion

    A little brown head bobbed in and out of the crowd it was stuck in. 'The flea market had to be today?' She thought, sighing with indignation at the people who blocked her escape route.

    "AYE! THERE SHE IS!" A gruff voice yelled, startling the six year old back into running. "SHE GETTIN' AWAY!"

    Looking back, the girl saw that the four men who were chasing her had gotten close. Speeding up, she turned a corner at the last second and panted heavily. Her brown eyes scanned the crowd as the men shot past, not even bothering to check the alley she hid in.

    'Time for a little air power!' She thought, bending her knees down as hard as she could. Boosh! She had sprung up at least twenty feet and grabbed the ledge of a balcony. Lifting her self up, she saw the leader of the men that were chasing her less than two minutes ago. He smiled crookedly at her and pushed at her hands.

    "Good bye, urchin. I'll see you down under." He laughed as the girl's hands slipped, causing her to plummet to the stone ground below.

    Brown curls of her hair flew upward as the girl fell, watching the man laugh and turn around, leaving the balcony.

    "HA!" She screeched, as she made black wings sprout from her back. The wings beat down hard, lifting her up into the sky. Laughing, the wind pushed itself through her hair, making tears appear in her eyes.

    She had been born with the ability to make magical things, but people shunned her away, thinking she was a mistake. But, she wasn't. She was powerful, healing the sick, bringing the dead back to life, and the best part? Being able to fly with birds of all kinds. It always made her feel free of the world.

    Tencing, the girl looked behind her as a red and yellow-thing-came flying toward her. Screaming, she tried to get away from it, but to no avail. The thing crashed into her, as she blacked out, falling down through the clouds.


    "DONALD! YOU HIT A POOR BIRD!" Nathalia screamed, opening the door of the Gummi ship.

    "What are you doing?!" Sora yelled, trying to grab her.

    Shooting him a confident smile, Nathalia jumped out the door, making herself do a sonic boom toward the bird. After a minute of free falling, she spotted a shape that was WAY bigger than a bird. It was a girl! Finally, she had grabbed the small person and flew upward to the Gummi ship.

    Panting, she made sure the girl was tucked in her arms comfortably. She had brown curls, and carmal skin like Nathalia's. Wondering if she was alive, Nathalia shut the door of the ship. Sora's jaw dropped to the floor. "A girl.....with wings." He marveled.

    Nathalia shot him an angry look. "Shut up and stay that way or you're not going to be able to eat ever again."

    The little girl shook a little in her sleep, waking up. "Who are you?" She whispered, rubbing her hazel eyes.

    "I'm Nathalia. That's Sora, Mister Jerk face the third."

    "Okay......How'd I get here?" She jumped out her arms, slowly floating toward the ground.

    "Well, I saved you. You would've been squashed, Mia." Nathalia smiled at the girl, who looked up in shock.

    "How do you know me?"

    "You're my little sister. I finally found you!" She wrapped Mia in a bear hug, Sora's jaw hanging again.


    "Wait..." Mia took a little picture out her pocket and examined it closely. Sure enough, two brown haired girls and a boy were licking ice creams and smiling. Of course, Mia knew SHE was the little girl.....but, this was so.....sudden. Some teen saying she was her little sister? Creepy.

    "I just wish mom, dad and Tori were here. They would've scooped you up and sing you lullabies. We're the only two left." Nathalia whispered softly.

    Mia felt like falling asleep in her arms again. She was warm, soft and like a pillow. Some how, Mia thought she was right. Maybe, they were sisters, seperated by some force that had brought them back together years later.

    "Qwack! Nathalia! Sora, ya big palooka! HALWP!" A duck qwacked loudly from another room, Nathalia pulled away.

    "Coming!" Grabbing Mia's hand, she stormed to the control room, where Donald and Goofy were fending off Shadows. "Mia! Stay away from these things!"

    Summoning her keyblade, the Queen of Hearts sliced the teeth of her weapon through the nearest one. Whipping around, she hacked the key through four more as Sora grabbed Mia, whisking her to a secret room.

    "Stay hidden!" He commanded.

    "No! I want to fight! I can help!" The six year old begged.

    "I'm sorry. I don't want you to get hurt."

    Mia approached the teen and jumping, slapped him across the cheek. This stunned him, letting the girl escape. Sprinting, she found her way back to the controls, where the battle had ended.

    "Mia. Where's Sora? He was supposed to make sure you were safe." Nathalia said, crouching so the two were at eye level.

    "Nowhere." Came the curt reply as she stomped toward a window, hating this day already.


    "Come on, Tori! I know you're in there! I can SEE you!" May shouted, leaning over the water as if hoping to get closer to the ship Tori was driving. "Come on, you should be happy!"

