Traditional Art What I learned in driving school

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by Jiku Neon, Jul 3, 2011.

  1. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria
    was how to drive a car.

    Here's a lightly edited selection of how I spent my ten days in driving school. My first time using pen to draw. Many images ahead. CnC is appreciated whether I can follow through with it or not. Go wild.







































  2. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    Woot i made it to the bottom of them ALL!

    Well, i'd love to critique each and every one of them, but doing so would kill the server! so i'm just going to generalize. (with some exceptions...) First off, Wow, i love them. I believe you said you did them all in pen, right? That's impressive to skip the security of a pencil, especially for character design! What i REALLY love is the originality of each and every character, and detail of each costume!! My fav. character designer is probably Nomura, but you easily come in second! Do you wanna pursue any career like that? i think you would be great at it!

    My favorite has to be the seventh one down. I love how he tilts his head, the detailed weapon sketches, and his clothing. Prolly the coolest one too! (Too bad he doesn't have a name...)

    the only thing i could say is obviously be careful with proportions. (Since you used pen, i'll let it slide.) but other than that, i am genuinely jealous of your concept ability!!!

    Hope to see a game with your characters in it!!!! (or graphic novel, or novel, or movie, or whatever) Keep up the outstanding work!!!

    P.S.- Did you pass driving school?
  3. Jiku Neon Kingdom Keeper

    Jul 24, 2007
    Moe, Victoria

    The reason why they were in pen was mostly because I happened to be in a class where only pen was accepted in the written work. I also primarily work in design since I'm completely unskilled and inept at complete pieces with shading and whatnot so this is as far as I go pretty much. This, however, is just a hobby for me; I'm majoring in mechanical engineering at the moment. I've been told that I could do commission work, but I've yet to give anything of the nature a chance primarily because I don't believe I'd be all that good at it. But who knows I could be entirely wrong.

    The seventh one. Hmm. It's the first one I drew of this set actually. I bet this makes it a worse drawing but it's actually supposed to be a female character but it's hard to convey that with that kind of pose without shading and other things.

    I've gotten the proportions comment before and I'll admit it's kinda hard to for to deal with it even in pencil because I naturally tend towards the things you'll see here. I guess it's a live and learn kind of thing as I have come a long way from where I started albeit in an even longer time and this is just a single step in an unending progression. In short, I'll keep it in mind.

    I thank you for the enthusiasm and hope I don't disappoint in the future.

    P.S.- I did.
  4. Llave Superless Moderator

    Jun 23, 2010
    Tired Dad
    Hahaa sorry. now that i look at it her, she does look like a female. i guess what threw me off was she had no name, i guess the face just told me "i'm a BA juvenile delinquent, don't mess." hahaa! i dunno if that made sense... and, as weird as it may sound, it's hard to tell if she had some sort of bust. usually i would wrinkle the shirt underneath a bit or a little bit of shading for females that aren't more developed. (Sorry, that sounded really weird and for you innocent children out there on the forums, sorry for scaring you for life!!!)

    But yeah, i really liked them...again. Hope to see some more of your work! I guess it was just that one, cause all the others you could easily tell the difference:) so you did good there as well.