What I Think All Games Should Do or Should Have Done

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Amaury, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Some games already do this, but I think it'd be neat if all games did it or had done it, especially those smaller games that don't really get official soundtrack releases--the only way to get those soundtracks is by people using software to get them from the disc--though all games in general, even those with an official soundtrack release.

    Anyway, I think all games should have or should have had every single piece of music that they use as unlockable after accomplishing a certain task, and then you can go into the options to listen to the music. The Dynasty Warriors series is an example that does this. You can go into the options and listen to the music you've unlocked by playing the stages and picking sides.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2016
  2. Mixt The dude that does the thing

    Oct 18, 2006
    I personally don't care for in-game music players. I've only ever made use of one. Need for Speed: Most Wanted on PSP. And that was because I could just have it in my pocket like an MP3 player. Past that it always seems to be a feature that would take decent chunk of development time for me to flip through it for a few minutes go "That's neat" and never look at it again.
  3. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    I'd love this option too. There are too many games where the soundtracks are extremely difficult to obtain legitimately. The least we could get are sound theaters like what's in Sonic Adventure 2.
  4. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Yeah I would like this too. It's another thing I loved about TWEWY, you could use the ingame currency to buy the songs and have them play in the main menu while you're in game
  5. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Yup! That's another good idea, or in general, something that makes sense to said game. Finding Nemo, for example, a game that doesn't have an officially released soundtrack, could have had you unlock the music by getting a 100% on the game from beating all the levels, performing all the tasks in the levels, and completing each level's mini-game you unlocked by completing all of the levels' tasks.
  6. Stardust Chaser

    Apr 17, 2007
    I'd actually go even further and say not only would I like this feature, I'd prefer for it not to be locked behind tough requirements :v. imho it defeats the purpose if it's difficult to obtain the tracks to listen to.

    I also agree that it's not an ideal solution in terms of just wanting to listen to the soundtrack? I very rarely make use of this feature when it's present, because I'm not going to boot up the game and let it sit just to hear the music if I can listen to it elsewhere, to be frank.

    I'd be on board for, say, just finishing the game (not 100%) to unlock the soundtrack. Especially a soundtrack you could listen to outside of the game. But doing a bunch of extra and sometimes tedious tasks just to hear your favorite track again... Ehh, I feel like most people would sooner track it down on the web, which is what the whole concept would be trying to combat. In this context in particular, I just don't think that method of incentivizing works so well.

    Again though... An included, separate soundtrack would be cool, even one locked behind a basic goal. And to a degree I'd be willing to pay more for a game that included the OST in that manner, as well.

    edit: Just to clarify lol, I realize this wasn't/isn't always in the realm of possibility depending on a game's mode of distribution. I guess the bottom line is I'd prefer a soundtrack to an ingame music player, and a relatively straightforward unlocking process for an ingame player if that's the only option.
  7. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Yeah, that idea is something that would depend on the game, in my opinion. Finding Nemo isn't terribly difficult, for example. Kind of off topic, but this is my favorite track:

    And yeah, you can usually find the music to most games without an official soundtrack on YouTube, and as long as the uploader isn't profiting from it, I personally don't see an issue with it. YouTube is where I always go to to search since it's a trustworthy site. However, then you have even "smaller," if that's making sense to people, games like Rugrats: Studio Tour and its succeeding games where you can't find it anything. (I finally managed to find Search for Reptar about a week or two ago.)

    Just listen between 9:12 and 11:29:

    Great music, no? What I like about Studio Tour is that not only does it have level music (and different pieces of music if there's more than one stage in a level), it also has music that's used only for level introductions on levels that have them. In the case of the golf courses, the music is the same as the hole you're on, just slightly different--I don't know how to explain it, though.

    I mean, lots of people like that stuff, so either provide a soundtrack with all the songs (Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits has an official soundtrack, for example, but doesn't all the music from the game, and that really bugs me) or provide an in-game player with all the music. Phantasy Star IV did it, and that was a SEGA Genesis game If it can do it, certainly it can be done for all games on newer systems since then like the PS2.