    "Umm, NOT!" He screamed, ducking under to the deck below, tired of May's screams. "TORI!"

    Her calls became distant as Tori slipped a pair of earbuds in his ears. "Let the bodies hit the floor!" Was all you could here coming from his room.

    Turning, Tori spotted a figure push May into the water as he ran past. "Oh-no." He sighed. The figure was Pete, the captain of the little ship Tori was "Driving". And, if Pete didn't know who was responsible for taking it, the people of this world were in trouble. "Who is that?" Looking out the window, Tori saw a girl with black hair, green eyes, and a small nose. She wore a black strapless shirt, a blue miniskirt, a white sleeveless vest and high tops. 'Pretty....' He thought, noticing he had his tongue was out.

    Chuckling to himself, Tori ran out, hearing the girl tell off the old Pete. "Chewbacca, don't test me! Yo' mamma so fat she can't even get in a size XXXXXXXXXL!" The girl was laughing as Pete got into a tantrum, trying to strangle her.

    "My mother is not that fat!" He said gruffly, chasing her around.

    "Yeah she is Pete! I've seen her with my own two eyes, and she couldn't even fit her leg in my line of vision!" Tori called, making the girl burst out laughing.

    "Good one!" She shot back.

    Pete had had enough. He snatched the girl up as May pulled on him, screaming at him to let her go. But, it was Tori (Of course!) who saved the day. With one swipe of his sword, Blood, and Pete was knocked out.

    Tori then gave the girl a high-five and May a pat on the back. "Nice pushing." He taunted, a wide smile on his face. May's eyes shrunk down to slits.

    "I hate you, you know that?" She smirked.

    "Well, it was nice being strangled by a huge dog thing, but I gotta go!" The girl chirped, walking off.

    "Can we at least know your name?" May called. The girl's head turned about a fraction of a degree as she answered, "Max."

    "Tori, and this is May." Tori stepped forward. "See you around?"

    This time she turned all the way around and smiled. "Yeah, of course, dummy."

    "Ok, then."
  18. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Okay, not gonna be able to keep posting regularly, cus of my Rp. But, I will post this week sometime!
  19. Destiny's hand Traverse Town Homebody

    Dec 27, 2010
    I live in a mustache, bro. Whut now?
    Here's my notion for the week! Hope U enjoy!

    Chapter five: Taken

    'This may be our only chance. We can't let fear stop us! I'm not afraid of the Darkness!'

    Bolting upright out of his not so peaceful slumber, Riku panted a little. "That dream keeps coming...." He mumbled, looking out his window. As his breathing settled, he wiped his forehead, a little slick with sweat. "I wonder what would've happened.....if I had never accepted the darkness."


    'He's going to leave again, I'm afraid.' A soft voice broke into Kairi's dream of being on the beach, all alone.

    "Wha-What do you mean?" She asked as her dream melted into a white room filled with drawings of Sora's past endeavors. Across the room, sat her nobody, Namine, who held a small sketchbook and pencil.

    "Sora. He's leaving....wait, no. He left already. He's on another adventure." Namine put her book down, motioning for her to come closer. Kairi did and looked at the small but accurate picture of Sora and Nathalia on a ship, with Donald and Goofy steering. Suddenly, the picture flickered and started to move. Now instead of the front part of the gummi ship, they saw a dark room with an occupied bed and a dresser. A light shone at the other side as Sora's figure stepped into the room.

    "Can't sleep?" He asked, making Kairi jump. "When did you get this power?" She questioned Namine. "I don't know, watch the picture."

    "Yeah, I feel all.....happy and excited at the same time." Nathalia sighed, sitting up in the bed. "You?"

    "I was just checkin' up on you." He said, sitting down next to her and clasping her hand in his.

    "Stalker!" Nathalia snapped, smiling softly. "Well, I'm fine so you can leave me back to my sleep."

    "Okay, night." Sora leaned in and gave Nathalia a good night kiss, Kairi's heart dropping a bit.

    Namine waved her pale hand over the image, seeing Kairi's fallen face. "I'm sorry." She whispered, standing and wrapping her arm around her.

    "Oh, I-I'm fine." Kairi managed, ignoring the break in her voice. But she wasn't. She felt horrible, even though she had broken up with Sora. Seeing him, happy with another girl made her a little sad, too. So, she let her tears fall and spent the rest of the night trying to cry herself to sleep.


    "This is NOT what I wanted. Pete!" Maleficent flicked her wrist, never taking her cold, malicous eyes off of the dark orb that hovered in front of her, showing the seventh princess of Heart and her nobody, crying over the STUPID keyblade wielder. Tapping her long pink fingernail on it, the image flickered, now showing the newer keyblader, Nathalia, sleeping soundlessly. In a instant, Pete, her bumbling assistant, ran in the dark room, carrying buckets and several cleaning supplies.

    "You called, your majesty? Did i forget to wash ther floor?" He asked nervously, eyes on the door, as if he escape as soon as he could.

    "I want you to kidnap this one. Make sure she is NOT killed. And if you fail...." But Maleficent didn't say no more. Pete had already scrambled out of the room, arms flying, heartless gathering.

    Turning her attention back to the swirling ball, the witch crackled, arms outstretched. "Sora is in for a wake up call!" She screeched, her loud howl being heard all across her dark castle.


    'I'm so sorry. But, I must leave. Now. But I will see you again, i promise this.' Nathalia reached a little to cup Sora's cheek in her hand.

    'You can't go. I just met you.' He whispered, his eyes boring into Nathalia's warm chocolate eyes.

    Holding her close, Sora wished he could stay this way all the time, wrapped in her warmth, the world disapearing around them. He tried to lift her chin to give another kiss, but he felt nothing. When he opened his eyes, he saw her on the ground, vaporizing. "No!" He yelled, falling to knees as Nathalia reached to him sadly.

    "Good.....by.." She managed, turning into mist.

    "NO! Nathalia!" Sora jumped toward her-and fell on his face. The lights in his room were on, causing him to look at who stood at his door. Everyone-Donald, Goofy, Mia and Nathalia-looked at him, their faces ranging from annoyed to scared.

    "Sora, you okay?" Mia asked, helping him up. "You were screaming, and you look like you saw a ghost."

    "I-I'm fine." He shot a worried glance toward Nathalia, who leaned on the doorframe, her face full of shock.

    "I....I vaporized?" She questioned, looking a little scared too.

    "Y-Yeah. It was horrible. I thought I was going to lose you-" BAM! Something knocked into the ship, sending it careening left.

    "Donald! Goofy! Take them on!" Nathalia commanded, her hand outstreched to Mia and Sora. "Grab my hand!"

    Mia stood carefully as the ship righted itself. Jumping over to her sister, Nathalia placed her against the wall. "Grab my hand!" She shouted as the ship got hit again. Loosing her hold on the door, she fell forward, landing on the wall with a jaw clenching Thump! Groaning, she spit out blood, Sora wincing. His side had been hit by a shard of glass and it stung-badly.

    "Nathalia, get off the-" He started, just as the his wall got hit, crumbling. "Nathalia!" He yelled as she fell.

    "I'm okay!" She said, not noticing the dark ship behind her. She reached for Sora, but was grabbed by a huge claw. "Ahhh!" She screamed, the wind whipping through her hair.

    "NO! I can't lose you!" Sora yelled, finding a foot hold. Gulping down a huge breath, he jumped over the open air, trying to grab Nathalia's foot. "Don't!" She screamed as he missed her foot. All that he remembered was Nathalia's beautiful face, full of tears and sadness.


    "Wakey, wakey!" A gruff voice called, waking Nathalia from a dreamless sleep. She hazily opened her eyes, walking them around the damp, dark room she was in. "Huhn? Maybe it was a dream...." Her eyes fell on a large figure who stood over her bed, hands on hips. "Come on now. You gotta wake up. She didn't want you for nothing!" Nathalia backed up, her hair flying.

    "I'm not coming with you." She said truthfully, dodging when he tried to grab her.

    "Now!" He growled, getting hold of her wrist and yanking it. She screamed in protest as the man put her over his shoulder, kicking and punching. "Stop!"

    After several minutes of this, she was thrown on the floor, falling on her side. "Aagh!" She grunted, holding back a shriek.

    "Make sure she doesn't move!" A woman's voice called, the man bounding her arms, legs and feet together. She kicked again, squirming on her back.

    "Now who's got the upper hand?" The woman stepped out, shooting an evil grin at Nathalia. 'Maleficent!' She realized, eyes wide with fear.

    Maleficent came closer, just out of kicking range. "Pete! Let her stay here, with the Heartless. We shall...hmpf. Interogate her later."

    "No!" Nathalia tried to scream, untie her bounds-anything she could do to escape-but to no luck. The Heartless surronded her, snapping at her legs, and trying to take her heart.

    A couple of minutes later, Sora was back on the ship, sitting on the ground. "Sora! You can't risk your life at every chance you get!" Goofy told him, patting his shoulder.

    "I know. I just wanted to save her. She saved me. I wanted to return the rescue. Plus, I didn't w....want her to go." Sora said quietly, shivering. "But I'm going to find her. Soon."

    Pleaz Comment!
  20. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees Professional Crazy

    Aug 5, 2008
    The other side of the monitor
    All these colors = bad idea. It only succeeds in throwing me off.